I would like to see Ada grow. Its clean syntax, rich expressive capabilities, and early error detection by the compiler due to strict typing create a very pleasant experience during development. This year, the language got a new standard. Recently, a package manager and a community index were created. There's an extension/LSP for vscode, etc. Along with great educational materials on learn.adacore.com, it's easy to pick up and start using this language.
I would like to see Ada grow. Its clean syntax, rich expressive capabilities, and early error detection by the compiler due to strict typing create a very pleasant experience during development. This year, the language got a new standard. Recently, a package manager and a community index were created. There's an extension/LSP for vscode, etc. Along with great educational materials on learn.adacore.com, it's easy to pick up and start using this language.
PS I created a community on p.d two days ago: https://programming.dev/c/ada