a1studmuffin 🇦🇺

@a1studmuffin 🇦🇺@aussie.zone
1 Post – 109 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Software engineer (video games). Likes dogs, DJing + EDM, running, electronics and loud bangs in Reservoir.

That's an antitrust case if ever I saw one.

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Wow, it's pretty wild they didn't even attempt to encrypt or protect this data, even if it is local to your machine. What a treasure trove for malware to sift through.

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Would love to see the same tests with an adblocker installed.

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A new deal is being forged with 4chan instead.

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The author had so many things to highlight that they didn't even mention "as of August 2024" being in the future, haha.

What a trainwreck. The fact it's giving anonymous Reddit comments and The Onion articles equal consideration with other sites is hilarious. If they're going to keep this, they need it to cite its sources at a bare minimum. Can't wait for this AI investor hype to die down.

I don't think they seriously expected any third party apps to agree to the costs. They just wanted a plausible excuse to funnel everyone into their own app for data collection and advertising revenue. That's my best guess anyway, another business decision for the IPO.

It's crazy they felt this was a necessary step vs creating their own online storefront. I understand the convenience and appeal of Amazon when it comes to daily basics and essentials. But a car? How often does one buy a car?

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And it's so nice having zero dependence on the cloud. If the internet drops out, everything still works, including the mobile app.

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Q. How do you know an open source project is written in Rust?

A. Don't worry, they'll tell you.

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Support local business!

That last sentence rings true of most software engineers. Everyone wants to work on a glamorous new feature that's going to wow users or let them think about problems they want to think about. No-one wants to hunt down the difficult-to-repro bug in an old but critical section of someone else's code.

A targeted phishing email is usually pretty sophisticated and requires days or weeks of research. For example, you might send an email pretending to be from someone's IT department regarding a hardware audit, and ask a user to report back with the barcode sticker on their laptop, providing them with a photo of an example tag in similar format. You'll pretend to be a specific individual at the company, or a contractor the company actually uses, and show knowledge of the internal software and hardware, and refer to other real employees by name/email to establish trust. Most of this data will be scraped from publicly available sources like LinkedIn profiles, job listings, and photos shared on social media by employees. This process is called OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence) and it's a fascinating rabbithole to read about. Targeted phishing attempts are much, much more sophisticated than the ones you'll see in spam email.

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I've found it really beneficial joining an instance that's hosted locally to my country and/or city. Not only can you take advantage of the "Local" filter to literally see local posts in your area, but you also get an amazing ping so everything feels super responsive.

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I discovered this very quickly after breaking a finger. One-finger typing didn't slow me down at all. Turns out my brain was the bottleneck.

I'd love to hear more about this - do you do it professionally (for preventative reasons), as a side hobby, or as an attacker for malicious/selfish reasons? No judgement, genuinely curious as it takes a certain personality type to do this kind of work and I find it really interesting.

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Remember when light bulbs used to last decades? A phone battery that lasts that long is incompatible with capitalism.

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I have absolutely no idea why anyone buys inkjet printers or cartridge razors. There are perfectly good alternatives that don't try and force you into a subscription model.

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I'd much rather they invest efforts into supporting customisable phones. Instead of just releasing a few flavours of the same hardware each year, give us a dozen features we can opt into or not. Pick a base size, then pick your specs. Want a headphone jack, SD card, FM radio, upgraded graphics performance? No problems, that'll cost a bit extra. Phones are boring now - at least find a way to meet the needs of all consumers.

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I remember walking through a store in a Jakarta mall a few years ago. I had no less than 7 employees courteously following me around in case I needed help.

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Natalie Portland OMG!!! I loved you in Store Wars and Black Duck.

I think we're talking on it right now. The nerds and early adopters are already here. The community and open source technology will grow organically until we start drawing the attention of the masses because the experience is better. It's just going to take a few more years of enshitification, just like Digg.

I like to remind juniors that you can only become an expert on something temporarily, especially on large teams/projects. Between skill atrophy and the foundations shifting beneath your feet as other developers continue working, it's not possible to truly understand a complex system in a state of flux for very long.

