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It's not really weird if you look at it like their brains quit developing at 8 years old. Their entire platform is basically 'vaginas are gross, school is dumb, I want a bigger allowance, and stranger danger'

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Votes are the only thing that's gonna make him lose, and we're gonna need enough votes that something like that couldn't be remotely feasible. I'm hoping no one reads all these articles and thinks there's no reason for them to vote because it's already looking like a slam dunk because it's absolutely not gonna be a slam dunk

Trump is gonna ramble on about what a "woman job" means in an attempt at damage control, mid-debate with Kamala, and the collective sound of 100 million Americans sharply inhaling will echo through all the streets when he unintentionally endorses her on national TV

Most of it's probably landing in a high yield savings account. Some people want money for the sake of wanting more money, other people just wanna pay off their mortgage early, throw everything on autopay, and never stress about that aspect ever again

The only people wishing for civil war are too short-sighted to understand how horribly it would go for them. Ports, airports, water treatment plants, data centers, power stations etc etc etc predominantly located in urban areas. Good luck to the AR-15 loving whackjobs when they're instantly landlocked and deprived of foreign trade and means to communicate. They turn on the TV and the only broadcasts they'd see are "this can end now and it all starts with you"

They probably view Vance less as a threat and more as an awkward and socially oblivious guy

For me it's not so much that as it is the old layout being easier to work with when mostly browsing text-only subreddits. I think Reddit should be more appreciative of the things that made Reddit this big in the first place, including the design of the site at the time. It's very much an "if it ain't broke don't fix it" scenario

I agree with you in the though that humans have been doing this stuff for the longest. We're sophisticated algorithms that look at the work of other people, attempt to discern what has merit, and if the stars align we might write the screenplay to the Notebook, publish Twilight, or doodle Deadpool on a napkin.

But the theft in my opinion is that a minority control this nascent tech, based on existing capital, and most of that 'venture capital bro' money funding this was made off of platforms that became wildly profitable for them from humans that were doing this. But now this is going to displace them and create no more need for them.

There'll come a day when Youtube and Tik Tok design their own 'content creators' and at that point they'll start cutting ad revenue to the people that put them in this position in the first place. Betrayal. It's like Spez calling mods entitled crybabies, once this is in full gear everyone who helped get it rolling will be cast aside like chaff and a couple dozen people will get billions of dollars out of it