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I legitimately feel bad for Biden. My dumbass MAGA mom called me and said Biden is finished, he can’t remember anything. She was citing the report. I was like, okay so all this shit with missing documents happened around the time his son was slowly dying of brain cancer. How much would you remember if that happened to your kid? Bunch of fucking ghouls who have no sympathy.

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Steven Cheung, a spokesman for Mr. Trump, did not directly address Mr. Tacopina’s departure, saying only that Mr. Trump “has the most experienced, qualified, disciplined, and overall strongest legal team ever assembled”

Oh yeah, his legal team is fucked

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MTG and Boebert will be dining out at the finest roadside BBQ restaurant in their districts tonight

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Mastodon logo looks like a happy comma

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Dismally looking forward to when they don’t vote for Biden and then Trump’s back in office and he gives Netanyahu the green light to kill as many as he wants

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The Moms For Liberty founder having ongoing lesbian sex is the cherry on top. It’s tough keeping track of all the awful shit they do.

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Wait, there’s more than just a headline and a summary? This changes everything

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Well they’re Republicans. The closer they get to actually having to put their words into actions, they freak the fuck out because they know it’ll be nothing but a disaster. They’re probably slashing their own tires and blaming Antifa

I read that Biden is more popular among active-duty soldiers but Trump is more popular among veterans. Which doesn’t make sense to me. Trump is a draft dodger and they think he’s the most badass President ever. All he did was golf and tweet. What the fuck

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I fucking hate Trump so much dude

It never left honk honk

This is one of those games where I start playing and then it’s dark outside and I’m dehydrated. 10/10 would recommend

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What a fucking disaster. Netanyahu and Hamas have been quite the blight on mankind

Yeah, the fuck. Genuinely don’t see how this isn’t a shoot to kill moment unless he voluntarily surrendered

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It’s actually super based to blow up terrorists attacking container vessels.

You can either shut the fuck and bitch about inflation (which is driven up by Houthi attacks) or you can go on a weird demand for a ceasefire but acknowledge paying higher prices for goods is a necessary side effect of allowing Houthis to terrorize shipping lanes.

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I have no patience with people who “just cant find it in their heart to support Biden again”. There is too fucking much at stake to hold Biden to these impossible standards.

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I can tell you don’t watch CNN or MSNBC because they totally are questioning things and are highly critical of Netanyahu, who is basically Israeli George W Bush. Young people can vote for who they want to vote for, but if they all toss their votes in the trash for a Russian plant like RFK Jr, I will be blaming them for the repercussions of a second Trump term as equally as I would blame his brainwashed cult.

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I can’t wait to vote for Biden this year. Fuck this guy. Dude belongs in an old folks home

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You know you’re a piece of shit when your siblings all star in a political ad… for the person you’re running against. They all said that they’re brother is a piece of shit and he still somehow won reelection

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If he agrees to testify for immunity or a reduced sentence, Trump would be fucked

New schism just dropped

I’m voting for her in a month in my state’s primary. She hasn’t earned my vote, but seeing how much it pisses off Trump is just too fucking good. She won’t win the nomination, but she can absorb his blows for a couple months and it extends the Republican in-fighting.

I would urge everyone to vote for her in your state’s primary. She’s not gonna win the primary, and even if she did, she won’t win a general election because all the Trumper’s are gonna write in Trump

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Blame the right wing outlets. WaPo, The Atlantic, NYT, and others are covering him a lot… by exposing how he will try to end democracy as we know it. That’s not the coverage he wants and it’s the coverage that we need to get out there to the uninformed

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Are you confusing Romney with almost every other Republican senator? No other Republicans senator that I’m aware of has said that they would vote for Biden over Trump

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China would rather have Trump because I doubt he would defend Taiwan. He just wants to end trade with China, while simultaneously praising Xi as brilliant. Biden also wouldn’t pose for a dumbass photo-op with Kim Jong-un. China very clearly has a favorite because they know Trump would maximize domestic turmoil

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I mean, yeah it’s disappointing but hopefully a legal case can prove he in incited an insurrection and then states can remove him from the ballot. Then the SCOTUS would have to quite literally just nullify a a part of the Constitution, which would be… not out of the realm of possibilities at this point

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This is the one that stings for decades after he’s gone. Maybe America can come back from the clutches of authoritarianism, but the judicial branch will be fucked up for quite a while. Perhaps helping pave the way for a future wannabe rightwing dictator. The Supreme Court is fucked as it is, and it can get worse

“AIDING AND COMFORTING OUR ENEMIES” was what they cried out when a Democrat question Iraq. Somehow, Republicans have convinced hordes of Americans that’s it’s the Dems who uphold neoconservatism when all that Democrats want to do is stop a valuable and trustworthy ally from collapsing.

It doesn’t matter legally. Carter sold his peanut farm to avoid breaking the law.

Trump would gleefully see Gaza get destroyed. He would call on Israel to not slow down and allow aid to pass through, but do it faster. Like, “have it done by next Monday so I can take the credit for it”.

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I would love to see Biden nationalize Starlink.

This is a good thing. Competition with the USSR made NASA what it is.

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Johnson is gonna have to rely on Democrat votes once more. It’s hilarious. I wouldn’t be shocked if a couple more Republicans retire before it begins. They’ll end up giving the majority to the Democrats before it’s all over with.

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Can someone explain to me why I shouldn’t like Kamala Harris? And if someone says because she hasn’t been an effective VP, could someone show me an example of an effective VP in modern US history?

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How about before Xi? What about the decades following 1971? It totally brought the two countries closer together and thinking otherwise is absurd

It’s why Huawei is what it is. The company is built upon stolen tech

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I hope Israel tosses Netanyahu and elects a more liberal leader who doesn’t want to genocide their neighbors. Netanyahu fucking sucks. Hamas fucking sucks. I want both to become history and for Israel to have peace with Palestine and the rest of the Arab world

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Ok but… how? With whom?

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Ah man I hope this meeting gets recorded. When was the last time he met with people outside MAGA world to talk policy?

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Speaking of flat earthers, Folding Ideas has a great video on flat earthers and why we don’t really hear about them anymore… for the worst of reasons. Really great video

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