This seems like bad advice. A friend of mine literally developed panic attacks due to bed bugs. His family spent so long trying to get rid of them for good, and during that whole time none of them were getting proper sleep. Once they were gone, any hint of a bite or an itch triggered him. They can take a huge mental toll in addition to physical.

Try Jerboa if you're on Android. It's made by the Lemmy devs and has had an explosion of activity and growth since Rexxit.

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I don't have a clear answer, but it's really interesting to look at places like Shenzhen in China where copyright is largely ignored. The tech industry there is booming with competition, and good ideas are adopted (or stolen depending on how you look at it) quickly between products. In many ways it seems better for the consumer.

Edit: I might be muddying the waters here between copyright and patents, but it seemed relevant to bring up anyway given the discussion of capitalism.

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Instead of trying to make a full electric car, I'm surprised Apple and Google aren't focusing on making a smart AI "head unit" that's compatible with third party car manufacturers. The head unit would control all aspects of the car through the CAN bus and also take camera/sensor inputs from the exterior of the vehicle, and be responsible for things like self-driving, lane assist and all those difficult AI-based features.

This way the car manufacturers could focus on what they do best (building safe reliable hardware) and outsource all the hard AI software problems to tech companies who specialise in this area.

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As an engineer who's spent a good chunk of his career working on stuff that got cancelled, it's really not that bad. You're generally paid well and looked after, learn a tonne on someone else's dime, have good job prospects, a strong network of talented colleagues, plus most engineers are there for the team problem solving and challenge anyway. The final product release is just the cherry on top.

I don't want one. It's a cool technological feat, but like a transparent monitor or flexible keyboard, it just doesn't make sense for my needs.

I wouldn't blame these kids for taking extreme action later in life at the regime that killed their entire family. The only sensible option here is ceasefire.

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The concern is if they don't fork yet, grow a huge userbase that dominates the fediverse and app landscape, then start messing with the underlying protocol to their advantage. Look at what Google did with browsers and email as an example.

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I would strongly consider just crying about the headphone jack. Like you I'm really annoyed that most phones got rid of it, but take a look at how many more options you have on gsmarena phone finder if you ditch it.

My main use case for it was sharing my wired noise cancelling headphones between my work PC and phone for zoom calls. But I ended up getting a nice pair of Bluetooth headphones recently and so haven't used it in a long time. I'm sure it'll still annoy me on occasion living without it, but if it's only a few times a year I can live with that for all the options it opens up for new phones.

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It's the year of the voice for Home Assistant. Given their current trajectory, I'm hopeful they'll have a pretty darn good replacement for the most common use cases of Google Home/Alexa/Siri in another year. Setting timers, shopping list management, music streaming, doorbell/intercom management. If you're on the fence about a Nabu Casa subscription, pull the trigger as it helps them stay independent and not get bought out or destroyed by commercial interests.

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Remember Uber Air? Still waiting...

Now wait for Gen A to grow up and start using bad AI smoothing as a desirable retro effect, like vinyl crackle, tape hiss or obvious autotune on vocals.

Also worth pointing out that every nationalist identifies as a patriot due to the negative connotations of the former.

Cleaning gutters or windows up high or cutting back large trees both seem dangerous enough, but I'm sure people will volunteer for it if they need the money.

Yep. Can't put my finger on what's happening there exactly, but there's some kind of mental health crisis going on and it's very public.

A programmer sitting in front of a text-based IDE with millions of keyboard shortcuts at their disposal has to be the least necessary use case for a voice assistant I've ever heard of.

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Yeah I'm really surprised they didn't go with a laptop screen rather than a monitor designed to be left in a fixed place! Whoever's first to market with a good laptop e-ink display is going to rake it in.

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Wow, have any car manufacturers actually tried changing these functions to touch buttons? I know Tesla got rid of the stalks, but my understanding was they still had physical buttons on the wheel to replace them.

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