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My house is operating at around 3,5-4 bar after the pressure regulator. Since I have no gauge I can‘t deliver the pressure of the supply. I guess it is around 6 bar. Small town in Germany.

We also have mandatory check valves since a couple of years to prevent water from entering the supply from the buildings in case the pressure drops.

This reminds me of a colleague who was always ranting that our code was not documented well enough. He did not understand that documenting code in easily understandable sentences for everybody would fill whole books and that a normal person would not be able to keep the code path in his mental stack while reading page after page. Then he wanted at least the shortest possible summary of the code, which of course is the code itself.

The guy basically did not want to read the code to understand the logic behind. When I took an hour and literally read the code for him and explained what I was reading including the well placed comments here and there everything was clear.

AI is like this in my opinion. Some guys waste hours to generate code they can’t debug for days because they don’t understand what they read, while it would take maybe two hours to think and a day to implement and test to get the job done.

I don’t like this trend. It’s like the people that can’t read docs or texts anymore. They need some random person making a 43 minute YouTube video to write code they don’t understand. Taking shortcuts in life usually never goes well in the long run. You have to learn and refine your skills each and every day to be and stay competent.

AI is a tool in our toolbox. You can use it to be more productive. And that’s it.

A couple of weeks ago I tried Outlook 365 when Windows Mail made me mad for the 1000th time because it has issues to actually send the E-Mails from one of my accounts…

Anyway, outlook started and of course just added my Microsoft Account ignoring all other accounts that could’ve been imported from Windows mail. There was a new mail so I clicked it. Although Firefox is my default browser, edge opened and there was a website. It took me multiple seconds to realize that Microsoft just baited me to click an ad and earn a couple of cents.

I got so angry that I installed thunderbird. If I compare it with older releases from a couple of years ago it did get a whole lot better. I’m very happy.

Windows gave me so many reasons in the last months that I also ditched it completely. Running Linux Mint now and just like thunderbird it is so much more refined if I compare it with the past…

Paying money for crappy subscription based software like office (need it for work) and still getting ads was definitely the no 1 reason to switch.

This is the content I was waiting for! I’ve read this while sitting on my throne 😂😂😂💩

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For now…

Also the article states the lower price models will get 480Mbits, the more expensive ones will get 10Gbits. There is your artificial limitation. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the same hardware inside

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Can confirm. Had the OG XBOX (Still somewhere in a Box). I installed a modchip and Linux. That beast could practically run anything like a PC. I upgraded the HDD to about 200GB back then. You could just throw in a game and make a backup on your HDD. The Controllers were basically USB Controllers with a different connector. Good times. IMHO the OG XBOX was the pinnacle of moddable consoles. Everything started to decline when the consoles began to be online 24/7 and games started to be unplayable out of the box without TBs of updates… Oh, also you actually owned your disc back then.

Microsoft is doing anything to push me towards Linux…

I understand it from a business perspective. They make the user more dependent and can earn more money. But the day you force me to store MY business data on some cloud servers which do not belong to me you lose me as a customer.

Maybe I should load my old Nixos config and have a look how my Laptop is doing now 😉

I once told my daughter that a star that is only visible to grown ups appears on her forehead when she is lying. Soon she started to hide her forehead when lying 😂

Even today - although older - I ask her to show me her forehead and I can read her reaction like a book

Holes in socks make me crazy. I learned it the hard way focusing all my energy of a whole day on one damn hole…

Since then I always change them ASAP. Usually my socks wear evenly. So most of the time they are worn completely when there is a hole and it doesn’t make any sense to repair them.

They will get a last wash and land in a bin in my garage where I use worn clothes instead of paper towels. Socks are very handy for dirty stuff like holding motorcycle chains.

Imagine someone putting an array of intentionally reflective mini satellites into orbit and then relocate them into mini B/W images just for fun. Or more realistically for advertisement purposes…

The fact that there are multiple persons with the capability to do this is crazy.

Good to see I’m not the only one who was reminded of the Debian logo 😂

A binary tree matryoshka

While everybody hops on the newest trends I just try to understand the technology I am working with right now in Projects. Keeps me from wasting time with buzzwords and trends that are going to be obsolete in a couple of years.

If there is nothing new going on I usually pick a topic that I am interested in, get a good old book and read it. Usually this is knowledge not too related to my everyday work. This helps to have broad technical knowledge. Helps me heavily in my projects and everyday life.

But I have to admit I don’t apply for jobs 😉

Doesn’t work if they program in Go 😉

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It looks like she never sprinted 100m before in her life the way she breaks down at the end. At least they could have trained her a couple of weeks. Must’ve felt awful. Poor thing

If I take a 2min Drum and Bass track with 170bpm, add 30s of silence at the beginning and the end it would result in ~113bpm for a track of 3 min. Would this be legal? Or did they also define how to measure the bpm?

Have they defined the planet for the length of the minute? How about a Venus minute? Or a Jupiter minute?

