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Joined 6 months ago

A bigger issue is how people maintain their yards. Lawns are the ecological equivalent of a parking lot. Lawns are terrible for the local species, as are all of the non-native species used in modern landscaping. Once you learn what is actually native and what is not, you'll be completely shocked at how few native species we cultivate.

Another really huge issue is everyone religiously scrubbing their yard of fallen leaves. Leaves need to stay on the ground. They are essentially compost for trees, and tons and tons of bugs lay eggs in fallen leaves, including fireflies.

I quit mowing my lawn and let some native plants grow up in place of grass and stopped eradicating the fallen leaves, and that summer my yard was absolutely lit the fuck up with fireflies.

All of this is currently reversible. We just have to stop buying into stupid capitalist yard maintenance traditions and start working with the native species. It's honestly much less work than trying to make all of these Chinese species that are in everyone's yards work.

Urges de-escalation and then gives them literally $8,000,000,000 to continue the genocide.

Trump isn't ever going to actually go to jail. That would set a precedent for us to actually keep our political leaders accountable, and that ain't happening.

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This is some weird ass propaganda.

The best thing that Biden ever did was just to not be Trump.

Why are these memes so weirdly die-hard in the support of a man that is visibly unfit for the 4 years of presidency?

No one is actually excited about old Joe. It's just that he's simply not Trump.

It would be best if he steps down so that we can get a person in office that actually excites people for more than just not being the other guy.

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It drives me crazy knowing that anyone takes this absolute clown seriously.

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Oh my god can we please just have more trains?

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This does not deserve a headline. We need to stop paying attention to this tool.

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Lol we are so fucked.

I've finally started seeing some in my city over the last week or so. They are just so goddamn big and awkward looking. They really look like someone put dumpster on wheels. I honestly find them pretty jarring to see out on the road.

Biggest gang in America.

Is the antisemitism in the room with us right now?

Cause it seems an awful lot to me like y'all are just calling anyone protesting what Israel is doing to Palestine antisemitic.

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How is the DNC this slow and clueless?

You're telling me that we could have been rid of him years ago if these dummies had just been parroting all of us making fun of him on social media?

How are these giant conventions with billions and billions behind them so dumb?

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We barely pick the president as is.

Nah. That's not true at all.

There are tons and tons of videos on social media of people literally praying to Trump.

We don't do shit like that.

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Oh come on. It's called AI, as in artificial intelligence. None of these companies have ever called it a text generator, even though that's what it is.

Anything to not pay people a living wage.

Harris is a joke and a cop that made her name on being super hard on small criminal offenses.

She ain't it. I mean, have you heard the weird things that she says while she's speaking?

She's a terrible candidate. A somehow even worse Hillary.

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I like the guy and everything, but can we cool it with the dad stuff? It's kind of weird. He's a politician.

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The fact the the DNC didn't have a contingency plan while running the oldest candidate ever is just insane.

The DNC has been fumbling for years and years now. Anyone else remember 2016?

The insane amount of power that US military industrial complex has over our country and therefore the world is completely fucked.

Eisenhower was right.

Lmao he's gonna run away from home like a 6 year old.

Man we don't even have healthcare or widespread public transit. Abortion isn't even legal everywhere anymore.

Our country is rapidly falling apart before our eyes. Just stop man.

God I hope that all of these bullshit AI platforms tank these giant awful tech companies.

Oh shit! She SLAMMED him! I'm sure he'll never do anything like that ever again until the next time he does any kind of public event.

I would bet $1000 that nothing meaningful happens to that slick old bastard.

There are two justice systems in this country, and Trump is in the one that's so rich that he doesn't face the same kind of meaningful consequences that we do.

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It took pretty much the entire Democratic party calling for him to step down before he would.

He came out and said multiple times that he wasn't going anywhere. He was forced out.

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Why vote when you can just buy an entire candidate?

Do you know of any easily shareable beginner's guides?

I love turning friends onto free media, but I don't always want to walk them through it.

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So far that's been the best use of AI for me too. I've also used it to help flesh out character backgrounds, and then I just go through and edit it.

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Yeah there are some pretty frightening implications to all of this.

So they're all saying that they're ok with the president being a puppet but also having absolute authority? Sounds highly, highly abusable.

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The sad thing is that you're completely correct.

It's over. This is the beginning of the true end. The end has been in sight for a while now, but it was always over the horizon.

Now we can actually see it.

There is not a way for us to legally come back from this.

In retrospect, I guess that we should have seen it coming that the Supreme Court of lifelong, unelected officials would be our undoing.

It's pretty sad that we're all taking this lying down with all of our Second Amendment talk.

I'm a Dapper Dan man.

Am I the only one that sees all of these AI platforms as just the next iteration of search engines?

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Yeah that's just unsafe. You're gonna make me have to reroute my GPS while I'm driving? No thanks.

Crazy watching Google kill themselves in real time.

Uhhh but he is currently funding a genocide with full support.

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And that's exactly why I don't go there anymore.

Having to let McDonald's into my phone via an app so that I can get less terribly priced food is a goddamn scam.

It's not a good idea because Kamala is pretty unpopular.

She comes off as out of touch and condescending, just like another certain candidate that lost to Trump in 2016.

And we know why they are censoring. They don't like that certain politics are being spread.

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That's just not true. Sand is a power hog. Sucks up horsepower like nobody's business. You gotta have some juice to move with wheels effectively.

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Nah I'm talking about videos of genocide. They don't want us to see that to the point that they are willing to take these drastic steps.