22 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

It's worse than you thought. They're the same company.

This is an advertisement packaged as "news"

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This is extremely typical for Amazon corporate.

They have the data because they ask (corporate) employees about their working experience constantly. I'm sure employees love the option to WFH. But they don't like the data (typical) because they spent billions building cheap, crowded, loud office space around the world.

So what do they do? They pull out the mantra, "Disagree and Commit", which is Amazon manager speak for "shut up and do what I say." Ironically, Disagree and Commit is actually "Have Backbone, Disagree and Commit" and is about finding alternative solutions or data when you think the company is doing the wrong things rather than keeping quiet.

Amazon, like most American corporations is an oligarchy and it's run terribly at the top with dire consequences for their employees, customers, and the world.

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Claire helped me through the darkest parts of 2020

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Props for assessing the situation and putting yourself above it. You're living up to your no-stress name.

Tangentially, how socially unadjusted do you have to be to throw insults randomly in public?

Please step away from screens for a bit. There are bad things/people in the world. Always have been, always will be. Your comment history has me worried for your sake.

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Without breaking the habit, I'm posting another Greece photo.This time, form Meteora, a UNESCO World Heritage Site featuring six hand-built Greek Orthodox monasteries sitting on natural rock formations.

The experience is not for the faint of heart, however. You'll face some step climbs, endless steps and seas of tourists. But finally, at the top, you'll get a truly unique sight.

From the inside, these still-functioning buildings hold all that is required to stow away from war and other inconveniences of 16th century priest life. You'll explore how a system of cables transported building materials, food, and everything else across the complex. And you'll see a bunch of religious stuff.

After a long walk-around, with feet numb and brain marinated in history, theology, and architecture, I paused to look out. You can see the next monastery (pictured) sitting on a natural pedestal with an inviting sun beam washing over it. I couldn't help but wonder what makes this place special. Is it the hard work building these monasteries? The beauty of the natural landscape? Is it synergistic? Or did humans actually ruin perfectly beautiful natural rock formations to worship a god who presumably built them?

Meteora poses the dilemma between human-made and nature-given beauty in such crystal clear terms. Without the monasteries, there would be no reason to lead stairs up the rocks. Without the rocks, the monasteries would be indistinguishable from thousands of others scattered around the world. Without monasteries the scale of the rocks would be lost. And so on, and fractally into the depths of philosophy.

With my photo, and your replies, we can contemplate together. And maybe, despite the terrible puns, I'll still feel like Lemmy is somewhere I belong.

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With added firmware/drivers for better hardware compatibility

Working from home also had, from my observation, a massive and materially beneficial impact on females specifically working mothers, who bare a disproportionate share of domestic work.


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Wow. The NYT will just publish an opinion piece for anything. I learned nothing from reading this

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  1. that sounds like a fire hazard
  2. flu season was probably a nightmare
  3. fuck that
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It was 5 years and 8 months between the release of Oblivion and Skyrim. Oblivion was released on March 20, 2006, and Skyrim was released on November 11, 2011.

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I didn't know your situation but you deserve to be treated with dignity and respect at your job. It sounds like the environment isn't great? You're throwing stuff at coworkers and they're slapping you back? Your customers can't be very happy to see that behavior.

To answer your question, that's never happened at a job I've worked at and I wouldn't tolerate it.


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The software pictured are:

  1. graphene os
  2. new pipe
  3. Signal
  4. MPV
  5. libre wolf
  6. KeepassXC
  7. Aurora Store
  8. fdroid
  9. Free Tube
  10. tux
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Third impact happened 1000009818

This is a really useful writeup because it outlines a simpler installation. It seems like most people post when they have a very special or unique situation.

That's it, bois. I've made it big. Can't wait to see this meme


Tesla in Q2

I saw a Canadian Goose exhibit at the Prague zoo and almost died laughing.

For your use case, maybe consider Asahi Linux for your Mac and a minimized windows for your desktop for gaming?

Of course. Standard banana pictured.


Slovenia had such great vibes. Drove through most of it and it was like I was driving through a movie set of what rural Europe should look like. Ljubljana was gorgeous.

A lot of Airbus's landing gear has the unique "feature" of being gravity-lowered. So they work without hydraulics.

He was the best guy. Just say there for a good 3 minutes which was enough time to switch to a telephoto and snap this picture. He even pissed* in a few different angles! Just wish the sun was in my favor

*Edit: this was supposed to be "posed" and I'm keeping it for comedic effect

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That's so metal. Wildlife in Alaska is on a whole different level. Photographer's dream up there.

I'd understand that if it was something painted. But it was unpainted marble statues. Also no cell phones or video?

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It's been awhile since I've seen a Stefon sketch. Thanks for the good memories

To OP's point, this guy DOES sound pretentious in a very writerly way. However, I felt just like him on my first cruise not too long ago. I reluctantly went with my girlfriend so I didn't have to "make friends"... but the excess, the hard-working and undervalued employees, and the crowds were just as poignant obvious. The food was fine but not special, a point of disappointment after hearing so much about how great cruise food was. This was very late in the pandemic but the ship was all the way full and the price could have bought us a nicer trip by way of premium economy airline and 4-star hotel. I was one of maybe two or three people i ever saw wearing a mask. Still got covid. My hope is that I never have to go on another cruise.

I didn't realize I set myself up for this. What a privilege.

I didn't mean to paint it in a negative light. It was just a snapshot of the street vibes on Crete.


I hadn't thought of this in yeeears. I think I still have it memorized.

It's not my job to educate you

Here it is in 4k 16:9

Post on Wallpapers Lemmy

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I'm a rebel


That's a great idea! I need to look up cross posting rules

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