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elon needs to turn into an oncoming self-driving tesla truck convoy.

i have the same space, basically, at least i'm not sharing it anyone. very small. not really even room enough for a sofa and a bed unless i give up floor space to move or my small table and desk, and the bathroom is so narrow you have to shit at an angle.

World of Warcraft's monetization seems to be getting way more aggressive

of course it is. it's a microsoft property now.

they ain't gonna stop at the border, either.

i read a post somewhere on here last wednesday suggesting the same thing.

hey mr. poopstain, if you're reading up on history (like that's gonna happen), you would know fdr didn't have scotus bought-and-paid-for. for example: they didn't allow him to dismiss a hoover-appointed ftc commissioner in order to push his policies.

the og motel (1925-1991):

$1.25 a night in 1925

states rights don't mean a damn thing when the party of states rights (but only when it serves the far right agenda) enacts a federal ban superseding all the local and state protections.

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it really should not have mattered how far left or right harris was.. she was still left of the opposition, and she is not a power-hungry, vindictive shitstain on humanity hell bent on destroying the nation and the planet all while scamming millionsbillions of dollars in the process.

marking a straight line democrat ballot should have been the easiest decision ever. you gotta start somewhere. no democrat is going to appeal to all or even just all who are 'left of center'. it is way too diverse of a group. in the current political landscape it will take numerous election cycles to shift congress and state houses left far enough to actually get the stuff that matters accomplished. so take what you can get instead of shitting on the country and everything else just because you don't get every single thing you wanted out of one candidate. you can't be this damn picky in a general election where everything is literally on the line. the time to be choosy is during the party primaries (yea, i know there wasn't really one this go around, but she is the sitting vp ffs. plenty good enough.. better than good enough. especially considering the circumstances of her candidacy).

they vote single issue, and they are unified. democrats, progressives and other like-minded citizens need to wake tf up and do the same.

it's hate.

if people were scared or fearful, they would have kept the evil locked away in a sand trap in south florida.

he's not in office.

his interference in 2016 helped get him there the first time.

his current status is partly due to that as well.

he deserves a max sentence for the significance of the events occurring in-part as a result of the illegal election interference for which he was convicted.

ukraine is gonna get 'helped' similarly. putin will have a free pass once the u.s. aid stops. i don't think the other nato countries or the e.u. can cover that, especially long-term.

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i prefer 2000's

nearly all the single-issue voters on the right vote in lock-step unison, and have for decades.

democrats and progressives seem to just toss in the towel if they aren't getting everything they want, right now.

it takes time to build something great, it takes but a moment to destroy it all. welcome to total destruction.

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pardon is a power granted by the constitution.

states are, for the most part, in control of their own election process.

biden can't do a thing about either. and anything he does on his own, such as via executive order, will just be undone on dictator day.

q the

"why are grocery prices going up so much?"

"it's all biden's fault"

all while the diaper's on network news boasting about kicking out another million people.

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wait til your lord king, savior, and chief diaper-wearer shrinks your labor pool and those still around willing to work demand more money.

they vote for this. good job, missouri!

they also vote for the guy that made this amendment vote necessary in the first place. w-t-f?

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vote for women's rights,

also vote for the guy that took 'em away.

won't matter, though. the 'states rights' republicants gonna pass a federal ban anyway.

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new federal ban incoming on providing free meals to public school students.

they'd do that just to spit on that viral walz photo with the kids when he signed the state law that feeds minnesota's kids.

Ukrainian soldiers react to Trump's victory: 'This could be a disaster,' others say Biden was 'impotent'

not biden, the republican "led" house.

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it's as good as gone. it's the one thing left to stop or at least slow the pace of all the messed-up shit that's gonna go through congress.

they'll add a half dozen seats to scotus, too, while they're at it, filled with 35-40 year olds to ensure that it stays a maga court for a very, very long time.

i would be more concerned that someone, somewhere, has a small doll that looks like me.

it wouldn't end there.

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malfunctioning microphone

it was NOT consensual. even the microphone was turned off by his words and his presence.

starved to death.

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"full accountability" means moving those 500 workers' salaries into his paycheck.

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does he even have actual friends? or are they just being used (then cast aside, often under a bus) or people using him.....

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they may stop pushing a phony, failed candidate, but they'll start-in with lies and other bullshit instead.

too busy voting their immigrant and migrant farm workers out of the country.

he's still building the car. it's just the price will be double or more.

there's just so damn many of them.


  1. dump trump, keep the white house
  2. keep and build majority in senate to 60+
  3. get and maintain house majority
  4. start doing good stuff
  5. build those congressional majorities to 2/3rds+
  6. maintain the white house
  7. build and keep control of 38+ state legislatures
  8. do the big stuff (amendments)
  9. never let republicans be in charge again
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if the early voter demographics + recent polls only have it at a 'coin flip' as the polls open on the last day:

we're screwed.

(please go vote and prove me wrong)

state laws on gambling and lotteries are not to be messed with. he set himself up brilliantly to get hammered by multiple states. and that's on top of the probable federal and state election laws.

it could. but which way do you think the current, corrupt scotus majority would rule?

no. you didn't miss anything.

wisconsin gonna wisconsin. voted in a diaper, twice, too. i wish i could afford to leave this state.

unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be enough left over for the rest of the ballot there.

i worked on a pc used by an older, very "conservative" woman awhile back. needed help with her facebook accounts (plural), among other things. she had vpn clients, multiple browsers. tor, the whole bit on there.

it would be one thing if she was just passing tracts, but she was all-in on the fake news, trump, anti-vax, the border, jan 6 and 'the steal'.. basically the whole far-right agenda. and she was spreading that manure far and wide.

the kicker: she's an employee of a local catholic parish.

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