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I was shocked when i realized that people that talk bad about the hulkster are entirely justified. he must be the single most vile person in wrestling buisness.-

and there a a couple of very shady characters

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I needed 3 years of ritalin therapy before realizing that all these self managment tips from people that dont have adhd CAN'T work. I saw that because 3 years of ritalin changed me like I never did before.

the problem is: people think I am diddling around because I do nothing. before, I would do a lot of things and always have breakdowns and stop doing them. I was depressed and worse all my life, well maybe not till age fourteen.

Now, I do nothing, i am am kinda happy and pleased with my self like I never was before.

people just dont get it.

i dig being happy. But they want me to be a busybody.

But I really dont know WHY I should be. I just wanna have peace.

people with really wide toes:

my 260 euros hiking shoes with extra wide toebox. i had size ten. with these shoes i have size 8.5 (i had to go longer, so i got more widht to fit my toes)

no pain anymore, no more infected nail beds. best shoes i ever had. model innsbruck

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nothing helped me in life like ritalin and elvanse did.

ritalin speaks to me.

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the only thing that works is finding out if you have nutriotional deficencies. minerals, vitamins. protein fat, and fiber. all of this is important. in my case, i had diabetis. so i ate keto. i developed copper deficencie, which led to vitamin c deficencie. very hard to find out. many vitamins and minerals battle each other. what nobody totld me: you dont need fiber to have good poop. you need it for the short fatty chain acids that turns into fuel for cells, or does catalyst stuff that needs be doing to absorb all kinds of things.

fat is essential for hair, likewise proteins. proteins and fat are the building blocks, minerals and vitamins are the cement. nothing will work without the other.

oh yeah you need the sun. if yu have copper deficency, you cant take in iron. and there is many more things like that.

so go to a lab and mak a mineral and vitamin profile.

people back then were not as dirty as you imagine. i saw a kids movie where one kid put a cucumber through a fence, and the other one was chewing on it from the other side of the fernce. was like an 80ties kids movie.

and thats the reason i can drink coffee and go right to sleep. i was always confuesed why people made such a fuzz about me making a cup of coffee late at night.

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you be the best possible you, thats enough.

rejection sensivity disorder, fear of being rejectected

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stuff like that happened to me also. they did not have a clue about foreign culture, and suddenly i was racist, I proved that wrong like you did, and Mods could not backtrack because of their ego.

he was vince's spy. of course thats a rumour, BUT ...... a whole lot of incidents.

I got banned multiple times because the person reporting me accused me of writing things i didn't even write.

mods didn't check, didn't care.

or it is about people learning who they are, accepting themselves, and figuring out how to stand up for their own well being.

ultimate warrior was kinda unhinged, I think wrestling fame was bad for his personality. but the stuff he said about hulk hogan seems to have truth in it.

i cite from

As this graphic from shows, just 18 megabrands control 91 percent of the global power tools market. Of those, four companies control 48 percent.


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should have told me that when i was 25 :-) in my case, i realized that the queasy feeling and the unrelentless pressure i felt around people, was., in fact, fear. it began when people in my school started to form peer groups that hung around after school. yes, i had my cirlce of friends, but parties, social gatherings and stuff filled my with worry and anxiousness. i knew i didnt want to go, buit i didnt know why. at the same time, i wanted to go, because i had social needs, regardless. so i would drink. that helped a great deal. i was very social when being drunk.

well. when you have autism, you have problems identifying feelings.

the clown part about the whole thing is, i always thought that idea to be utterly ridicoulus. i perfectly knew what i was feeling at all times. i was angry or totally depressed or enthusiastic. thats about it. i had no middle feelings.

today i recognised that i have all sorts of feelings, but they are like behind a pane of milky glass, and i kinda have to guess what they are.

i think the key problem, at least for me, is that your hear the orinigal voices of the actors with the background sound of the real location.

this is completely changed when you have a german dub. it feels completely stale, lame and artificial. and you have only like 20 people that dub everything.

thats what i mean. this doesnt help. ritalin helps. because when i take ritalin, i can like understand what you are saying.

its not about KNOWING things, we all know what we shuould do.

