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Joined 1 months ago

If you’re in Arizona, come canvass with me! The margins are so small you could really make a difference and help choose the future of our country!!

If that doesn’t sum up the path that this crazy ideology leads you down I don’t know what will.

At each step they just keep doubling down 🫠

We just retired my MBP from 2014 this year. 10 years of usage for a laptop is crazy. And we could have kept it going with a battery swap but we opted to get a new Air which are super nice.

Apple is expensive but you get what you pay for.


Check out Mr FancyPants over here, investing in their 491k while us plebs invest in our 401ks

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There was a script for one but Alan Rickman passed away (😭😭😭) and it got shelved. There are always rumors circling about still but nothing concrete.

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This was done a a 3-2 vote. These things are so close that if we work a little bit harder we can stop it and make a difference. Vote and help others vote as well!

My only regret is that I have but 1 upvote to give you. This is a fantastic summary!

Right??? AP is left center?!? They report the literal facts so I guess facts are left center?

Wait that actually checks out…

Uhhh I’m not trusting nobody named vault dweller about this particular topic

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Honestly the apps on my phone that do this are amazing. I bought an adapter that adds a 1/4” and an 1/8” jack so I can listen to it through headphones and it’s beyond anything we had just a few years ago.

Honestly, everyone else has it spot on with the retirement advice. Even people that are north of $10M net worth follow that same advice.

For personal day-to-day stuff I would recommend You Need A Budget.

This is a fantastic way to keep a budget.

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Ignorance is ok but apathy is not

Do you use those for everyday wear?

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I misspoke. I meant this isn’t in front of the Supreme Court currently. It might be making its way up there though.

This isn’t going to the Supreme Court. You might be thinking of this

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I like your style

Totally. I was just being silly.

His ass. This is a conspiracy theory that’s been going around for ages with dubious sources at best.

The main problem with BYD cars is that they are heavily subsidizing by the Chinese government.

If you remove those subsidies then those cars aren’t going to be very competitive. But the problem would be that by the time the Chinese government stopped subsidies, there wouldn’t be any competition left.

Our best ways to counteract this would either be through heavy tariffs or by subsidizing our own companies in the west.

MAGA wants to do the tariffs route which is basically a bandaid solution that would prevent the Chinese companies from owning the US market but it wouldn’t do anything outside of that. Plus it doesn’t solve is being competitive, it’s just covering its ears and “lalala”’ing the issue for later generations to deal with it. Which honestly, that tracks for basically their whole platform.

If you do the subsidies route though, we’d have to make sure we’re not just constantly lining Musk’s pockets but Tesla is the company has the biggest head start. And Musk is a PoS but the devil’s credit is that our EV market wouldn’t exist without Tesla.

IMO, we need to diversify our EV makers and help provide the capital to bootstrap it. And while that’s happening we need to not let cheap Chinese cars flood the market to undercut any chance we have. So basically we need a combination of both solutions.

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