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This is a very underrated comMINT!

This one is gold 🥇

This! I remember the colors being something like a blue background and the person in a lighter blue or a white background with a blue person. Stars were definitely separate

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Being in the same situation in a different country, but a couple of years older: In my experience you never will be fully accepted by everyone. You will be the Polish guy in UK and the British guy in Poland.

You can identify yourself as what you want. You must learn that people have the right to have their own opinion even though it is wrong or opposed to yours. You have to learn not to care and live your life as a nice person. It doesn’t matter at all what others think as long as they don’t hurt you.

If the manufacturers would not use the cheapest caps with the least amount of flimsiest material available for this application, they could even be usable…

Of course they are pissed. In nature, it is common to see random stuff mixing together to get a cold temperature. Of course you’d define this as 0. Then you define freezing water as 32 and define a random person’s temperature to a even more random 96. Piece of cake.

How are these morons even able to understand that water is freezing approximately at 0c and boiling at 100c. This never happened ever in nature. Why choose something so unimportant to life like water?

Safety is no 1 priority!

According to this anthem it’s Kazachstan:

Kazakhstan greatest country in the world. All other countries are run by little girls. Kazakhstan number one exporter of potassium. Other countries have inferior potassium.

Kazakhstan home of Tinshein swimming pool. Its length thirty meter and width six meter. Filtration system a marvel to behold. It remove 80 percent of human solid waste.

Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan you very nice place. From Plains of Tarashek to Norther fence of Jewtown. Kazakhstan friend of all except Uzbekistan. They very nosey people with bone in their brain.

Kazakhstan industry best in the world. We incented toffee and trouser belt. Kazakhstans prostitutes cleanest in the region. Except of course Turkmenistans

Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan you very nice place. From Plains of Tarashek to Norther fence of Jewtown. Come grasp the might penis of our leader. From junction with the testes to tip of its face!

This is great news! Even better than the USB-C regulation. Changing a battery on a modern phone is a huge pita… And it’s definitely getting worse since some companies are trying everything to prevent you from doing so…

I would absolutely buy a phone twice as thick as my iPhone SE 2020 if it has an easily swappable battery. Bonus points if it is able to be used as an actual phone without a case to prevent it from dying instantly from a light breeze or some evil look by a person…

Around 2-3 days after exposure at a wedding. The outbreak happened at work (home office). I could feel how my body temperature started to rise and I started feeling bad. Shortly thereafter I had a burning sensation in my lungs and had my first positive test result 🤢

For 2-3 days I felt bad and extremely weak. Then it got gradually better.

I was fully recovered in 6-8 weeks (felt very weak when running in the morning or when doing heavy work). The next 6 months I had a lot of colds which is not normal for me.

It should of caused physical pain to the people writing this way

The good thing is: This type of book is read by parents to their 1-3 year old kids. You show the pictures and can filter weird sentences. This is not a book a 9 year old is going to read 😉

I love Startalk Radio for this. It’s very interesting, funny and they make breaks every couple of minutes with a jingle that triggers me to wake up slightly with enough focus to take my headphones off and then fall asleep

I can feel this picture 😫

How about talking about some major crimes until the police gets involved. In this case your neighbor himself may call the cops and tell them he is listening to your calls…

And there is a bee in the room 😂

AFAIK even original parts don’t work. I heard even if you get a Apple battery the serial must be teached by a Apple technician. Otherwise you will still get warning messages

When growing up my Grandparents ordered coal for heating purposes in winter. They had big piles of it when the heating period started. There where huge chunks of maybe 50cm length and 30cm width. I guesstimate the whole pile to be around 10m^3. But keep in mind it’s not the most reliable source since this dates 30+ years back and the dimensions have been seen with a little kids eyes. It may be less.

My house I live in today is 100+ years old. There are still some pieces of coal in my basement.

If you look closely the salami pieces are cut the same way. This is a pizza fractal!

This reminds me of code I’ve written in the past and reviewed years later: At first glance it looks like it is wrong. Especially if magic numbers are involved. Then I start to think about it (hopefully with some hints in the comments 😉) and remember soon that I spent a lot of time thinking about this specific line back then and wrote it fully intentional to limit the effect of variables in my calculations 😁

Oh yeah those shitty VAG touch controls. Went to a customer with my employee in summer. When returning home we opened the sunroof to cool the car down quickly. Couldn’t close that mf for 10kms on the autobahn until everything cooled down. Absolutely horrible.

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I won’t return to Reddit. In my case the bridge is burned.

I deleted all my comments/posts and will only keep my account in case you need one sometime in the future to read stuff. Otherwise it will be used to block my old username.

Except for reading specific stuff when I’m googling for solutions I’m not going to use Reddit anymore. Since the blackout the number of posts increased so heavily that I don’t experience much difference to Reddit. Except one thing: The people here are much less toxic!

Little Bobby tables we call him 😉