Its about executing things.

After 2 Years of ritalin, those kind of regrets and feelings subside, and I had them all my life.

I guess my perception of self worth changed.

I tried to be successfull, because i didnt know what it felt like to feel good about myself.

It's a thing like learning the guitar, being really giid at it, but you don't have to show it to your frineds, you just do it for yourself.

So, that with the guitar happened to me.

The first thing is to get rid of depression. In my case, i tried lots of things. lots and lots.

I always hoped:

"I do the thing X, AND THEN I'LL BE SUCCESSFULL, from then on, i will function like other people!"

But that was never ever the case.

Only thing that helped was ritalin, and learning to let it all go, slowly, you will fuind things you are good at.

In my case, I started with my adhd diagnosis. then i got good at selling car parts and playing the guitar. dropped the car parts thing though, i am outstandingly good at it, but still not able to deal with people.

oh, i guess i was suicidal for twenty years... on and off.

one example:

i had these hiking pants. they were leightweight, they fit me, they were breathable, thay dryed really quick, they were zip pants, so you could take off the legs and had short trousers. cost like 50 euros.

sold by globetrotter hiking supplies in germany.

first, they were called black bear. then meru grimsey pants. then frilufts.

so, this is what they do: they discover what sells well. they take that, and ratch the price up every three months or so. when one brand is so pricey the sellnumbers drop off, they invent another one as competition, so you have two pants then.

usually there is a huge quality drop then, but also a price drop. but the product is virtually the same, in my case those same pants with different names. if you want pants with certain properties, there is this category.

now, the pants are shite. expensive they dont fit me anymore all features neutered pantlegs are narrow, like, leggins maybe? but thats stupid for the outdoors. you want loose pantlegs, because of sweat bugs, ventilation, insulation, bit of wind draft, and so you can roll them up. my ass doesnt fit as well the fabric is like plastic and not even breathable??? why would i want that?

this ratching up the price of what sells method is a thing these huge stores with great reputation do like, systemattically. i am sure this is like a buisness scholl topic.

what i do, i have alarms so that tell me when somebody is selling a size 48 of these pants. i managed to get two pairs recently.

my acccunt was like 10 years old, with karma to match. i still got it, bu i havent logged in, because i am just furious about the whole banning thing for rules i didnt break. as soon as i get banned unjustly from feddit, i am out as well.

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there is something toxic going on. hard to say what.

"its all about calories in, calories out".

has to be old bud spencer and terrence hill movies, pretty popular in germany. I know there is a couple of them, but they are all pretty much the same anyway. ;-)

for sure, I just recently also turned geo location stuff of, even camera and microphone. I read a couple of articles that mentioned various issues with third parties listening to words, and what ever whattsapp does, i dont even want to know.

i always said it was just conspiracy talk that this mirophone listens to us, but earnestly, why are so mamny apps connected to the microphone anyway?

well. I have to delete my google account sooner or later. getting worse and worse prices onlineshopping is also a huge concern.

i had this freind, very good friend that i kinda dropped because he wasnt such a good friend after all:

he didnt believe in adhd, altough he pretty much had adhd. he drank alcohol, i took ritalin. he said i should drink instead, since i was funnier when i did. but i stopped.

to make a long story short: he said adhd is made up, ritalin is no good, what i described as mind changing is just a drug effect, and by the way, can you please stop being so goddamn unreliable?

he didnt get it till the end. adhd was like "hey squirrel" and i wasnt like that. but i was unreliable .... it is just like, my charakter. no specific reason.

he would always complain about this third friend, who also has some issues - he and the third friend would work together, and the third friend would frequently have anger fits, like, illogical ones. like, losing his pen while working, and then having hour long anger issues with everybbody, while hey tried to reason with him.

I tried to explain to him that it ist about the pen at all, but about the social situation and the stress involved, and that he shouldnt always put our mutual friend in these situations when he 100% fears that our friend will have a melt down.

afterwards, he would bitch about it, like talk bad about our mutual friend.

