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Joined 2 weeks ago

Oh man that took me back I haven't seen it in years

Yeah it looks just like that but with cars


Ok but you see, that was part of the plan all along!

"white-nose, apple-jack, stone-wall, chain-lightning, rail-road, hail storminsling-talabogus, switchel-flip, gum-ticklers, phlem-cutters, joleps, skate-iron, cast-steel, cock-tail..."

Deadass was about to come in here talking about switchel, that shit is bomb AF. #switchelyfe

Ok but what if.... We just got rid of sports.

4 more...

You can just beat the crap out of everything with the wrench and the only consequence for death is... Moving 40 ft to a vitachamber. Bioshock is a great game but yeah you should just try to finish it, it's great.