
0 Post – 78 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ok ok we fucking get it, US government. Trump is clearly above the law.

$100,000,000,000 and I don't get healthcare because it's too expensive for the country.

This place fucking sucks.

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The article says that the only repercussions will be "talks" with the soldiers.

Just a few bad apples, right?

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Maintaining the status quo in the face of looming danger does not make you a great president.

The best thing about Biden is that he is not Trump.

Also we're not only supporting a genocide, we're footing the bill.

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For the love of god, please don't. You're just making them hornier.

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Huh. It's almost like this country is a giant scam that crushes people at the bottom and only benefits the owners of these companies.

Saving the planet and endless expansion are simply not compatible. The way we are living is going to kill us all, and it's just a fact. There are finite resources and the pollution and by products are not going away.

I mean you ever think about how much waste there is from regular everyday things like junk mail? From having to spend fuel on a tractor to plant trees to harvest paper and then process it into paper to then print the bullshit ads on the junk mail and then it has to be delivered and that causes more pollution and then you just put it straight in the garbage.

Or how about the plastic bag they give you with every purchase at literally any store? Those things don't go away. And we are endlessly producing them, because that's how capitalism works. You have to increase profits. That's the whole point.

You can't reconcile capitalism and the environment.

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Just had to wait for there to be 30,000 Palestinian deaths first.

9/11 had 2,996 deaths for a little bit of context. Just imagine what would be happening right now if there were 30,000 dead Americans.

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Lmao this has got to be the most misplaced anger ever. You're mad at people that don't even make minimum wage aren't paying taxes on the maybe $35k a year? How about the billionaires that basically don't pay taxes? Maybe we should deal with that first.

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Lol well then they'd better stop cancelling shows after 1 season.

This is a dumb idea.

Fuck this company. Fuck these ghouls making this decision.

This is easily the most badass form of piracy I've ever seen. The right kind of rebellion.

I already scream when I poop. It's not that big of a deal.

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What in the hell? You think this is ok? A honey blend implies a blend of.....wait for it..... different HONEY.

Not a blend of super cheap and super unhealthy syrup.

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Yeah lemme get like $2,000,000 so I can go run for office.

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Raised by Wolves

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Maybe we'll have that kind of technology in the future.

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All these dating apps are owned by the same company and are all kinda scammy. It's very much a pay to play scenario.

Back when OkCupid first came out and they hadn't figured out how to make you pay for everything, it was awesome. I went on so many dates.

Fast forward to last year and I'm dating again and try OkCupid and it was a totally different experience. I never would get messages organically. You have to subscribe to the premium package and then you have to pay to get more super likes so that women actually see your account. It's pretty ridiculous.

So don't use it as a gage to judge yourself. It's just about how much money you spend on the app.

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Asking questions is a great way to start if you don't know the subject at hand but you find it interesting.

I really don't think you can just point at China and completely rule out a system as a concept. It's also worth noting that communism is the antithesis of capitalism. Why do you think that America aggressively attacked every country that's ever tried it? If we didn't attack them straight on, we ran a proxy war against them.

And just because the like 78 people that will see this thread don't have the answer doesn't mean that there isn't one. This is obviously a massive and complex issue that will likely only be solved by all of the worlds power working together.

You can't just say "Oh we don't know what to do about this, so I guess we shouldn't change anything at all". We can still be taking smaller steps.

Just simple things like better public transit will do a lot. Stronger EPA restrictions on just about every industry would go a really long way.

If it's so difficult, then why was Google able to find the answer to questions exactly like this 6+ years ago?

That was why everyone switched to Google. The search engine just worked.

And frankly a large portion of your post is just incorrect. What you've described is how a very bad programmer would build a search engine. It's overly complicated and requires too much data.

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In this economy?

Yeah it's just gonna be "breaking news" that turns out to just be fear mongering. Kinda like how pretty much all major news sources have been for the last 20(?) years.

Hard pass.

"oh shit! They're onto us about the TikTok thing! Quick! Bring up weed! The zoomers and millennials love that shit!"

Do I hate everything going on in this country? Yes. Do I still keep voting to have the same shit happen over and over? Yes.

People apparently like to ignore the absolute bullshit coming from the Supreme Court right now.

Not to mention the Electoral College.

Republicans are worse though. Their platform is now based on hate.

Where the fuck is all of this weird right wing garbage coming from?

I'm not really excited because I felt like V basically took all of the fun detail out of the story and main world and saved it all for online.

The missions and world in V had so little charm and so little of the detail that made IV and previous so amazing. The world was massive but felt totally empty.

But I know they made a bunch of money with online so I'm sure that's how it's gonna be again this time.

But how can you sleep at night knowing that there are people living their lives in a way that doesn't affect anyone else!

Yeah well, they're not white and not making us money so our government doesn't care.

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Lol are you scared of the scary leftist opinions on here?

This isn't 4chan. You'll be fine.

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This entire post is just about keeping things the way they are and never allowing anything meaningful to change.

Also I love that in this analogy that Biden is ice cream. Very genuine post.

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Lmao and the people hoarding incalculable wealth that they'll never ever be able to spend in multiple lifetimes are for sure helping us progress as a species.

Get real.

Yeah, like what the fuck? He got Rockstar with a goddamn phone and a Firestick? Dude must be a genius.

Sounds like the origin story of a comic book character.

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These terrible chemicals are just not worth it at all.

The only people suffering from forever chemicals being banned are the people producing these poisons.

You can't even drink rainwater anymore. This is killing us.

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Housing costs are sky-high. Rent is ridiculous. Good luck ever trying to own a house. And yeah, cost of living went way way up and now it's "stabilized" there.

And to say wages are up is just laughable. I mean, yeah people are now being paid $15 an hour instead of $10, but what does that matter when food and housing costs increased more than that?

The data is skewed by the people that benefited from raising the price of everything during COVID-19 and then never brought the prices down.

The rich are richer and they are the measuring stick for the economy because they own all the news sources. It is dramatically worse for the poor now than it was 5 years ago.

Don't let bullshit propaganda fool you.

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We should have both. The trains will do a lot for regular people, and so would bringing back capital gains taxes.

Genuinely not sure which option is more frightening.

It definitely has plenty of flaws, but the good things heavily outweigh the bad.

I mean just the shear scope of that game is crazy. It's very ambitious .There are so many dialog options. I've tried to explore as much as I can in my first playthrough but I can tell there's a lot of content that I've missed.

Can't wait to do a second run.

Take all my updoots!

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As long as it's an Ultra Premium Design

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