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Joined 1 years ago

Probably not so much COVID and instead trying to coordinate 27 different outsourced studios. Why not just make it mostly inhouse like before??? If we're talking scale issues; why introduce these by aiming for deluge of samey procedurally generated worlds instead of the one quality handmade world you're already known for?

I feel like it's diff when it's literally a dry part of the food item meant to be grabbed like that and most ppl would still use napkins and shit.

This feels like a self report on having really bad reading speed than like an actual criticism of subtitles

My thoughts exactly. Whatever issues were in Morrowind, Oblivion, New Vegas, Skyrim etc there was still a uniquely engaging game there.

I've been poking around and their lead concept artist died before he got to work on Fo4, and the two main writer producer guys Emil & Pete(?) have basically admitted on game dev talks that they're no longer trying to tell a coherent story or create a world anymore, just keep a player playing. Maybe this is why?

I'm south american so converted I could live like a king and never work again for the rest of my life. Uh, or start financing a way out haha

Can u remind.me what were waiting on

The boys

Doesn't ir already do this on nightly??

1 more...

I haven't intentionally been to reddit since June 10 or so, but some of my searches take me there. Been trying to use Discord as much as possible for those same questions but i do hit deadends sometimes that only those years old reddit posts can fix.

.world should defederate so the replacement communities here get a chance to grow out of beehaws shadow. Anyone who wants to keep browsing those particular communities can use their beehaw account, and you should be multiboxing lemmy anyways

I dont think beehaw will refederate even if better mod tools are added or they decide to get a few more mods. The divide here seems ideological and at a intended user level than a real result of growing pains.