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Joined 12 months ago

Probably because LLMs threaten to (and has already started to) shittify a truly incredible number of things like journalism, customer service, books, scriptwriting etc all in the name of increased profits for a tiny few.

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I don’t want to murder them specifically, but I doubt they will let us take all their stolen wealth without a fight.

I just want to say that most communists/socialists are not in favor of china or other authoritarian “communist” regimes (any country where factories need suicide nets can hardly be called communist, even if you disregard all the other ways they fail at communist ideals).

Unfortunately tankies are incredibly loud and often well-organized. They are just authoritarian dickriders, no better than the imperialist they claim to oppose.

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"Con Air" is a classic. I found "brightburn" very enjoyable. I rewatch "the faculty" every now and then.

There’s like 800 different furry communities, all for extremely specific fetishes.

How exactly does one accidentally insert affiliate data on links? At some point someone wrote that code, which is malicious in itself, even if the activation was accidental.

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If you print rarely inkjet is going to dry out and stop working, making them even more expensive and annoying.

Why the fuck should your browser get a share from your amazon shopping? It’s doubly galling since they pretend to care about user privacy.

It is not an issue of processing power, it’s a problem with the basic operating principles of LLMs. They predict what they “think” is a valid bit of text to come after the last bit of text.

Sure it could be verified by some other machine learning tool, but we have no idea how that could work.

But I strongly doubt LLMs are a stepping stone on the way to true AIs. If you want to get to the moon you can’t just build higher and higher towers.

Also quantum computers aren’t really suited to run artificial neural networks as far as I know.

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I do agree that's it's a bit of a "no true scotsman" fallacy, but on the other hand many states call them themselves "democratic" without being so. At some point you have to look at the actual ideology and see if the state lives up to it. And nearly all self-proclaimed communist states simply do not. But it doesn't really matter if they are "real" communists or not - they are not what a lot of communists/socialist believe in and support.

I hadn’t looked up what Michio Kaku had said about quantum computing before, but it does not look well-regarded.

“His 2023 book on Quantum Supremacy has been criticized by quantum computer scientist Scott Aaronson on his blog. Aaronson states "Kaku appears to have had zero prior engagement with quantum computing, and also to have consulted zero relevant experts who could’ve fixed his misconceptions””

I’m hardly an expert on the subject, but as I understand it they have some very niche uses, mostly in cryptography and some forms of simulation.

I remember liking it when I was a teenager. I tried rewatching it recently... Couldn't make it past 5 minutes.

I can agree that getting people out of poverty is cool. But tankies generally don't practice "critical support" of CPC. They practice unwavering boot-deepthroating. I have never heard anyone from that side of the left say (or acknowledge) anything negative about CPC. Any critiques put up is usually dismissed as "CIA propaganda".