10 Post – 26 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Hi, I am sorry if my posts bother you. It is a new tech I am really trying to get more people to use it if they like it. It is a growing tech.

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I can't tell you how right you are. I used it in power outages" Sometimes cell signal goes down " where you look at your phone and realize ok well I have no backup plan.

Like what spam? I am not selling anything nor I am asking for your information

But I mentioned llama, which is self hosted

So the frequencies matter a bit. I run on 433mhz but I bet lora is good enough even at the US 915. So yeah it can even go further. Meshtastic 254KM was done on US 915.

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Well I had many blogs about how to add sensors etc. Mostly I personally use it as walkie talkie but also I have seen people use it as a tracker for pets, and motion sensors at home maybe. I use it for temp sensor in each room in a handheld and I will take out for hikes etc.

I totally understand your point, But again I am not here to grow Lemmy Nor to grow my website. I really put so much time into writing Meshtastic guides, I am trying to spread the word. Suppose I were to start crafting posts for each platform Reddit, Lemmy, Discord, LinkedIn, etc. I would never have time to write more content about Meshtastic or any other stuff. Please let's be reasonable here. Focus on the content and the tech. All the comments on why I shared my website. I would to have a conversation about the actual content itself. Did you try it? what is the range? how does it work?

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Got it, thank you for the nice comment. I noted your ideas will ease people into it.

I understand you. I am here sharing an idea. answering questions, happy to take any comment and build on It

To use Meshtastic you only need 1 device to talk to the others. If you want to talk with a friend each one need to have a device. Other than that you don't need anything. Get a device flash it then you are good to go

I also tried it when I was skiing in the winter. It was cool. I have GPS on my nodes. and I can tell where my friend is, tried also the telemetry sensor to tell the ALT but since it only tells the pressure it is not intuitive. You can probably tell if the person is up or down You can find all the details here, For your country you are only allowed 915.0 - 928.0

Hope you liked the information.

from the part list, you only need Lora and esp. that can get you up and running as for assembly it takes only 10 mins max. But again there is a market for ready products and market for DIY. I had some esp32 with Lora from other projects and used it, you might not have it. But the heltec is also a good cheap starting point. As for the ID well, actually most of the time your government asks for ID number to tax you if needed. But you are free to order from Amazon as well. You can find amazon links on the website if you wish, I won't be sharing them here not to make anyone angry

Well sorry :) If I could find another blog other than mine I would love to share it. It is new tech I am trying to let people know about it and hopefully we have enough interests that big bloggers write about it.

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idk about that, a heltec is 15-20$ while t-echo is 55-65$.

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Will do that, I will wait a couple of days before posting again. I am sorry if I offended anyone again.

I mean you kinda of looking at from the wrong way, In the company I work for, it was a time saver. A department of engineers in embedded systems can upload some measurements then another department can quicky run some questions to write the findings for a customer. They both don't know anything about SQL and ti is even faster than the tool we built for them. Since they have to filter through 1TB of data. Yes it needs a lot of optimization to get it perfect.

Maybe I misunderstood you, but how can you use existing ones without carrying a node?

No idea what eli5 means

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Well, Sorry to bother you then. Nothing else I can do

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It does actually, You can see the parts list at the top of the blog.

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inexpensive? Really

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