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Joined 2 weeks ago

But what would the Jesus do?

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Or if your access would be bullshit constrained.

Endocrinologists fuck up hormone dosages on a regular enough basis that transfems will buy the estrogen powder, convert to injectable solution, and do it themselves.

They should struggle to exist.

Example: Scandal as taxpayer hits a billion in wealth. Prime Minister will lead an inquiry into how a single person was able to monopolize so many resources.

If the whole world was a village Mr. Billionaire would be lynched by now for obviously having all the village resources.

I too would like Jewish Trump to have to explain himself to a prosecutor.

Data collection for how far they can push humans. My money is people will pray to lottery Jesus while being grateful for their corpse starch, and being apathetic that grandma is being recycled because she missed too many days of work.

Lets call most of our population criminals and have them sit next to each other in jail sharing file sharing techniques.

But being realistic, it depends on how far into the future the political party would like to keep winning votes.

Ideas/art/concepts/recipes/books are just waiting around to be discovered. We as a species discover them or develop them from our shared culture. And a bunch of rich fucks think they should get perpetual rights because they own all the content mills/researchers, regardless of how much the rest of the species would benefit.

This wins my vote for best meme today.

You wouldn’t pirate a medicine, would you?

You wouldnt' pirate a human thought would you? The basis of this entire sub, that one pile of neurons deserves for life the rights to a computation.

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