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Joined 12 months ago

In college I lost one of my jobs and knew I needed another one fast or I wouldn't be able to make rent. I spammed my resume on Indeed and Monster.

I got an email offering an IT-adjacent job in town. It was Saturday and they said I could stop by in a few weeks to fill out the paperwork or we could do it over the phone and start Monday. I called so I could get my first paycheck before the end of the month. We eventually got to her asking for my Social Security number and I froze.

I realized this could be a scam, but I was really desperate. I tried to think of a way to test them, so I said that I just realized I would be unavailable during certain hours, would that still be okay? She said she had to put me on hold to talk to the manager. After a while she came back and said it should work, but I would have to discuss the specifics with my supervisor once I started.

That sounded real to me. If it was a scam surely she would have just immediately said my schedule was fine, right? I gave her my SSN. She said I was ready to go and to have fun on Monday. I got there and it was just a parking lot. Couldn't get a response via phone or email.

A couple months later I found out someone across the country had used my SSN and I had to freeze my credit.

I have the exact same issue. I thought buying directly from the manufacturer's site would fix it, but I still get Amazon boxes from some of them. I don't buy from them again, but it still sucks. I have ended up buying even less, and I wasn't buying much before.

I try to buy things used, but sometimes that's just not possible. If it has to be new I try different sites until I find one that doesn't go through them. You can even call customer service for some smaller sites and find out ahead of time.

I don't agree with the "don't bother" hopelessness in this thread. Trying to do the least bad thing is still worthwhile, even if you can't do something perfectly ethical. I'm proud of you for doing your best.

I don't understand, haven't these robots existed for almost 20 years? We've got a half dozen of these where I work moving pallets of stuff around the warehouse.

A Teams meeting!? I wish I was as brave as you. I'm not even brave enough to poop while listening to a Teams call, much less showering. I'm terrified they'll call me out and I'll either have to unmute at the worst possible moment or stay muted and have my boss assume I'm not paying attention.

If I showered during a meeting I would be paranoid about somehow magically turning on my camera.

Very interesting. It would certainly make doom scrolling harder. Email always feels more personal, like each message was sent specifically to me for a reason. As opposed to feeds, which feels like looking at cars as they drive by.

I think this system pushes against those boundaries. This sort of concrete brainstorming at the edges is such a crucial part of software evolution, so thank you.

This happens to me almost every night. Usually while coming out of sleep, but sometimes while I'm still trying to fall asleep. It used to only happen when I was stressed about work, but once I had a kid it became very frequent.

I hear/see the door open, hear my son's door open, see giant spiders on the wall, hear someone rummaging through the fridge, hear my son screaming, etc. If I get up to check it's always nothing.

2 more...

My 960 runs Unity games like Overcooked at 4k, so I probably won't be upgrading any time soon. With a toddler I don't have time for AAA games anymore, but I'm guessing the frame rate would be painful.

trans people are after their children to convert them

I think this is a very big part of it. When I was a teenager and our state legalized gay marriage my dad said it was great. He was all for their freedom to do as they pleased behind closed doors. But as soon as he thought I, his son, might be gay he was terrified. Suddenly he would change the channel if an effeminate man walked on. He'd leave Maxim magazines everywhere. He'd mock anybody "acting" gay.

Fearing for your children is incredibly powerful. Best case my dad was scared I would be bullied. More likely I think he was scared people would see him differently and he might be mocked. It's such an easy lever for politicians to pull when trying to manipulate their voters.

A lot of people don't understand how much time long hair actually adds. When mine was reaching my hips it would add 10 minutes to my shower. I wasn't even doing conditioner or anything; it just takes forever to get all of your hair lathered up and then rinsed out. Now that my hair is short again I'm in and out in less than five minutes, but I wouldn't have minded music back then.

I agree on board games.

See if there are Board Game shops in your city. If they have tables for Magic the Gathering you can check their calendar and usually find open board gaming nights. In my experience people usually bring a bunch of their own games and are open to new players. Some of the people in our group don't own any games; the rest of us are always bringing more than we can possibly play anyway.

It was definitely considered piracy by the public at the time. Everyone I knew called it a "legal grey area", but as far as I know it was legally permissable.

The media companies tried their hardest to make it sound like you were destroying the entire industry and you'd go to jail for life as soon as they caught you.

What makes me mad is the boomers I watched copy rentals and NFL games are the same ones telling me I'm stealing by using an ad blocker.

We need a Thanks I Hate It (TIHI) community on Lemmy. I don't like this news you have posted, but I do appreciate that you posted it.

Universe is my favorite, with SG1 close behind. I feel like Universe tried too hard to be Battlestar Galactica at first and the network wasn't impressed when it didn't hit it off like BSG. I would have loved another season.

I don't know why you're catching so much flak. Parking lots are not safe places for kids, and you can't leave them alone in the car for long either. I've never had an issue returning a cart, but that's because I've never shopped at a place where the return corrals are that sparse. If it's over a minute's walk to return a cart then that's a failure of the parking lot architects, not you. You're doing what you can, which is good enough.

All the people trying to sleep in those houses:

"don't have to throw the whole thing out" is what convinced me to get one. I'm not going to make a big difference on my own, but minimizing what I recycle, throw out, or chuck in the basement is still worthwhile.

I have no advice, but I have a similar issue. Firefox on Windows 10 with just uBlock Origin.

YouTube works fine at first, but if I watch a lot of videos in a row then after an hour or so it starts to load slowly. Then it stutters, then finally I get audio and a single frame for the whole video. Shorts seem to accelerate the descent. I haven't tried live streams yet, but I bet I'd get the same result.

Completely closing all Firefox instances and reopening fixes it for an hour. It acts like a memory leak, but I'm not even close to maxing out my RAM when it crashes. My fans get loud which makes me wonder if it's botching the hardware acceleration.

Sadly I can't help beyond telling you you're not crazy.

My wife ordered JustEgg (a mung bean egg alternative) because she's allergic to eggs and they substituted a carton of eggs. Fortunately I was able to eat them.

This is what I've seen too. Directors come back from a conference and suddenly we're learning a newer but objectively worse system. Obviously the grunts using the systems aren't consulted, but are expected to be team players through this educational experience.

The Blood Machines OST is my favorite album of any genre, and I've never even seen the movie.

I didn't even know he was sick.

It was fun to see Michael Emerson in Fallout with a dog that looks just like Bear. He'll always be some variation of Finch to me.

I'm considering switching too. When my instance updated to .19 or whatever Jerboa would crash if I tried to log in. It sorted itself out after a few days, but it was still a bummer that I couldn't upvote or save anything for three days.

It also randomly crashes on some posts. I've never been able to see a pattern because I am just instantly back at my phone's home screen. Once every two or three days there is a post that throws it off.

It also doesn't seem to handle network issues well. If my Internet goes out or my wifi is acting up my screen gets flooded with json errors.

Nothing major, but enough to make me interested in alternatives.

I refuse to buy anything from Amazon, and I will even pay extra to get it directly from the manufacturer's site. So it's really disheartening when I end up getting an Amazon package in the mail anyway. I think a lot of places save on space and headcount by using Amazon for fulfillment.

I even have the same issue with eBay. Some sellers are just drop-shippers for Amazon.

It's usually not scary, it just jolts me up and out of bed, which interrupts my already limited sleep. It's definitely not great. I'm hoping it'll calm down as my son gets older, but I won't hold my breath.

Contraction. Conjunctions are "and", "but", etc.