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Joined 12 months ago

It's fine but way too much talk about reddit.

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Like Walmart which is way worse than Amazon.

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Gripping tight onto my initial grandfathered price from Google play music. $8

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I'm really liking wefwef.app as a former sync user.

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He's not even a top physicist, just well known.

This is a good example and it is hard to attribute a lost sale to pirating as it is more likely there would be no sale if the pirate were unable to obtain it. In some cases it works the other way because someone liked something so much they want to purchase it. Or it helps folks like you gain visibility.

I like mastadon too. It also has a lot of Twitter accounts that copy over so for some of the sports teams I follow I just follow a copy on mastadon.

I don't pay much attention to Zuck but listening to him talk doesn't give me confidence that this guy knows what to do next in the social media space. Meta erae has pretty much been an abject failure and Facebook feels like an old mall no one goes to anymore. Even IG seems to have lost its luster a bit.

Same goes for large container ships. It won't make sense to use batteries unless there are significant breakthroughs in capacity technology.

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Pretty sure plastics save more.lives than they destroy. Modern medicine isn't nearly as effective without them.

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Not all EVs use the same pack type and there are advantages and disadvantages to the different types that will continue to change as we progress the technology. It wouldn't make a lot of sense to have universal batteries as it would also limit the designs of the car if it were legislated.

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Is there a guide to get all that setup?

No Linux on new MacBooks from what I understand.

Can't say I'd be stoked to live in Arizona considering the recent heat wave either.

That's not a benefit really. What if they send a bad update.

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They still taught that into the 2000s

I tried it. It was awful.

No Linux on new MacBooks from what I understand.

This is such an uninformed take. Plastics are literally everywhere in modern life. Not just the store bags or straws and lids, but objects in the home like appliances, buckles on backpacks, medical devices, items we launch into space. It's not been shown to meaningfully decrease life expectancy and we may find ways to remove it from our bodies. Cold turkey and you essentially have no infrastructure to replace what is made with plastics.

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Honestly have no empathy for Sony. They have tons of console exclusives. Kinda the only reason to entertain owning a PlayStation is because of them. There is no monopoly formed. That would indicate zero competition in the space.

Because people prefer Spotify's interface and algorithms.

Climate chaos is not mostly driven by consumer plastics. Burning of fossil fuels to generate power is and has been the largest contributor followed by agriculture. Plastics don't get recycled because.people don't even have a fundamental understanding of how recycling works. That's not the fault of the people, it's their governments. You and I using a reusable bag and water bottle doesn't make a dent in climate change. Until our energy shifts to nuclear we aren't going to be in a better spot. Renewables can supplement but are far away from being a replacement.

Reduction of emissions can't be the only thing we try. We have to do that and engineer ways to contain and scrub high pollution areas.

Even metals don't get recycled like they should because they don't get cleaned and dried.

We have to outengineer the problem at this point because we didn't engineer a cleaner path fifty years ago when we had the opportunity.

Had we leaned more heavily into nuclear the world would be better off.

Pursuing a useable fusion solution should be the focus of the effort for humanity. That alone can provide us the energy needed to shutdown fossil fuels power plants.

But we decided years ago the nuclear is the boogey man because it is too difficult for the average citizen to comprehend.

You don't even offer a viable solution. So yea, uninformed take. I'll stand by it.

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It's not even based in Russia. In fact it was banned by all Russian ISPs.

Yea, the hifi streamer services don't have a lot of content compared to others and the price is insane.

Yea this guy seems ignorant of what is available. You can use messages on the web. It's easy. I don't know what anyone looks at texting as a good solution anyways. Messaging apps are far better to use and work across borders without added cost. RCS is cool but still border limiting. Apples ecosystem is cost prohibitive too. The prices they charge for storage and ram on their products is outright absurd.

I just switched to drinking tea instead of coffee. My stomach thanks me.

Indiana Jones, Star Wars, some decent documentaries also. There's a lot on there and I'd say it's more rewatchable items than Netflix.

Yup ororo is a cheap streaming service masquerading as an English teaching tool to avoid regulations. Totally legal in Russia.

The new app is terrible and challenging to navigate.

I'm taking her out of mothballs to set sail on the cyberseas.

Biometrics got me. One day it stopped working and I had forgotten the password since I wasn't using it frequently.

Yea I feel like I'd lose features if I tried to do a different firmware on my Amplifi alien

It's really good. I have a visionary account now and am very happy with the services. They have matured a lot over the last few years. I'm happy to pay for the security and not being a product.

Maybe your local community instead? Join a club?

I use protonpass for alias email and bitwarden for passwords.

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No clue but never received an email. I'm a day 1 subscriber though.

That's a pretty big loss. Even with play services it doesn't work?

Those are cells not packs. A cell based pack uses cells in a module that then are combined to create a pack. Standardizing is not as easy as people make it out to be.

Planet Hulk

I'd say the Disney+ catalog is quite a bit better than the Netflix catalog.

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