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Nobody charged because the perpetrators are wealthy and connected. I would be amazed if this civil action suit did not languish in court for years.

This occurred close by me, and I remember the chilling effect this had on all democratic campaigns hundreds of miles away.

The sheriff and other local law enforcement agencies helped prolong the harassment by not doing anything despite multiple 911 calls. This was a combination of complicity and fear.

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I don’t think they are conservatives, although they call themselves that. Democrats are conservatives.

Classic conservatives conserve: this is a mob who could not individually list one thing they want to keep from changing. They want as much change that makes them the most money

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Active cannot speak publicly

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Empty words by a lying diplomat on a matter that is about one person: while the murder of hundreds, since this happened, is ignored with a silence so loud it’s deafening .

Space will be inevitably be dominated by corporations that are multinational. This is early days with a mix of government and private companies that are not so global.

It’s just how economics work. I think there will be a handful of companies later

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I think nothing much will happen if she wins.

And that is a victory, a functioning government *, that’s better than a tear down of government , etc

But there is so much damage. A center right president cannot fix it, and there will be worse to come over the months and years.

  • not applicable in all states. Functioning may vary
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At this point I just want the pharmacies having my meds for the next 4 years. The economy depends on millions of interactions on a global scale and disruptions mess that up.

I have a very, very low bar

Yes, Reagan once stopped Israel cold in a few minutes, with most of the time waiting to find people to talk.

Israel is completely dependent on the USA in several important ways. An American president can ride roughshod over military plans using several threats and actions, these are not illegal under USA law.

And, more subtlety, if the direct power play is considered unwarranted, the president can halt arms deliveries if the target nation is doing war crimes.

But political will at this time is a misnomer, this is up to only on one man, Biden.

Political will in congress will be muted no matter what the population feels. And this has nothing to do with individual Zionist leanings, although some are sincere in their support. But Israel has blackmailed many of our esteemed senators and congressmen due to their own mistakes. We, as a nation, really do not elect officials pure as the driven snow.

This is something remarked on for decades, since the 1950s. It’s a fact their spy service has more representatives per square foot of capital area than all other countries; although for some reason it’s slipped out of fashion to discuss it in the last few years

250,000 now at least: many bodies under thousands of buildings. Disease and famine claims lives each day.

The lower number is only wounds and injuries

I don’t know many people (boomers and younger) who answer the phone from numbers they do not recognize. I would like to imagine that the people who do answer strange numbers tend to be out of touch. Bias in the polls to fools or the lucky who are not spammed ?

Every browser I use causes me to feel some negative reaction

The companies are gun-shy because their governments are gun-shy. Here it’s easier to see the paltry transfer of weapons outside the nice words and promises.

AI: to catch chicken pox from chickens rub live chicken on face

They tried, that’s what counts. The vast majority of people who can do this only dream, even me.

And it’s not a cost barrier ( especially if your instances scale up) so much as low morale

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The fact they are a small resource makes me think mistakes will be made. It’s all well and good to combine code by others to make this work. But it’s so easy to mess up in the final product unless they make a lot of effort and also allow outsiders to check out what they are doing internally.

I personally would not use them for sensitive or illegal transactions until much later after others use it a lot

I live near the bottom, and I see a lot of anti Palestinian stuff, mostly pretending the Palestinians do not exist, with a random anti-Semitic accusation thrown it.

And it’s not just the democrats, I see this in many western nations. It’s a stain on many parties who speak many languages.

If the killings stopped today , this would be only a black mark against those involved. Something to get angry about by many. Accusing fingers could be pointed. Perhaps even reevaluation by some.

But we are only a quarter through the genocide. This will last months or years more. Many will be killed in the future. So this is an active crime scene. Those that will have fingers pointed at later are still doing harm now, and will do harm in the future.

Not just the high level politicians, but in all levels of each country. There is collective guilt , and that is not ended either

I think nobody can really predict who will win until January. Watching polls may help people feel better but this is much more than national polls

That would be good

Its a good idea that military is not political

Usually the awkward wording is avoided by not mentioning the victims individually at all. There are too many of them each day. They blur into daily totals .

But here we have a pretty young American. And people will be talking about her for at least a week. And people who write these headlines are out of practice saying just one person was killed.

The entire thing has become super patriotism on one hand, and the lunatic fringe on the other. Both are crazy

911 has many valid questions that will not be touched with a long stinky pole.

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