2 Post – 28 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

this is co cool

maybe its just me, but as useful and nice to know as this is, I really want Mozilla to focus their efforts on making a good browser, not to spend money doing everything but that.

There are a lot of anti-features (studies, pocket, telemetry, "sponsored suggestions", etc..) that are justified in "we have to make money somehow" but then they spend it on this stuff.

[edited for clarity]

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if it helps, I was sending out custom CVs to companies for two years to the tune of 10+ a day before I got hired for my first "real" tech job.
after working here for years, I really realize how little I knew and how badly I came off.

I grew up very religious (Judaism) and while I ended up leaving the religion in disgust for lost of reasons, I did know a Rabbi like that and he was amazing.

hi Niko!

just a warning, I also "was cis tho" when i started on this sub on reddit way back.
turns out i was wrong >.<

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kitty! <3

hehe <3 there are worse things

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noooo I have a stock of cuddles and headpats we can share

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ughhh yes so mad :-p

hehehe well feel free to pick them up, i'll leave them right here :-)

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lol I have no idea how to use this fedi platform thing, but have some here

sorry it took so long, war here is distracting.

thats so funny i had no idea

I wishhhhh

hi Vibia!

the name is super cute and kinda unique, like you!

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I will say this is the first feature that even begins to provide any return on their subscription model. so of course it will have additional fees.



isn't working =(

oooo, thanks!

hahaha goddd

Sure, I mean I want them to focus their energy on it.
There are a lot of anti-features (studies, pocket, telemetry, "sponsored suggestions", etc..) that are justified in "we have to make money somehow" but then they spend it on this stuff.

yeah i deleted my post because they keep changing their minds.
its retroactive (for now) in the sense that they started counting from before, just only billing for new ones.

It's very possible they weren't unused.
Docker builds their images out of layers, and all the layers are used during runtime!:

The idea is that you can essentially change PARTS of an image, without rebuilding it entirely, which saves space and bandwidth.

I guess I have this imaginary expectation that I don't have to do stuff like one-time credit cards and fake addresses and stuff to BUY software?

I know its less and less a thing these days and I should suck it up, but like why not just pirate it if I'm skulking around like a criminal?

by the way, Thanks for posting it - my bitterness for jetbrains shouldn't take away from its being a great deal for new users.

we gettin there <3

thats awesome!

I used to get excited about these promotions, until I realized they are all only for NEW customers.
If you ever gave Jetbrains money, they don't care about you anymore.

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its difficult because different users have different usage patterns.
for example, two users who never post and are never online at the same time really take no resources from each other. they are effectively "one" user.

one user who posts 10gb of content a day, and is constantly posting would be equivalent to hundreds of "normal" users.