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Joined 12 months ago

enjoying my time here, floating around

I’ve been under huge amounts of stress and have been mismanaged, but it never turned me into a grabass bully.

systemic issues like this don’t just come from nowhere. likewise, they didn’t just appear, either. nor will they simply disappear now that they’ve been exposed or with some glib promise to “do better”.

workplace atmospheres like this take time to develop and… fester. From what Madison described, it’s been this what from, at least, the time she started, which means these behaviors, these patterns, were existing, likely for some time.

What Linus knew, when, etc. may important in a civil case, but it’s not to me— He failed at his job, and didn’t ask for help/hire help to fix the problems until faaaar too late. If it was this bad for Madison, it had to be at least as bad if not worse for others before her who simply did not (or could not) speak out, as well as other who are still there.

Systemic issues do not affect only one person, and they don’t appear out of nowhere. Expect more bad news and expect that any resolution/fixes will take time and major change. If you don’t see any major changes over a reasonable amount of time, don’t trust claims that they’re “working on it."

the CEO is also a homophobic bigot and covid denier

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didn’t Parler have something like this, then their entire DB got hacked handed over to the FBI just after jan 6th, complete with hundreds of videos of the traitors committing crimes that they upload themselves? since Parler didn’t strip any metadata from uploaded media, the feds were able to use it all as evidence and use everyone’s IDs to tie it all to them.

I bet they arrested hundreds of people this way and used tons more of it at the various trials

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…according to the latest study from No Shit University and the Sherlock Center for the Obvious.

because you are sane

Germany=Nazi joke

not funny

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ignoring them won't make them go away because they'll just up the stakes-- that's exactly what Carleson is doing after he got fired. the only way to beat fascism is with united strength, and there are more of us than there are of them. the problem is that we've become complacent, and too many of us have come to believe we're doing all we can or that our efforts won't be enough-- and that's wrong.

The Alt-Right Playbook: The Cost of Doing Business

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I think this is more of an official acknowledgment and them exploring how it works, not so much “breaking news” for those of us in the know. I’d imagine most people are probably unaware of this.

Why does he still look like he's in prep school?

There's a painting of a 90-year-old Dachau camp guard aging in his attic, I just know it.

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Jesus was a Jew.

say this to some christians and watch their brains melt.

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yeah, but progressives and liberals and all other "crazies and normal people" aren’t the ones committing mass shootings all the time.

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eh… I believe you have your controlled substances mixed up...

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“Hawley typically cites Big Tech, Hollywood and academia as the unholy trinity of elites that has laid masculinity to waste..."

well, Hawley and his ilk, are on to something, although not quite what they think. Mass media, and more recently the internet, has brought about the democratization of media, culture, and knowledge, of discourse and interaction, for the masses. No longer controlled by the ruling elites, the masses can use and come to understand and to organize in ways that shift the old power dynamic, and now those in power on the right see the people - and, especially, their means of empowerment - as a threat.

So, it's not that straight, cis, white men (or even masculinity itself) that are under attack per se, it's the current power dynamic that progressive movements seek to change. its dominance by straight, cis, white men is, academically speaking, just a coincidence. When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

Trump and his supporters complained that the 2016 election was rigged even after he won.

They’ll say anything to claim victimhood, most often when the opposite is true.

gee, if only the president at the time could have done something about that... i wonder who that was...


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right, but “everybody” aren’t the ones committing mass shootings all the time. that’s an alt-right crazies problem.

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Ok so isn’t the issue at hand whether the sites are to blame?

let’s break this down so I can answer you in what I think is an honest way:

  1. Are the sites legally responsible for the content they host, generally speaking and/or in this context of radicalization and such subsequent results as these?


  1. Do these sites bear any social/moral responsibility to moderate their more extreme content in good faith to try to prevent this sort of result?


  1. Is there an overlap of 1 and 2?

1 - this is for a court to decide. I’m not familiar enough with the very specifics of case law or with the suits being brought to know exactly what is being alleged, etc. I can’t opine on this other that to say that, from what I do know, it’s unlikely that a court would hold these sites legally responsible.

2 - I fully believe that, yes, sites like these, massive, general-use public sites have a social and moral responsibility to keep their platforms safe. How and what that means is a matter for much debate, and I’m sure people here will do just that.

3 - is there overlap? again, legally, I’m not sure, but there might be, and in the near future, there might be much more. also, should there be more? another subject for debate.

good news, then

yoinked and x-posted to mastodon

lol, wow. I guess summer break is over, and we’re back to this dipshit being in the news.

and, yeah, he should have to pay every last penny of what he has, despite his rather inept attempts at hiding his money by sifting it around to his family and friends.

they certainly know racism and like racist symbolism

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No they don’t.


so, your argument is they’re not racist, they’re just stupid?


sorry, internet rando who keeps defending racist traitors has a lot less credibility than the deputy director of the FL ACLU.

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that doesn’t answer my question

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Look at the person who wrote the article, look at what they post and think for yourself if that person has bias or not


are you going to actually link to the community or what? lol

there are a surprising amount of racist/racism apologists here.

also, re: your example:

nice false equivalence.

edit: also, nobody is arguing what that the no crossing sign is racist. that’s a

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I guess I don’t see what you see in my words then

probably because I’m not trying to twist myself into knots to defend racism and racist symbology with a long list of logical fallacies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

also, nice cherry-picking

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by “some” christians, I meant “certain” christians. I should have been more clear.

because he knows history and sees racist Trumpublicans hanging/waving this flag?

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interesting… whether the sites will be found liable…. it’s pretty unlikely, but it sure does shine a spotlight on how each are magnets for alt-right crazies. I wonder if that will have any effect on their moderation?

I doubt it.

14 more... is also experiencing issues. both sites seems to have login disabled for almost 24 hours now. if they’re experiencing a DDoS attack, that would finally explain why.

Putin will run out of people before NATO nations run out of ammo to send to Ukraine

Edit: heres the wikipedia article:

funny how the flag under discussion isn’t shown or mentioned on this page.

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