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Joined 11 months ago

Yeah. We were there! Or close enough... It was a glorious week where everything lined up perfectly... Then we overshot and we are in this clusterfuck of nonsense.

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You're a god damn trooper.

Why in the ever loving fuck would anyone want Teams in their car?!
I even don't know a single person who wants it on their computer.

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That guy isn't a Dom. He is just a sexually aggressive partner.
Real Doms require consent and that guy did not consent to being spoken to like that. Once boundaries have been established then that kinda talk can be hot as fuck, but based purely on this video alone the interviewer could have been anyone.

Overtly aggressive talk like that right out of the gate is not sexy, it's just aggressive and can go very wrong if the person you are talking to is a sexual abuse victim (which, in my experience, does appear to be more common in members of the BDSM community, make of that what you will).

So anyone who looks at this video and sees no issue with his behaviour, take a step back and look at yourself. You don't know what other people have been through and it's incredibly important to make sure that people have a foundation of safety in any D/S communication, no matter how brief.

I can only hope that this wasn't their first interaction and it was played up a bit for the camera. Otherwise this is simply unacceptable.

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It is wrong to sell addictive substances to addicts.
Sure, adults have the right to smoke if they want. They are, of course, adults. But that doesn't make it okay for tobacco companies to advertise harmful and addictive substances to anyone, least of all the people who are already addicted.

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They have that much information on us I'd be surprised if AI was even useful to them.

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Wow. What an incredibly sexist comment.

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The United States was founded? 4th July 1776.
Columbus reached the Americas in 1492, but it wasn't the US then. There was a whole revolution and everything.

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I can certainly see that argument, but I'd counter that eventually the Musk bubble will pop and that day is coming like a freight train. Better to ditch him now while they can than suffer the cost of keeping him.

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That seems to be true on many subjects these days...

Generally held by who? Because it's not the general public.
Seems like it's just you at the moment.

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Bear in mind the US also has massive gaps in their public toilet doors. They do seem to be struggling. Then again I'm from the UK, so... Yeah. Send help.

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The US is a former British colony, but it doesn't stop them from doing whatever the hell they want. Utter lunatics...

I'm sorry, I still haven't forgiven them for the whole tea thing...

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Couldn't afford that 4th "e" huh? I get it. They are getting pricey.

I agree with you mostly, and thank you for giving such a passionate and important response.

The problem is not the people though. Placing the "blame" or responsibility on the victims of this invasive behaviour is not the correct conclusion. These settings are deliberately obfuscated and people are uneducated on privacy and how it relates to technology. This is not their fault. Life is far too complicated to place yet another burden on the individual who already has so much to think about. The change needs to come from the people, yes, but it is not the people who need to change.

Depends on their style of emotional investment I guess. Not all romantic relationships are sexual, so physical intimacy isn't necessarily required. So it reasonably could be the same emotional attachment to the AI as it would be for a real person. Whether or not that is healthy is an entirely different topic, but having a virtual boyfriend is very possible.

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*Citizen within the EU

As a Brit, this distinction is becoming bigger and bigger every day.

My guess would be that it's relatively quick for them to do and it allows them to bring the Witcher 3 back into the public eye whilst also getting some good will from the active community. Bet they announce another Witcher game release soon.

That's a pretty critical detail... The headline becomes incredibly misleading without it. It should read: "Overwhelming majority of Russians now want to win Ukraine war"

It's just a joke. RGB lighting is used in digital displays/lighting.
The sky is normally Blue.
They are now showing it as Red.
So naturally Green skies will follow.

Because they have dozens of years of experience! They didn't learn anything from it, but they have it!

Those are some damn good historical facts right there.

Last company I worked at used Typescript, but used any for everything... I have no idea why. I never got an actual answer.

OOP could be a fully functional Artificial Intelligence in a video game and no one would notice.

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It's a word used by children who are worried their mum will yell at them for saying bitch.

Fuck. I need that bear.

It is short for copper, but not the metal.
"To cop" means "to arrest or detain" someone. So a "copper" is someone who cops people.

You may be familiar with the phrase "that's a fair cop". Which would be an admission that the arrest is fair.

You just never know when that bastard is gonna pop up

Note that neither the British Museum nor most British people want to keep the stolen artifacts. In fact it would be better for the British Museum to close if that's the end result.

The fact is that Britain is not within the control of the people. Basically just a bunch of rich people manipulating the population and doing whatever they want... Think Midgar from Final Fantasy 7.

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I’m sure it has nothing to do with the guy who started and continued talking about sex being a baby faced white guy and the other dude being a fit black guy.

It's not.

I think it’s incredibly telling that very few people are considering it sexual harassment at all for a stranger to come up to someone on the street, shove a camera and microphone in their face, and start questioning them about their sexuality and sex life.

Asking a question about someone's sexuality isn't sexual harassment. That's a really weird thing to think.

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Seems like some third-party hosting is in order to support any Rebellion Russians.

He does. Which raises.... Questions...

You are a series of electric impulses interacting with a construct of flesh, blood and bone. You have adopted this organic machine so you may traverse the material plane and interact with other flesh golems. This is life and in time you will grow weary of it. Only then will your impulses dissolve into the void and you will become truly one with the universe.

Or at least that's what my mum told me at bedtime.

if you care enough about climate change to not have children you should have adopt children.

This will reduce the population increase, while at the same time help children already in the world and being dealt a shit hand. It's not an easy role to take, but if it makes one child happier then it's worth it.

It makes sense why they did it, but their messed up versioning was the cause to begin with. You should always assume Devs will cut corners in inappropriate ways.

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Is that a real question? Because they were stolen and we have evolved as a civilization (mostly) to acknowledge that it was wrong to take them in the first place.

The only reason to want to keep them is greed and pride. Both of which are pretty piss poor foundations for a law.

... Are you telling me you don't usually have bones in wings?

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There are laws!

Ultrasounds for cats and dogs are fairly standard in the UK. I don't think they are strictly required, but they will do them if they are unsure about a pregnancy or if they suspect complications. Not really a big deal and they are covered by insurance if they are deemed necessary (though not usually for pregnancy).

Just checked on my vets website and a pregnancy ultrasound is £90 for cats, dogs and rabbits.