
1 Post – 133 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

PPP loans must be one of the largest transfers of wealth over a short period of time in history. So much of our money funneled into the already rich and corporations. And in classic American fashion those "loans" will be forgiven.

Fucking country is a circus.

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Because the whole idea of gendered leagues in games that ultimately don't matter at all is about segregation and control, not physiology.

Bring on the down votes from the "but muh sports 'tegridy!" clowns.

Edit: some of yall need a class on statistics lol

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Productivity has been on a rocket to the moon since the beginning of the industrial revolution, so centuries.

You get the actual American Dream!

A healthy dose of western/capitalist propaganda since birth and until death helps a lot. So many people under the illusion that this is the natural progression of civilization, or the best.

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Don't save your cards in browsers anywhere.

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This is just propaganda from the 90s/00s. The amount of carbon that any one middle class home generates is nothing compared to the private jet class and the corporate desolation of the environment. I hate capitalism. I hate consumerism. I hate cars. But don't act like the onus is on what basically amounts to a peasant class that already pays for almost everything and does nearly all of the work (the middle class). It's systemic greed, deregulation, and industrial rape of the world's resources by shit governments and corporations that have put us here. Stop making the middle class responsible for something they have no power to change even though most of us are anxious as fuck about it. If enough individuals can simultaneously change their carbon footprint to the point that it actually affects the coming consequences, then we should have just formed a general strike already to reverse capitalism caused climate change. But we didn't.

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Yes, we are tired of being exploited.

Honestly, the only right thing to do after the civil war was to murder all the southern secessionists and give all of their wealth and land to the slaves.

The only reason we have this special brand of conservatism in the United States is because we agreed to be buddy-buddy with extreme racists over repairing our relationship with the slaves.

The south, and by extension the Republicans who give it power, is a cultural cancer on the world that needs to be stomped out forever.

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It's literally not their job, but this time I don't care. Something something broken clock something.

Maybe it gives them more cover when they're putting mag after mag into an unarmed black guy who is running away?

Fucking vile sub-human shitbags.

Sir, this is a pizza place that hires mostly teenagers. There are much greater evils to get sweaty about. This one isn't it.

Great backup strategy lmao "put them all in one place what could go wrong"

Good example of cyber crime causing bankruptcy.

Kermit the frog sounding mother fucker, lord I hate this dude lmao. He has to be one of the most punchable people in existence, next to Ben Shapiro.

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This poster has some gross fascist vibes going.

Nobody ignores the fact that government is doing something illegal when the conversation about their rampant spying happens. You may just be late to the party. We all know it's illegal, unethical, and immoral. It basically comes down to this:

What are you going to do about it?

We're living in objectively dystopian times. Our government does illegal shit literally all the time and gets away with it.

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Interesting to see all the offensive campaigns going on from Ukraine.

Here it is. The embodiment of the example I gave (before I even saw this lmao) in my responses to the idiots down voting.

Stop attaching morality to stupid fucking brands, people. The capitalists fucking hate you.

Andrew Tate is that you?

Meanwhile the actual left is largely ignored.

Andrew Tate is a pedo.

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They chose to stay in hopes of continued profit.

I hate to spoil this for you but the only reason any brand or corp left Russia was because they were afraid of reduced profits (sanctions notwithstanding). End of story. That just happens to line up with the majority of people's sentiments which is "Fuck Russia." Don't confused morality with perfectly timed greed.

smug tech superiority

I can't tell if this is satire or not... Are you seriously implying that going to any search engine (aka the url bar to most folks) and typing in 2-3 key words regarding what you want to know about is for "tech-inclined" folks? Please tell me you forgot the /s

Imagine condemning an entire continent based off what you, a random clown, saw a few bots say on Twitter. You are the useful idiot. How is this drivel positively voted on lmao

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Right? I really hope he gets more... I can't imagine the trauma that would have caused.

The same reason we all have a personal 3 ton vehicle: to ensure we remain bound to a culture of sprawling roads and fossil fuel consumption.

You have a poor understanding of American politics.

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Hard to be pessimistic about something that doesn't exist. The US is not a democracy and never has been. Our votes are not equal and there are many institutions in place to ensure that our vote can just not matter whenever is convenient for those in power, both on state and federal levels.

Edit: remember when we voted for the Supreme Court members? Lol. It's all a joke fam.

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Exactly. This poster is a clown. All of his recent posts have been right wing garbage.

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It's probably going to go fine for them... It will go poorly for the people who want an affordable, real, education.

This one incel.

a thing I partake in

More like a thing we're all forced into but yeah, the sentiment is correct.

Lmfao how 12 years old do you have to be to actually think this argument holds water in 2023. You're about decade and a half late with that shit. Nobody likes you or your clown world view.

Oh no, think of the accuracy! Be blind to what your eyes see as long as you can cling to a definition you learned in grade school that was propaganda to begin with lmao.

It's like if a nail salon is a front for money laundering and I say "hey that nail salon is a front!" and the pedants come back with "ACK-shually, that is indeed a nail salon." No fucking shit. It's true purpose is a front, despite the fact that it functions as a nail salon AND a front.

The US is functioning as intended, with a thin veneer of "democracy" to keep it "legitimate" in the eyes of the world.

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You literally won't fucking care if you're dead lol?

It is the inevitable consequence of letting current humans have 100% free speech.

We need to stop tolerating the intolerant. The intolerant have just as much right to their message as the tolerant, which when you think about it is disgusting. As long as they don't literally call for a specific person or group of people's death they are totally within their rights to spread their bullshit. And it's not a situation where it becomes a "marketplace of ideas" and the most popular idea wins out. The intolerant will slowly bend government to their will to destroy the free speech they rode in on and put the tolerant against the wall as soon as politically possible.

Stop tolerating the intolerant.

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I swear, for a party that preaches tolerance, y’all have none.

That's exactly the point. I don't tolerate the right because they're batshit. Do not tolerate the intolerant.

Having tolerance for fascists and fascist messaging is exactly how you get Nazis.


Edit: also, the left is not "a party"

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Username checks out. Also fuck landlords if this was posted unironically.

like voting for policies and regulations

Ahh yes, the "just vote harder" argument. Speaking of "pro-status quo" lmao. What is your next advice to those of us who already vote (which is the bare minimum, not some silver bullet that ends all of our problems)?

Climate crisis, corporate ownership of government, and governmental corruption are all reality because you didn't vote enough, you stupid idiots! /s

Whoa, watch out with that logical thinking around here. As has been demonstrated by votes in a comment chain of mine further up the thread, the number of women at the top of the chess scene is totally indicative of womens' intrinsic ability to play chess. It has nothing to do with the amount of women who play chess vs the amount of men who play chess! /s

But yeah, it's simple shit. If men outnumber women 100:1 in the competitive chess scene then obviously we expect women to be extremely under represented at the top. But misogynists gonna misogyny.