
1 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

The tip should be rendered never, people should be paid a living wage.

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Executives believe nearly half of the skills that exist in today’s workforce won’t be relevant just two years from now, thanks to artificial intelligence.

  1. Executives are such dumbasses

  2. That is literally all this "study" did. Ask people how many of their skills they think will be obsoleted. This headline is ridiculous.

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Inflation is back near normal, but prices are not, and wages have not shifted to match those prices (partially due to the government fighting "wage inflation"). People are still worse off than they used to be. I don't think this is Biden's fault, but here we are anyway.

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Blue vs green bubble "debate"? Apple put green bubbles in their app to annoy their own users, who then turn around and blame non-apple users. What's to debate about that?

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Want to exchange information in json? plaintext? binary data? Sockets can do it.

This is exactly why you need something like dbus. If you just have a socket, you know nothing about how the data is structured, what the communication protocol is, etc. dbus defines all this.

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Weird assumption that the fedsoc SCOTUS will have any consistency in their rulings other than what's best for rich people

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https://ublockorigin.com/ (this is imo the best ad blocker, but whichever you choose uninstall any others)




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Everything the Nazis did in the Third Reich was legal. People who resisted them were breaking the law. Maybe we should evaluate things by their impact (pollution/invasion of privacy) rather than their legality.

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They do pay out tips, because they got sued over not

I may not be a computer scientist in real life, but I directed a movie based on a short story written by someone else who isn't a computer scientist in real life.

Remove the first three words, sentence still true

We need a total and complete shutdown of prisons until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on

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It does, because we're talking about the total lifespan instead of remaining lifespan. A person who is 120 may have a 10% chance of living another year; but a 50 year old probably has less than a 1% chance living 71 more years. Of course the 50 year old probably has more than a 99% chance of living another year. So the older you are, the older your expected total lifespan is, even if your expected remaining lifetime is shorter.

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I use MakeMKV for ripping dvds and blurays (although honestly unless I really love the source material and want the highest possible quality I just download it).

They seem to have an active forum, that might be a good starting place.

Not that I should expect even a little sense from right wingers, but this slogan is so messed up. Isn't kneeling supposed to be bad because it's disrespectful? So you are disrespecting the cross? Or was Kaepernick engaging in idolatry?

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Things haven't regressed; the mask has just come off.

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Your supporters are practically salivating over the prospect [of a civil war].

I think there's a lot of talk, but not a lot of will. To be clear, I think there's still a real threat, but it's probably more in escalating stochastic terrorism rather than a full-out armed conflict.

The experiment he was involved in was the gyroscope one. The documentary showed what happened after his experiment "failed": he decided the experiment was flawed and needed to be refined.

The aftermath of the wood slats with holes experiment at the end wasn't shown, but based on the rest of the documentary (and the history of people with conspiratorial beliefs) it's almost certain they did the same.

RIP to Bob, though. I hope his friends & family are coping well.

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Yeah, that should work. ldd "$(command -v "$cmd")" will list the dynamic dependencies for $cmd, so you can find those (probably) in /lib and /usr/lib; I'm not familiar enough with the dynamic library loading process to give you the specifics. I would put the binaries in /usr/local/bin and the libraries in /usr/local/lib; but you could also modify path variables to point to the usb drive. Ideally you could find statically linked versions somewhere, so you don't have to mess with the libraries.

Alternatively, most package managers have commands to download packages; then you can copy the package cache over to the new machine and install them that way. If the commands are common enough, you could download one of the bigger install media and add its package repo to your machine. These of course are distribution specific processes.

Finally, you could get a cheap USB ethernet adapter and connect to the internet that way. On newegg most of these products will have at least one review saying whether they work on linux.

An incredibly weak argument is saying that it's fine for Apple to intentionally make their UX worse, because they didn't make it worse enough to matter.

Hello. I am the neighborhood tailor, as I am sure you recognize.

~Yes,~ ~it's~ ~a~ ~different~ ~franchise,~ ~but~ ~it's~ ~what~ ~it~ ~made~ ~me~ ~think~ ~of.~

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I'd be surprised to find out there was one filesystem that consistently did better than others in gaming performance. ext4 is a fine choice, though.

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Sure, in response to this statement that is a criticism that Biden did not deliver:

This all sounds like shit he should have done in his first term if he wanted Dems to have any faith in him whatsoever.

You said:

You seem to think a president can act unilaterally. Or that Joe Manchin and Kirsten Sinema weren’t holding the senate by the balls until the house got taken by Republicans two years ago.

I don't think it's unfair to say you think it is naive to believe that the "president can act unilaterally", and the natural converse of naivety is being savvy.

Anyway, I fail to see the point of arguing with someone who thinks I am a liar, so I will bow out of this conversation. Have a nice day. Believe it or not, I do sincerely wish you well.

I don't get it. You can argue against claims of suffering.

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I think this is one of the things Trump got right: there should be a more adversarial relationship between politicians and the press. Of course Trump was adversarial because he wanted to do awful things, and also he wanted to set up a state media apparatus, but still.

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It wasn't? Where was it (I can't find it in the article)?

It's just really hard to talk about expected lifetimes and not sound that way.

You know you don't have to shill for corporations, right?

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Technically true, since you could also just replace them with nothing

If it's still popping up you might try going to settings, clicking the "Filter lists" tab at the top, then enabling some of the filters under the "Annoyances" section.


very old

Obviously it's subjective but Debian doesn't use ancient software. For instance Bookworm has Python 3.11; the current Python is 3.12. Some software updates slowly enough that you end up with the latest version. I seem to recall zsh being up to date. But yeah, make sure you're using the correct version when looking up docs.

Since when is truth up to popular opinion?

Oh I thought they were done with 11

If reacting to something always makes it more likely to occur, you have just made reacting to things Elon Musk says more likely to occur.

People never re-read their own texts, good point.

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Allies are wary

Sure they are.

If someone did a study on whether raising the minimum wage impacts people's quality of life, raised it a penny, found that people were still in poverty, and said "we should give up on minimum wages," would that convince you? Your statement, that we've raised congressional wages and corruption is still present, is an equivalent argument. No one is arguing that giving politicians any raise will completely eliminate corruption. I would argue that we should give members of congress wages comparable to the amount of money they would get from taking bribes, and the result will be reduced, not eliminated, corruption.

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You're right. The point I was making was that congressional members are like people with minimum wage. Your response is definitely not dodging my argument.

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