He full on knew that our mutual friend couldnt handle a stressfull work enviroment, and put him into it regardless.

well, 3 months ago i called it quits and put a stop to all of that. walked away frome a wohle friend group.

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i had like 10 of them since childhod, goddamn loved them. loved the colors and how smooth they were.

why do you need to gain weight??? what you describe is a good functioning metabolism. only thing you can do is eat more protein and train to put on muscle, you will not gain fat until you purpoesfully break your metabolism.

I DID consider him, but I think he has some kind of thieves honor.

other side is sexual allegation stuff, and the sheer number of people he must have screwed over and under paid. i recently saw how DDP ended his career, it was sad. the baseball shadow guy who hang out it the rafters, same thing.

one thing he got right was, he gave brett hart the chance to hit him in the jaw, which brett hart did, and he went hard. maybe not as hard as brett could have, but still.

but maybe he believed brett would not do it.

doesnt work for shit without eating. people also are on way to high dosage. well, it does work, but it really takes a toll if you are not eating right.

ah, das nützt salz eh nicht soviel, das es eine substanzwechselwirkung ist - sobald stimulanzien und antidepressiva aufeinandertreffen, wird es chaotisch.

i looked up ritalin on that side, and there was not a single article about ritalin destroying bodies and lifes.

are you medicated?

normal people would classify this als bipolar episodes; but i guess the first phase is just the normal adhd you, and the second phase is the exhaustion phase.

your ability to look in the past?

do you feel like you have no real concept of time? thats real interesting. because this topic is insanely huge in me.

ritaline helped me a great deal. and cutting out grains, since i had food allergies. my anxeity went down, and my energy levels normalized. i dont have those phases anymore. i feel i was way stupider 2 years ago.

i dont do crazy shit anymore. i have the plans, but usually, they stay plans, which is great.

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really, thats messed up. they drive away their users just for a power thrill.

i was not perma banned, just time out. but of all the instances i was reprimanded, i was in the wrong maybe 2 to 3 times. last time, there was this girl who would make post about me harassing her, and she would go back and alter what she wrote, delete her posts and what not. so in the end, i had like droves of people harassing me.

she was angry because i asked if she was fat; but i only asked her that because she had huge trouble with her adhd meds, and i wanted to find out if she was diabetic without knowing. she was a binge eater and conscious about your weight.

so, in the end, i was ableistig, misogyn, racist and what not. she claimed i was stalking her posts. but i simply commented in the post that she made about ME. i commented she was lying.... i was defending myself.

well. *'*ck that.

the whole thing, along with other incicidents, made me so goddamn angry that it was unhealthy. unhealthy in a psyscho way. so i decided to drop out.

i began to fear looking at my messages, began to fear logging in. not because i am a coward, but because the stuff stresses you out to no end.

i tried to delete my account and my comments, but i was not successfull in finding a good tool.

i posted a lot of content that helps people out (i hope...) by informing them about meds, adhd, autism and stuff. well, informing them is far fetched, i wrote about my expiriences, so people don't have to make them.

makes me mad that some one doens not care about the mods, the site, the users, and now seeks to profit from the stuff i wrote out of compassion.

oh, and people said i was condoning child porn, rapists, and what not, because I said that burning child molesters and rapists alive is not okay, that just makes you a monster as well.

(a rape victim burned her tormenter alive, which is tragic in countless ways. so people started saying that we should do that legally, i mean, as sentence by a court of law and stuff. I think the victim has the right to cruel revenge, but that shouldn't be modus operandi of our justice system )

if they knew how many times a week they meet somebody autistic...

i have a mammut backpack from 2007. i love that thing. 25 liters snowboard model, indestructible.

thats plain wrong. you dont have to go hungry to loose weight. thats ONE method, yes. but there are others. the human body is not a car you put petrol into.

that was worth the effort

i ended up paying for it. 650 euros. still had to find a therapist though. met a bunch of a holes. its not worth telling what was happening, it was the usual horrorstories.