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Joined 1 years ago

what is even the point of making a taxi game MMO? just so you can see other players driving fares around you and potentially fucking your shit up?

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but at least inGTA you can have PvP and Co-op… what is the PvP or co-op play in driving taxi fares?

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why not just use an SD card?

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consoles are purposefully made to run only the software specifically made for them.

xbox and PS are basically mini PCs that can run the same stuff with relatively minimal tweaking. exclusive games of both platforms are pure anti-consumer bullshit.

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what in the ever living fuck is a skin gambling site, and why do they have beef.

either it’s murder or it isn’t, can’t have it both ways, republicans.

100%. The best part of Bethesda open world games is exploring the open space between towns, quests, objectives, etc. Fast travel is an option, but rarely necessary. If you rely on it you will miss lots of cool stuff.

Not so in Starfield, the space between objectives is literally empty space.

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they got the IP, that's all they wanted.

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oh good, this reminds me I haven't bothered to leave a negative review yet. let me correct that.

the solution to that is taxes, not suing successful business one at a time.

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Madden is worth whatever people are willing to pay for it.

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they’re right though. it has nothing to do with “defending” anyone, that’s just what AAA means.

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It doesn't help that most instances are named/marketed as being for a specific subset of people. Like French, Canadian, LGBTQ, NSFW, US midwest, etc etc. is generic enough to appeal to most new users.

you have Lemmy saying, "join anywhere!", but then all the instances are like "only join here if you are X, Y, or Z!". It is understandably confusing for new people.

could also just be as simple as getting people’s feet in the door to their marketplace. if you already have an account maybe you’ll be fractionally more likely to buy other stuff in the store. multiply that by a few million or whatever… it’s not nothing.

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what about that good ole "free" speech elon?

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More recently, the US Air Mobility Command tried flying one C-17 Globemaster III some 3-6,000 ft (900-1800m) back from another, "surfing" the vortices left in the lead plane's wake – much like ducks flying in formation – and found there were double-digit fuel savings to be gained.

But Texas startup Aerolane says the savings will be much more substantial with purpose-built autonomous cargo gliders connected to the lead plane with a simple tow rope. With no propulsion systems, you save all the weight of engines, motors, fuel or batteries. There'll be no cabin for a pilot, just space for cargo and the autonomous flight control systems that'll run them.

I still only see arrows.

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but that was like 6 whole months ago. the market is totally different now. /s

they’re about 10 years too late on this. can’t even blame the pandemic.

the infrastructure cost required to host the quantity of video YouTube has is insane.

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as a projector owner myself, i would not say “so easy”. they are a lot more work to set up, are more unsightly in living spaces, require light control, require more maintenance and cleaning, and even after all that the picture quality is still never going to approach a decent HDR panel. It’s only really worth it if you need/want a 100”+ picture, otherwise you’d be better off with an 85” TV.

I liked it as much as the others ASIDE from the tank missions. they leaned on the tank WAY too much. There are two or three tank battles where you will be pulling your hair out for sure. Definitely focus on upgrading the tank as much as you can because you will need all the help you can get.

exactly. maybe you guys just made a shitty game and can't accept that.

are you saying DLC or expansions are never a good idea?

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EA didn't have time to fuck up DAO after buying BioWare.

and make better games.

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to me lemmy has taken a big dip in activity the last couple days, particularly in the more niche communities. hopefully it grows back over time, but I'm not that optimistic.

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that's a lot different than just running a video clip.

nope, both are anti consumer. If you want to make unique games, great. No need to restrict them only to your platform.

all it does is make people buy redundant hardware which obviously costs more money but also creates more e-waste.

also without exclusive games, consoles would have to compete on the actual hardware, price, etc rather than which games you want to play.

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those gamers wouldn’t be the ones who want powerful women in the first place. The article is imagining gamers who want powerful women AND are afraid of them.

still looks like old reddit to me.

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also this prevents a rogue prosecutor and judge from convicting a presidential candidate and blocking them from running. this way it is up to the people, whether the conviction is legitimate or not.

to be clear i am not saying trump’s conviction is illegitimate, just speaking generally. i could definitely see a world where trump pushes for this with a Democrat candidate (remember all the “lock her up” stuff?). i hope the legal system is robust enough to appeal a rogue situation but at some point it may not be.

also don't let Boeing in on the project.

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oh. ubisoft.

I think even users who are still here, like myself, just don't have the same energy from when I first started. And it's a snowball effect, less engagement results in even less engagement from others.

love them. they're the last new band that really caught my ear, and it's been like 5 years now.

some things are run locally.

why not both

if only we had some kind of wind powered boat technology.

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yes. the point is it doesn't work well in a video game.