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His appointments to e.g. the FCC suggest that he's not opposed to progressive voices and is willing to put them in positions of power. Would I like him to be even more to the left? Sure, but he has to actually govern, so I think he's doing a pretty decent job balancing the demands of the situation.

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My 2yo has a shirt that says "dinos are a girls best friend". I have to say, I could get behind that. Other top contenders: clothing with decent size pockets, dogs, and snacks.

How? It will just make it extremely expensive for people to host instances, and ensure that it's hard to find content on other platforms to link to.

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Allowing them and the descendants to establish citizenship and give those who would otherwise be denied lawful residency is one of the biggest incentives for illegal immigration in the first place.

Citation needed. Economic uncertainties and climate change are pretty big reasons for illegal immigration, afaik, and those are much more short-term survival considerations... it's not necessarily a plot to have anchor babies in most cases.

So, as an illegal immigrant you would decide not to give birth in hospitals, but instead at home. Now you’ve got generational non-citizens.

There are definitely already people caught in this loop. It's one of the biggest reasons I think we should allow DREAMers to obtain citizenship, too - they've been here in many cases for as much of their life as they can remember, and may not even speak the language of the country they're citizens of. Meanwhile, they're often educated, productive people who would be even more economically useful as citizens instead of having to work under the table. The last thing I ever heard Mike Huckabee say that I agreed with (circa his 2008 campaign) was "we're a better nation than to punish children for the mistakes of their parents". I'm sure he's horribly against the DREAM act or immigration reform now, of course, but I did like that he said that back then.

deny travel visas to pregnant women

Right, cause that's a situation we really want to give CBP power over... pregnancy tests for all women at the border? Pregnant women who can't travel for business anymore? At that point, just make us 2nd class citizens and get it over with.

Browser fingerprints are easy enough to block or mimic, though, at least for the solutions I've messed with. JavaScript based solutions in particular are tricky because of the privacy implications and the fact that decent privacy focused browsers are starting to block those things automatically.

I'm usually able to just take my AM dose of instant-release meds. I can kick myself into hyperfocus, work through lunch (at least), and then do less intensive stuff in the afternoon if I'm burned out, or just continue with the hyperfocus session if I'm not. By about 2pm the meds have worn off but I'm in "productive" mode and I usually manage to keep going until 5ish.

The only real downside for me is I'm much less physically active this way - I don't get up and wander around to chat with someone (if I'm in the office) or go for a walk to clear my head. So there's definitely some physical activity debt that builds up when I'm medicated.

Hilariously, sometimes they do, but only after you've tried everything else. Also, Adderall is about 25% meth.

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They’ll only stop prescribing it if they (and you) think the risks outweigh the benefits. It might be something much less serious and you would be much better off knowing either way.

Yep. Also, it may be something totally different, like trapped wind/constipation, and have an easy fix.

Or you may do better on a different type of stimulant. Lots of options

Might it be triggering your vagus nerve? Sometimes I have issues with that with BMs and I get the same cold sweat issues.