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Joined 2 months ago

Starbucks, do you remember when the German government lowered the VAT in July 2020 for restaurants when COVID hit us? The intention was to make food cheaper for the consumer to prevent restaurants from going bankrupt.

That’s the month you increased your prizes to sell your stuff for the same prize including VAT as before and making more profit, giving your customers a huge middle finger.

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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I propose „defensive special operation“

This is the right answer. Source: worked as a cashier.

  • You are surprised you have to pay for stuff and need minutes to find your money? I’m surprised too that I have to hand you back some change and need just as much time.
  • You have been an asshole in general? Just let me grab a fresh roll of small coins, open it an take coin after coin and put everything on the counter.
  • My all time favorite: A guy came and was ready to pay the correct sum (it was like three coins). He immediately left after putting everything on the counter. I wondered why he was in such a hurry. Then I saw that he paid with a foreign coin that looked like a 2€ coin but was actually worth around 50 Cents back then. I don’t know why but I am really good in recognizing faces. So I used my superpower for my petty revenge: I waited around 3-6 months until this guy came again. He paid with a bill. When giving him his change, I grabbed that coin as the last one placed it on the counter and gave it back.

Cashiers are human beings. They are intellectually as able as everybody else. And they know all tricks from customers. So please, have some respect for people doing their jobs.

Dude was missing FIFA 98 RTWC in his collection

I mean there are Ukrainian people living there right now. According to the argumentation in the past this area basically belongs to Ukraine now. They could make a referendum about this topic 🤔

Is this a Perpetuum chocolatee?

Just like at work: Forward office calls to your mobile. Forward mobile calls to your office phone.

Get your work done until everybody finds out and starts wasting your time again 😂

This reminded me of that one flight as a kid, when I was seated in a row with two smokers. I literally couldn’t breathe. I’m happy that my kids don’t have to experience shit like this.

It’s CET/CEST (MEZ/MESZ in German)

Imagine you create some memes that our planet is flat. And a couple of years later there are people that believe in this BS.

Wait a minute….

I’m relaxed. IMHO this is just another trend.

In all my career I haven’t seen a single customer who was able to tell me out of the box what they need. Big part of my job is to talk to all entities to get the big picture. Gather information about Soft- and Hardware interfaces, visit places to see PHYSICAL things like sub processes or machines.

My focus may be shifted to less coding in an IDE and more of generating code with prompts to use AI as what it is: a TOOL.

I’m annoyed of this mentality of get rich quick, earn a lot of money with no work, develop software without earning the skills and experience. It’s like using libraries for every little problem you have to solve. Worst case you land in dependency/debug hell and waste much more time debugging stuff other people wrote than coding it by yourself and understanding how the things work under the hood.

I first didn’t see this face but your image made me LOL 😂😂😂

Poor girl. Nobody using that stuff looks young. People are manipulated so heavily that they are not able to see that it’s BS.

This gave me celebrity deathmatch flashbacks 😂

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But what if the fetus told the pregnant woman it would kill her and itself if she doesn’t kill her husband. Afraid of dying and losing her fetus she kills her husband.

Let’s say the fetus gets a death sentence because obviously this person initiated everything. Would they wait for it to be born before killing it? Or would they kill it before birth what would be basically an abortion. But abortions are outlawed…

I don’t know if I should feel happy or sad because there seem to be other devs dreaming the same retirement dream.

Upvote because cat


Had the same once. At the beginning we discussed every Hour. I left the project after about half a year for various reasons. Being the only guy left from the initial team (as a freelancer!) I said I’ld still support the other guys but only from remote.

The annoying boss left shortly after. Initial project estimation (made by him) was wrong big time. The new boss stopped caring and the project is around 2500 hours above budget for one task alone.

That’s the project of three months for you that will reach its fourth year soon. To be fair the main machine is finished. But the scope is always changing… Customers doing customer things 🤷🏻‍♂️

This is the correct answer. Don’t overthink this. Just go, have a look and that’s it. Tell everybody involved that you don’t have to proof anything if they ask.

I know people who could afford this house easily that walk around like a regular farmer. Sales people having regular contact with wealthy people know this.

I heard it’s not even the core temperature but actually pretty low. When I remember correctly it’s around 34C. That’s a Temperature even we in Europe will experience in summer regularly.

AFAIK the second best thing to do when it’s really hot and you’re on a motorcycle is: Make your underwear wet with water and put on your outer layer as insulation. The water will evaporate through your clothes and prevent the body from creating too much sweat which will cause dehydration. Repeat when you get dry.

The best thing ist to not ride a motorcycle for long periods of time under these conditions. I would maybe commute for up to an hour but never ever go touring when the temperatures reach 40C. It’s just too damn hot and you need more water then petrol

That’s the reason why I switched to a steelseries mouse with optical switches. The mechanics look like they should last forever.

Cuteness Overflow

But shouldn’t the advancements of technology even out? Basically: While Ukraine has more advanced weapons then WW2 Germany, also Russia does. So at the end of the day this is still kind of a David vs Goliath situation