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To be fair, if you tried three different browsers on iPhone, it doesn't really make a difference. To the website, they're all Safari

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I live in Bangalore, India. The local language here is Kannada but I don’t speak it nor do I have many friends who speak it. I named my cat Bacardi and would call him Bacoo. Turns out the word for cat in the local language is also “Bacoo”. So for any local who saw me interact with my cat, it looked like I was calling my cat “cat”! I found out around a year later!

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The ideal flow isn’t people making “lemmy” accounts like reddit accounts. Take an Arsenal fan. When he finds out the lemmy instance called arsenal.club, he doesn’t have to immediately know what lemmy is or what federation is. He can sign up, view and participate in his local feed, which will be full of Arsenal related stuff. And then he can stick with it or find the full capabilities of federation

If they default to “All”, random news is gonna fill all the default feeds which is weird for a general user

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Heavily politicised issue though. Imo, the whole trans issue should’ve never been politicised.

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them mistaking that i'm interested in them romantically

Slightly misleading title. He failed at renaming Paypal to X last time. So this time he was technically successful in what failed last time.

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It used to be very common in Tamil Nadu for an uncle to marry his niece. So common that the word for uncle (mama) can be used interchangeably with groom

I think we’re looking at this wrong. “Lemmy” as it is won’t get popular. It’s an underlying platform to create an internet forum. Individual instances are what may get popular

You’re not likely to read “cocksucker619 on lemmy said so and so” in a news article. Whereas “dickrider69 on an internet forum called dickriders.world said so and so” is a more likely proposition

Why is this a bad thing? With all the email analogies, it’s a good thing to have bigger corporations involved

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it's part of their anti-adblock code. without going into too much details, they can instantly find out whether ad-block is trying to do anything on chrome, but on firefox they need a 5 sec delay

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Is 95 miles (~150km) one way considered normal in the US? I live in Bangalore, India and my commute is barely 20km (takes me 45mins - 1hour) which is too much for me.

Me and most people I know would rather shift than travel 150kms a day. Can’t imagine the toll it would take on me, my fuel budget and my car

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Come to think of it, the Apple Ecosystem and Google Ecosystem are somewhat established super apps. But probably the major difference is that they have to play well with their competitors to an extent. iMessage within itself has a third party app ecosystem.

If you worry that you may be a psychopath, you’re not one!

You’d have framed this question differently. You’d be putting the blame on the other person

“Why is he/she stupid enough to think I’m gaslighting? Can’t they grow up?”

To be fair, the founder of the business, Byju, used to be a very ordinary school teacher and then he built this whole thing. Not family-owned, nor born rich.

Fuck their business practices though

I’ve been trying to help out with the app’s development and has been in a few conversations with the lead dev. Top notch dude! Has a really good vision for the app and is very good in handling all the community discussion.

I don’t know if Android users in here understand how flawless this works on iOS+mac. All I need to activate this is have my phone nearby and turn my locked phone to landscape mode. No need to even unlock my phone or connect it to my laptop.

I was blown away by how “automatic” it felt!

Here’s is something I don’t see a lot of people mention. Around the release of Pixel 3XL, Google kinda updated lot of their designs to make that hideous notch look intentional. Chrome Tab Headers were changed too. They got bigger with a lot more padding and rounded to look like the “notch”. They got rid of the notch in their phones, but the chrome tab header design somehow stuck

I’m really interested in this info. Lots of senior staff at Google use iPhone. How many engineers do?

Also I remember lot of people at the Skype team quitting after Microsoft acquired them and forced them to use Windows

Not really. 1896 was a leap year, but 1900 was not.

The leap year after 2096 will be 2104.

Edit: an interesting way to put this is, 2000 was the only year in 4 centuries where the year starting the century was a leap year. Next such occurrence will be in 2400

If you’re on iOS, NetNewsWire is absolutely amazing. It’s very native, fast and FOSS!

How do these work? As a nicotine addict, most prescriptions I get are “more nicotine”. Which is healthier and cleaner but doesn’t really help with my addiction

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Clearly you don’t know Elon nor how citizenship works!

Why are you suggesting they add it to the emoji menu? On macOS this works exactly how it works on iOS/Android. Long press the key and the options show up

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Where the fuck does he get these ideas? Is this a popular opinion?

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Recently started listening to Classical on Apple Music. If not, just Pink Floyd

I do. Especially compared to a company like Amazon. Google’s alternatives to Amazon’s are almost always better and has better UI/UX.

But Amazon knows the market and whatever bs they stitch together ends up being the more popular option.

What I have in mind are GCP vs AWS, Kindle vs. Play Books, etc

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This. If they identify as humans, they deserve human rights

I don’t know if OP had this in mind. But a website and webapp are different. The whole UX ruleset we follow for both are different from the ground up (websites have big buttons, webapps have compact buttons)

If it should’ve been a website, there’s no need for a webapp or native app.

If it should’ve been a webapp, a native app makes sense too

It’s not even the internet. Conservatives are more likely to stick to existing stuff and not experiment much. Liberals do that.

This is why places like YouTube have a big conservative audience. Places like Lemmy will have a huge liberal audience

It’s funny in a lot of conversations about RCS WhatsApp users (mostly from outside US) make fun of RCS fans as if WhatsApp is not owned by a multinational corporation!

I’ve been on Internet too long that I still don’t know which side you stand on. And that’s exactly the issue.

This is a very complicated problem. Not as straightforward as either side thinks.

I'm genuinely curious. Would you consider someone like Mulan trans? I'm from India and we have mythological stories of intersex and gods magically transforming to the opposite gender. None technically trans

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Once I’d gotten into the wrong queue at a toll booth. Realised it too late and trying to merge was hopeless. People behind me were honking and this one dude with a marvellous moustache at the other queue stopped and smiled at me.


After trying multiple apps to sort my budgeting situation. I finally decided to create a solution that involves default Numbers + a shortcut to add row to the end of sheet. Now that shortcut lives on my homescreen. This is by far the best personal budgeting solution I’ve used. And I put it all together in 20 minutes!

I haven’t been on a very long flight. Longest was 2 hours. Every time I keep my Kindle ready. Have multiple podcasts etc. But right after take-off, I go off like a bulb and wake up only after landing

Something to do with a combination of pressure difference, engine noise and all. Also it’s pretty cold usually

It’s strange. In my limited perspective, it doesn’t work all that well in places where you have good choices. WeChat, Grab and Gojek has worked in their markets.

MYN is struggling in India. They do everything just a little worse than the leading company.

They do cabs but not as good as Uber. They do shopping but not as good as Amazon. So and so.

Someone like Amazon should be able to venture into most of these areas easily. But somehow dedicated companies do things better most of the time

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I don’t know what the proper term is. I’m sorry. Not trying to be rude or offensive. English isn’t my first language either

There are purses that are way more expensive and depreciate less in value if one had to steal!

How expensive is it where you are? I’m not in the west and cinema costs me USD 5-10. Which means I can easily watch one or two every week

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