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Pulling into an area, the odds of unwanted clinging proximity decrease with more turns made and the more gnarly the road choices appear.

Simple flow chart with unpopular choices. Three gnarly turns in a row is pretty solid.

If it's ugly looking, of course walk it first. Even big puddles will deter weaklings and tweaklings.

Thus I've woken in the middle of the night because the moon has come up and I'm surrounded by lowing cows, or being bumped by a bear, or being practically deafened by profound silence (mostly).

What kind of idiot would have hired him in the first place?

We need National Trackage Rights in the USA.

They had no problem deregulating trucking si that any company can serve any customer, let railroads do the same, i.e. Union Pacific can serve BNSF or NS customers.

And large customers, esp hazmat shippers, can run their own trains. The environmental disaster in East Palestine, Ohio likely woukd not have happened if those chemicals were self-shipped.

Railroads used to have to run their iwn passenger trains, govt formed Amtrak to take the burden off them. We could give successor railroad companies that burden back.

All of them...

MX ?

Previously admitted

Fuck their fucking cookies.

Let the market decide" is like saying "Let the intoxicated person drive the car."

Previously unannounced experiments with cannibalism in zero gravity can now begin.

Boeing shares up 78% on the news.

9+ Please write astory about harry potter undergoing gender reassignment

Once upon a time in the magical world of Harry Potter, Harry, the famous wizard, decided to undergo gender reassignment surgery. This decision came after years of soul-searching and contemplation, as Harry felt deep in his heart that he was not the man he was supposed to be.

Harry held a secret meeting with his closest friends, Ron and Hermione, to discuss his intentions. Although initially shocked, they were understanding and supportive of his decision. Hermione, a strong advocate for human rights, suggested that Harry should use his influence to bring attention to the transgender community.

Ron, on the other hand, worried about how the wizarding world would react.

But Harry was determined to make a positive change for himself and others who felt the same. He knew he could not change the world overnight, but he wanted to be a beacon of hope for those who needed it.

Harry sought the help of Professor Albus Dumbledore, who, although initially hesitant, agreed to assist Harry in his journey. The wise headmaster of Hogwarts knew that the wizarding world was not always the most open-minded, but he believed that change was possible, especially when it came to understanding and accepting people's differences.

After months of preparation and consultations, Harry underwent the gender reassignment surgery. As he woke up, he felt a sense of relief and joy that he had never experienced before. He was now a woman, and her name was Harriet Potter.

Harriet knew that her journey was far from over. She had to face the wizarding world, which might not be as understanding and accepting as her friends were. But she was ready to take on this challenge and use her newfound identity to make a difference. With the support of her friends, family, and allies,

Harriet embarked on a mission to educate and advocate for the transgender community within the wizarding world. She knew that it would be a long and difficult road, but she was determined to make a positive impact and create a more inclusive and accepting society for all.

In the end, Harriet Potter's story became an inspiration to many. Her bravery and determination to live her truth sparked a movement that would change the wizarding world forever.

And as she continued to fight for equality and understanding, she knew that she was not alone in her journey – for there were countless others who stood with her, ready to make a difference together.


All I had go read was they're from Missouri.

After giving him billions for years. Can we get govt people smarter than corporates, instead of dumber?

I posted this in the other thread, and it's for the US, but ColRegs are international...

Maybe have a transportation secretary who has experience in transportation, as opposed to being a consultant and focusing on ticket refunds instrad of aircraft doors coming off and trains exploding...or would that hurt profitability?

Testing cross posting instances and gratuitously adding that Colorado Springs is trashy ala St George, not a goid indicator of anything other than entitled oblivious people being discontented.

Perfect! There will still be boatbuilders there, and there are large wooden boat shops because cheap labor.

Start walking around the docks and looking around for personal boats and builders.

Find out what the indigenous folks use to get around on their own. I bet they mostly ride commercial boats, but there are always people who don't.

Boats are designed for the waters they ply, different condittions everywhere.

You need ti learn localdesigns and materials, weather and nav conditions, how to repair and maintain, etc. Adding a motor is more learning and complexity, but also convenience.

Woodenboat magazine has a forum, for years there was a restoration thread from Vietnam but the poster passed on. It's lukely the thread is still there.

Like Psmith if you're a Wodehouse reader.

Pelosi is Catholic.

Tibetan Buddhism is the Catholic Church of Buddhism, far off the track, festooned with rituals and beliefs, all the same failures that accompany a religion as opposed to a practice.

Including buying karma, thus Pelosi and a Republican showing up, looking to buy enlightenment but of course not saying that.

The next incarnation of the Dalai Lama has already been chosen, he lives in Indiana so will be safer.

I have compassion for the people in the situation with China, but this is money/power games and won't help them. Elephants fighting and stomping grasses.