
1 Post – 78 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

We need to build special roads so self driving cars can navigate properly.

You could even connect self driving cars together, by letting the front car pull them the others could save their batteries.

And with these "trains" of self driving cars pulling each other, you wouldn't have to build the self driving car roads very wide, they could just run on narrow "tracks" for the wheels.

Then we'd have more space for human stuff instead of car stuff like roads and parking lots everywhere.

He's done it again. Elon Musk is a god damn genius.

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:wq ✊

My wife hates it but I LOVE antagonizing the religious snakes who try to tell you about their bullshit in public. I grew up in the Bible Belt and I fucking HATE that fake "oh I'm just trying to save your immortal soul because you're a sinner" bullshit. Fuck these people, they're predators preying on people at their weakest and they don't pay taxes while pissing their influence all over our politics.

Fuck. These. People. All of them.

I don't stop walking but I always interrupt them or put words in their mouths or ask why their all powerful god won't do anything about pedos when they're screeching about that etc. Especially the ones that try to hand you things, love them! They're always carrying a bunch of papers that you can knock out of their hands.

I hope these fuckwits meet lots of friendly people like me as they go to SOMEONE ELSE'S FUCKING COUNTRY to force their mythology on 😁

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Brendan Eich is an asshole deep in the Conspiracy Victim Complex too. I like Brave search as an alternative to Google but I'm still using Firefox

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But if that were the case, wouldn't GDPR already be used to take down TOR or torrents or any other p2p tech? All it would take is someone's personal information being on them, right? (I'm really asking I have no idea)

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It looks like they only tested one keyboard from a MacBook. I'd be curious if other keyboard styles are as susceptible to the attack. It also doesn't say how many people's typing that they listened to. I know mine changes depending on my mood or excitement about something, I'm sure that would affect it.

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The postal service is 100% self funded due to republicans who can't or won't understand the concept of a public service.

Why the fuck is any of this political anymore?

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Doesn't work forever though. Used to be the same with Microsoft and Internet Explorer, but better things came along that were less terrible and not controlled by a single tech company throwing their weight around to push their own standards.

It'll happen again if Google restricts the extension store much more though. They've been attacking ad and privacy extensions for years

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I laughed but I dunno about you guys but I don't publicly self host anything. If you can't auth via ssh or VPN then you're not accessing a damn thing from my home network. I've got multiple routers that I could set up some isolation with but it's just too close to home.

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I am terrified to ask but who the fuck makes these videos? And who listens to them? That is some really dark stuff.

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Just in case you don't know, you can use those Microsoft services no problem in Linux through a web browser. You can also "install" them since they're PWAs and integrate them with your system notifications.

There's also Thunderbird from Mozilla, and the open source fork Betterbird that has a far more modern appearance and options. That will work easily with your existing Microsoft email.

I'm by no means encouraging that you stay on Microsoft, but moving to Linux AND changing providers for important stuff like email and calendar might be a lot all at once.

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I'm telling myself it was terf and troll sock puppet accounts.

I'm very keenly waiting for captcha to be fixed, I hope most instances decide to make you fill out a captcha for EVERY post. That and paid instances will make a huge difference compared to Reddit. It will become way harder to spam and astroturf discussions, but I'm not sure how to handle legitimate bots.

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I'm still using mine but you can look at it and compliment it or draw it if you like.

We'll just have to take your word for it without a link

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Me and all my alts covering around 10 years have requested 😈

I'm not necessarily against seeing news about big tech products and events. It's still significant in tech. Could you be more specific about what you're referring to? Maybe I'm not understanding

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"Never thought I'd find myself fighting alongside fucking Oracle"

"How about fighting alongside a friend?"

......n-no "Fucking Oracle" is fine let's not get ahead of ourselves

I....well.....I guess!

I grew up in the bible Belt and spent years watching my friends and family get deeper into the MAGA memes and conspiracies, so take it from someone who poured their heart and soul out trying to convince good people not to believe provably false nonsense when I say this.

