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ed25519 verify key: 6614c7acfe8e7419bbc26709d7f0fdcc55d8258f205a95173ce37e42e1715462

Nah mobile homes are built to poor standards with poor materials, while most tiny houses are built to the same standards as a stick-built regular house. It's more like exchanging size for quality.

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Windows phone 10 had most of these things in 2015

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I live in an area of the country where mosquitoes are a year round nuisance. Think mangroves and tropical weather. Thermacell devices actually work, unlike just about every other device out there.

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I'd spend $600 on a 2023 windows phone

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Unscrew the aerator on the kitchen sink, bend the paperclip so it makes a loop that holds it tight inside of the faucet, and push it up inside the faucet. Then reinstall the aerator.

You can't metal detect it, it won't affect water flow, and it would be simple to retrieve.

Hey this is vanishingly unlikely. We don't eat many turnips in the US.

If your friend paid a competitive wage with the other company using the same equipment, while also providing an equal or better working environment, he would be able to retain the employees, and find an equilibrium for those moving to and from his competitor.

The only reason he would need a contractual limitation is if he was offering worse wages or a worse working environment.

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I experienced this too, and landed at a smart company that paid me for the time I spent on the take home project. Yes, it's less money than I might earn at a more prestigious company who abused my time, but I've also successfully selected for a company that has a good working environment.

They have an engineer for probably 30% less than what I demanded from another company with a dumb hiring practice. The dumb company was willing to give me the money too, but I was annoyed with their process so I told them I would not work for them unless they put a four day work week in my offer.

They will still ask him to invert a binary tree, just to be sure he can code

Spending a few hundred a week for the two of us to eat a basic equivalent diet to that available in Europe. I brought back all my shampoo, body wash, moisturizers, etc in a 50 lb suitcase which I loaded up at carrefour on my last trip to France.

We used it to heat our house growing up. But only on the very coldest nights, normally we'd use wood since the coal would actually put out too much heat. This was the 80s through early 90s in New York state, us.

*$700,000 in 2054 money. By 2054 a new car might be $150k, and 700k won't feel too bad.

It would have deposited the funds in an account "foobar123" and been lost forever

Disclosure: I'm affiliated with this company.

There's a platform where you can add personal data in the form of questionnaires, documents, and integrations that pull profile data from social media, then allows you to sell the data to buyers at your discretion. The platform does not own your data, does not access it, and simply acts as a broker directly between you and the buyer. Not a ton of activity on it at the moment, but it's picking up as clients shift spending from big tech to pay users for their own acquisition.

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Do you have a source for this? I'm not doubting you because it seems plausible, it just seems like interesting reading

Here's a crazy idea. What if down voting a comment/post resulted in a weighted random float between 0-1 while upvoting resulted in a weighted random float between 1-2? If you virulently hate a comment or post, ignoring it is the surest way to bury in completely. Posts and comments that Garner attention become the most visible, but gaming the system for visibility could become difficult if the weighting algorithm was tuned appropriately.

You are right about not getting Facebook to pay for the data, but each time a company pays you $2 to be referred to their site, that's $2 Facebook didn't receive. Anything you earn on TARTLE comes directly out of the purse of big tech.

You can scale app servers surprisingly far before you need to shard a decently sized single master postgres cluster. Like, probably 20-50+ times the current write traffic it seems this instance has. It was probably due to the websockets thing, thinking about it. With 0.18, that goes away and requests can be stateless, cached, and you can throw a load balancer and n app servers at it.

You probably already know this but a level 2 charger is actually more efficient than a level 1 charger. It's counter intuitive, but the reason is that the car being powered on to accept a charge runs at around 400w, so immediately 1/5 of your draw on the level 1 charger goes to just keeping the car on. It's better to charge faster and let the car sleep longer if you can.

Just reading through this it seems crazy to me that is being scaled vertically, is there something about how it works that prevents horizontal scaling (like, load balancing across a number of servers all using the same db)?

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They are expensive to buy outright, but that's arguably a bad idea anyway due to the depreciation. They are leasing Ioniq 5 and 6 for less than $250/month and $200/month:

It's cheaper than most of the gas cars in terms of cost to own over the period. If you want to buy. The Kona electric is $32,xxx

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I'm not the kind of person who wants a new car always either. I have a 15 year old Acura with 200k on it. At $300/month, I no longer have gas or maintenance expenses, and I don't have to pump gas any more. Figuring in the cost savings, I figure I'm driving a $50k car around for around $100 month. Idk what will happen in 2027 when I give this thing back to them, but it definitely would have cost me more than $3600 in repairs over three years with a 200k mile Acura.

Look at the Hyundais, ~300 mile range, 15 min battery charge, and they have a sedan and a cuv wagon thing. They are also some of the cheapest leases you can get, and dealers are overflowing with them. It's basically the EV wishlist, but for some reason I don't see many on the road.

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