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Joined 13 months ago

of course it was the PSP. I’ll say it again and again; secure computing is like adding a back door that you know about. Fuck intel me, fuck amd psp, fuck apple sep, fuck microsoft tpm, and fuck anyone who wants to have control over a device I own.

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tldr; it’s $900 and has very fancy audio equipment.

My lemmy mobile client just crashed. This is me on the web interface, lol.

Alternate explanation: manufacturer from country with poor labor laws realises skilled workers are expensive.

Isn’t github owned by microsoft? As is openAI, who wants regulation to protect their nonexistent moat?

All the anti reddit people have left. Now all that remains is shills and astroturfing admin bots.

if you don’t want to be replacing sd cards

The truth hurts, but this is the truth. Clawing at those little shits is the most annoying thing ever.

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IMO, sync for lemmy should be automatically pushed to all sync for reddit devices.

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Given their actions around chernobyl, I don’t doubt it.

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To get clicks from people searching up things and happening to land on their page, who then read a little bit and see ads before leaving.

stop posting crypto bs on the main tech magazine, please. Go back to your corner and convince yourself you own actual assets and leave the rest of us alone.

who cares what this random lady thinks

metafilter is the one that comes to mind, no login and it’s gpt 4

iOS? Is it just me, because I don’t see any iOS version…

edit: it’s just me

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Maybe that’s his plan? Delay and delay until (when he believes) he will win and pardons himself?

lemmy has quality

Oracle has a pretty decent free tier.

That just modifies an image, you still need to flash it using something like UEFITool to do the rest, and a good guide to follow.

what the fuck

your what


Same here, I never knew it ran on renewable energy though, that’s great!

Post a how to guide please?

I love it.



It’s being ddos’d right now


10? That’s one way to discourage competition from new companies.

Yeah, this place is full of commie and commie sympathisers.