Fuck em. They know it's all bullshit. They know they can't actually prove their bullshit. They don't care. Few might eventually come back, but it's not worth the emotional toll on you to try and convince them.

Anime was a mistake

America makes a lot more sense when you think of it as a corporation with nukes rather than a country with functional government.

I'm not sure when or how it happened, but Americans seem to have decided that everything has to be privately owned for profit, and making those private services into government services (health care for example) it's "socialism" and people would rather pay 5x as much for less care than our European cousins get with their taxes by default.

Awfully small volley, I wonder if they're rationing them

So Linux doesn't work for your use case or you're not interested in the benefits vs the extra time and effort. So what? Us "old fogies" are enjoying it fine.

If you do anything other than top left then I'm guessing the only reason you carry a smartphone is for the taste.

Seriously who the fuck does anything other than that? It would actually require more effort as you have to reposition the phone in your hand and THEN put it in your pocket instead of just putting it in your fucking pocket.

God damn reprobates

Participate on Reddit? No. Incognito browsers only. Take everything, give nothing back.

Calling someone else's religion weird when it's almost the exact same as yours is a weird flex but ok.

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Has something recently changed? Fedora has always been the fully open source upstream to RHEL but I'm not aware of any recent changes to their model.

I'm fine with an open source company keeping some of their sauce secret. Their contributions to open source for decades are a net gain for the community.

But yeah fedora is the only other bleeding edge distro I would ever use besides arch. Definitely still trustworthy as far as I know

It must be hard being religious in a world of science. You have to rely on distractions and half truths and obvious lies because your world view is so completely fucked that you are constantly at war with reality itself.

Too bad religion doesn't coexist well with intelligence or education. It's hard to be dumb, ignorant AND at battle with reality in every conversation with people outside your religion.

All that is to say, your post is a weak attempt to misdirect the conversation away from a government pushing their own refugees in a foreign country to force their religious bullshit on their host country.

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Who said anything about militant atheism? I'm not the guy harassing strangers with my religious beliefs in public, but I am the guy mocking and embarrassing them (if they're even capable of shame)

I don't give a fuck what country someone is from. You don't deserve respect when you go out and harass and insult strangers. Being a refugee and insulting your host country is even worse in my opinion. Deport those snakes, they obviously miss home. How dare they come up another country claiming to be seeking help and then spit on them like that.

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If UFOs are what it takes to distract idiots from obsessing about trannies and immigrants and whatever this week's hysteria is then yeah I'm fuckin here for it let's go

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Who the fuck said anything about restricting free speech? You keep trying to put words in my mouth.

I said fuck em and I don't respect them and I like to harass them while they're harassing others. Not "the government should do blank because my feelings are hurt by speech". I said I'd be fine with deporting refugees that use asylum deceitfully to push their agenda, but that's probably unrealistic and would probably be used to hurt innocents.

Ancient mythology doesn't suddenly deserve respect just because large groups of people decide they're gonna take it literally and force it on everyone else every chance they get.

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Can't get hacked if all your services are down because you can't get those cocksuckingmothershitbitchingassbastard routing tables right 🤯

Coworkers amirite 🙄

troops from the VDV published an audio message warning against the dismissal of Teplinsky

Warning who? Putin? I bet that wouldn't have happened before the Prigozhin rebellion.

This is also the result of the fact that getting around without a car is likely impossible in most cases so the only option is illegals driving illegally.

There is a nonzero probability of getting hit by a meteor at any time. A woman in Alabama was hit by one while she was inside her home, you're not even safe indoors!

You all might think I'm a fool for wearing a helmet every time I leave my definitely meteor-proof house, but I'm not taking any chances.

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No mota para me, gracias. Ya soy gay

I'm upvoting but only because it's so dark I think I'm actually offended

Mfw the rain isn't grain 😐

I've never seen it but fuck Human Centipede. I read it on Wikipedia and it still fucked me up

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