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Joined 2 months ago

What ever happened to that Iranian revolution that was going on?

It just kind of fizzled out.

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But also I think fewer and fewer people use the salt shaker because they eat so much processed food (which has salt that is not iodized).

This. I never add salt to my cooking because there's already so much salt in everything.

Great point.

It's almost like nations are just looking out for their rich people while everyone else is a useful idiot squabbling over bullshit.

Terrorism means waging war with the west without spending a lot of money.

Genocide, on the other hand...

That doesn't make it okay and it never will.

Also, isn't the US withholding support for Ukraine?

Honestly, I'd wait to see how that plays out in court before freaking out over it.

I can see any average lawyer convincing a jury that there's no way to prove the client knew the software was pirated.

War crimes don't matter if nobody has the balls to prosecute people for them.

It's sad because he's doing this while the US withholds supplies.

Also, "I support genocide as long as I get something out of it" is not a good look for a nation that wants sympathy from the world.

Good for them.

It's all about maximizing profit.

Useful idiots will never understand or acknowledge this.


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Dang, that's lame.


The only model of journalism that works is public funded/donated.

Not really.

Some of the best journalism is done by random joe's with a camera.

There’s a combined Ukraine and Israel aid bill.

Wish combining bills like this wasn't possible.

Children are too easily manipulated, and I don't trust people to avoid coercing children that it's better to be trans.

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No, but you can ask specifically.

Do you think children are more susceptible than adults?


At what age are they less?

It depends on the individual, but the general trend is that people become less susceptible to coercion as they become older and gain more life experience.

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they don’t indoctrinate the youth.

Sorry, I've seen too much evidence to the contrary.

There are scumbags across all walks off life, and you'll start to realize this as you get older.

He's just looking out for what he cares about, like most scumbags.

Fuck everyone else, right? Lol.

To be fair, there's still a ton of areas in the US with questionable drinking water.

I honestly wouldn't criticize them if they chose to drink alcohol like in the old days to avoid diseases from unsanitary water.

I mean, just look at Flint :(

Then why does unfiltered tap water suck pretty much everywhere I go?

It legit tastes like they put dirt in it, even school fountains.

Bailey, who last year attempted to implement a ban on gender-affirming care for people of all ages

I'm not a fan of giving it to children, but adults should be able to do what they want with their bodies as long as they are not hurting anyone else.

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How can Americans get upset at this when they're funding a nation doing even worse?

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Spreading the word that America is doing what Americans criticize others of doing is better than what you're doing now.

Heck, you could've just kept your mouth shut and that would've been better than what you're doing now.

Can you stop replying to all my posts?

We've already established you can't read.

In fact, I'm just gonna make the proactive decision to block you. Goodbye.

What? We put fluoride in water because people can't afford toothpaste or brush their teeth? That's news to me.

So you're saying that there's no point in having fluoridated water if you have proper dental hygiene?

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For the same reason people should “have to” resort to anything else they don’t want that everyone else is fine with.

Like lead in gasoline? The thing is, everyone else is not "fine" with this. Why do you think there's an article about it?

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God forbid we do something expensive if it's to improve people's health...

The addition of fluoride (fluoridation) to drinking water that is low in fluoride or the use of fluoride toothpaste and supplements significantly reduces the risk of tooth decay.

Jeez, you really can't read, can you?

I don't expect you to be capable of making worthwhile arguments, so I'm just going to end this here.


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That's a loaded question because people do not suffer without fluoridated water.

Do you want to explain how they suffer without fluoridated water? That way you're talking specifics that can actually be debated upon instead of generalities where people need to make your arguments for you.

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What a bad faith argument.

Most people who want to avoid fluoride in their drinking water use reverse osmosis.

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Why should people have to resort to using reverse osmosis to avoid fluoride in their drinking water?

Also, good job pivoting instead of admitting you were arguing in bad faith.

I expect you to keep doing that.

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What are you talking about?

People get cavities all the time, and it's because they don't brush their damn teeth.

Smart enough not to treat science like a religion.

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It's the ruling class and their useful idiots vs. everyone else.

Guess who's winning...


Just check the modlogs :P

Are the experts ever wrong?

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Lol shut up I have two kids, a PhD and almost 20 years experience running a university research lab BEFORE my current job.

So? Did you study the effects of drinking fluoridated water?

Or do you just have faith in those who did?

but listening to the consensus of people who know more than you isn’t religion, it’s a heuristic for making better decisions.

It's just another source of information. Treating that source as absolute truth without understanding it yourself is ignorant.