a new sad me

@a new sad me@lemmy.world
7 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm a man, from Israel.

I'm also a nerd, from Israel.

My romantic life are interesting enough for you to ask me questions about. But they are not good enough for a film.

My main hobby is to learn, and this means everything languages, coding, my using my body, to cook, you name it.

When smart watches were begining to be a thing, a friend of mine bought a smartwatch for like 5$ in Ali express. When I asked him how the watch is he said "I am surprised that even for this low price, they still managed to disappoint me"

I think that your score is too high. It should be lower..

Israeli here:

  1. Every house in Israel has to have a safe room by law

  2. The place where she lived was close to the border but completely within Israel. It wasn't a settlement at all.

  3. Most kibbutzim in Israel are known to be centre-left. This is well-known to anyone who even vaguely follow the Israeli media (and Hammas follow)

Hammasb (not the Palestiniens, Hammas) knew exactly who they murder. There is no excuse to wash their hand.

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I'm from Israel.

I was abroad on October 7th.

Two examples:

  1. They found a skeleton that dates before writing was invented (like way before). The skeleton had a broken bone that heeled. Which means that someone was taking care of them. So before writing was invented human have already established a society that allowed for supporting of the weak.
  2. There are poop and fart jokes in Greek plays.

Boringly straight man here: I usually dream as myself, but occasionally I'm dreaming that I'm someone else. Could be either a man or a woman. Sometimes I have no body at all.

So I know nothing about how common my style of dreams are, but I don't see any reason why trans people would have to dream a single persona all the time.

Nova launcher. It is the only one I manage to configure so the app drawer is opened via macrodroid (almost) only.

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Game this is easy: I will be the best at commiting crimes without getting caught. In your face Moriarty

Without looking into any information, I can guess that it is associated with API key which are registered to a specific email. Sure, you can open more email accounts and more APIs but this is becoming a hustle.

What they could do, is release their code, and for user to register their own API and compile the app on their own. But this solution would answer only tech savi people.

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I recall something about the engineers in SpaceX wanting to follow NASA's lesson and Elon basically telling them "trust me, we don't need that".

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In a world where remotes are scarce, I could see how this would be a concern, yes.

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Disclosure: I'm Israeli, I'm anti war and anti occupation. I was drafted more than 20 years ago (it's sort of mandatory here).

I think you paint it in a too much simple colours. In the war between israel and Gaza now, both armies fight for what they believe is the safety of their home, and in both armies there are high numbers if drafted (by force people). Also, in both sides, there is a level of truth that without the auctions of their army their home will be at risk. So you end up in a situation where there is an army that you don't fully agree with and you serve in it since the alternative is even worse.

It boils down to the fact that your political leaders are not having your well-being at the top of their priorities. I believe that your discussion with that someone should be about that. Not about do/don't draft but how to promote a world where there will be no need for drafting.

(I believe that the same goes to Ukrain and Russia war).

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Rule #1 in economy is that the supplier would like to sell at a price as high as possible. People find gel capsules to be more effective, and are willing to sell that much more for them. This is what is setting the price, not the actual performance.

I'm not saying that the cost is not justified. Only, that the question of the production cost is not relevant.

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Sure they can "Wendy's lunch menu, up to X" or "Wendy's night snack, as low as Y"

To be that annoying guy - photosynthesis = photo synthesis= light driven synthesis= light controlled driven chemical reaction.

The human body uses sun light to create synthesis melatonin and vitamin D

The question is what can you do when it is in that situation?

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Ha! Cool for them!

I guess, though, that the guys who have the skills to enjoy this are the first to switch out of reddit to begin with.

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Israeli, I've been considering this for several years but the impact on the family seemed too big. Since the war with Gaza, and the the political situation, the impact seems with it. Last week I've started looking for options.

Simply reverse the picture of what you said you'll see we are saying the same thing. From Hammas /Palestinians perspective Israel and the settlements are the same and their agenda is to drive away all Palestinians (and to be fair, some of the MKs here say that openly, even before October 7th). From Israel perspective, Hammas's declared agenda is to kill Israel/all the Jews (I mean, it is in their charter). From both perspective, there is a good drive to join the army in order to protect their loved ones.

