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Joined 12 months ago

Lemmy is a classless, stateless, and karmaless society

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Even in their ads for ads they have to get their content from their user base

And my axe!

Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

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It's a twofer. You're also pressing F to say fuck you u/spez

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wefwef just added dark mode

Let's goooooo!

It feels like the internet is on fire but the firemen hooked their hoses into a gas pump

How does this agenda look?

7:00 Wake up

8:00 Be bisexual

9:00 Eat hot chip

10:00 Lie

I'd dip my breadstick in that.

But just think of all the value this creates for its potential shareholders

Remember when Gary Johnson argued that climate change wasn't a big deal because the sun would become a red giant in a few billion years anyway?

It would be funny to buy an ad that said that if it didn't involve giving him money


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Probably because it wasn't made by an actual reddit user

Those who like Neil Diamond and those who don't?

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I'm not going to claim I know what's happening, but I like the self-DDoSing explanation because it's even funnier

I gave it a 1 star review. I'm doing my part o7

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What episode is that?


My first post. RIP RIF.

ce n'est pas un chat

On Twitter, it can lead to audience capture. People will be chasing that high of going viral. It's not a great place for nuance. It becomes a competition of who can be the most hyperbolic

3 sites if you include Twitter . Twitter and Reddit seem to be in a mismanagement competition right now. Not sure who's winning

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Okay, this bflix thing is amazing. How is it legal? How do they pay for it?