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Where do you find them?

I'll reply here also to @ratumoko@kbin.social - the building security is a joke. The company rents some offices in these share-space buildings. And there is no real security beyond that (OK, fine, also some cameras). I suspect that they use this system just to keep costumers happy, feeling like there is some security system in place. I'll try the RFID ring and see if it works.

But my "real" question here is how come I didn't find any app/instruction for making my phone itself an RFID keycard. As I type this I realize that this might be due to needing a specific frequency that the phone cannot produce(?)

That's the technology they use: https://nfc-tools.github.io/resources/standards/iso14443A/

Thanks, it isn't this. The trash is empty

Yes, I have such a device. But I wonder if I can remove it. The less things on my desk, the better. Basically.

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Sadly, no. Since I don't want to install anything on the work laptop. On my own machines, this would have been the solution

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I've had a pair of shcokz until I forgot them in an airport. I bought regular pair instead since that's what was available at the time. Pretty much what everyone said here is true. Comfy, you hear well 90% of the time, good combo with earplugs when you can, sound quality is okay but not great.

One very neat (accidental) feature of them is that if you put them in the right accustic (like in a cupboard) they turn into an okay speaker.

I understand from some podcast that the Mona Lisa is famousbecause it was stolen. Before that it was just another painting.

Proper building was built at the end of 19th century. There is an old well that is a few hundred years old and the ruins of a Roman villa from about 2000 years ago.

I'm sharing that pain with you.

On hot summer days, like now. I can find myself up for 2-3 hours due to the discomfort.

Wouldn't that interfere with payment apps?

I've started using orgzly + synching in the last few weeks. I think that this will give you what you need.

I see that my phone should support encoding NFC tags. I'll order a cheep ring and see if it works. Thanks.

I'm still curious though, why cannot phones produce that signals on their own? Isn't this what they do with payment apps?

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It's a shared office space, so I'm not really concerend about security. And they didn't say anything about the card, just gave it to me. I discovered yesterday that one of the door is not even locked. As I said in another post, I think that the door thing is mostly for show and not for actual security.

About why not putting it on the belt, well, it's not about (dis)comfort as much as refusing to make my job a part of what defines me. And this tag is related to the job.

Is there some way for me to see the history of my storage? Spot any anomalies?

I have a docking station, or better said KVM, connected to the monitor, keyboard etc. Currently, I'm switching the KVM between the laptop and the desktop machine using a USB C. I wonder if there is a way for me to turn my desktop into a KVM.

It's a standard Windows machine. It has a ssh.


This is most probably it. Thank you.

I tried but the browser just ignore my request. I saw in the other reply, that this is an issue of font fingerprints.

Specifically for Prague (ha! I'm here now) mapy is insanely good

Do you see any scenario where the IDF can allow itself to truly stop Innocent people? A soldier is being fired at from a school, should the soldier allow himself to get killed in such situation?

And vice versa, considering what you know about setlers in Israel, do you really think that they will not get even more violent in the west bank if they know that their actions has no cost?

And don't get me wrong, I wish for Hamas to vanish, and I wish for the IDF to kill only militants (even that definition is not clear), just like you. But I don't see any realistic scenario (considering the human spirit) that this can happen. Not in the current political situation.

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First, as I said before, I'm against the war, against the occupation, and in favor of two states solution (ideally, a democratic one Jewish-palestinian state should exist, but this is not going to happen).

Now, I'm sorry, if you ignore the hostages, and the fact that October 7th happened as an offensive act by Hammas, you are painting only a partial picture.

Hamas had 10m to stop the the offensive by Israel, release the hostages. It was that easy 8 months ago, even 5 month ago. Today, I'm not sure. If you ignore this card in hamas's hands then you are again, painting a partial picture.

And as I said countless times in this thread, directing our anger at the armed forces, rather than politicians (on both sides) only aggravate the war.