
0 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Oh, indeed.

Are they also paying $57 for a service egg?

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Not enough people apparently.

I couldn't ever see anything but egg! Fee didn't occur to me.

Honestly asking, what do you mean by this? Are you suggesting that the current US government is fascistic? If so, I'd challenge you to offer some examples.

"Fava beans are also extremely easy to grow"

They also pair nicely with liver and a nice chianti.

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It's clearly a bicep.

Reviewers aren't (or really shouldn't be) beholden to companies, the whole point of a review is to give an opinion on a product, and the less input into that the company has the happier I will be. At the same time, some reviewers do hold a lot of sway, and can strongly influence people's opinions with their reviews, so there might be an argument that a negative review can impact sales. However, so what? If the reviewer is bringing up their concerns or issues with a product, that is the whole point of what they do, and their viewers will want to hear about those things (working on the assumption that people will tend to watch reviewers they think align with their own views), and would be pretty upset if they weren't warned about the downsides prior to purchasing.

None, he's a faux pa.

"Keep that hair short"

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There are 2 kinds of people in the world.

  1. Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.


Have you?

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These go to 11.

It's OK, I don't answer calls from you either.

Not seen in the wild, but saw a screenshot of someone who'd named theirs Hide Yo Kids Hide Yo WiFi.

He mentioned three years of support in the video, but not sure if that's to fully end of support or just system updates.

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Or indeed, now a holey colon.

I think people are more defending others who may look like him, but haven't committed heinous crimes.

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Dim and Dimmer


Hei hei‽

Also no lawyer, but my understanding is that it doesn't. The appeals court hasn't ruled that presidential immunity wouldn't be a valid defence, but rather that Trump should have brought it up earlier if he wanted to use it.

Pot, kettle.


I can see the argument. He's a terrible person for the things he's done, not for the way he looks, let's focus on his actions instead of vilifying anyone who might look similar but not have done those things.

Three videos totaling under 15 minutes, most of which seem to just be short clips of him stammering. I'll acknowledge that there were some gaffes in there, but they seem to be generally slips of the tongue. Compare that to the absolute word salad of nonsense that Trump comes out with over the course of a single speech, and I really don't think there's any argument whatsoever to be made that the two are in any way similar, let alone Biden being less coherent.

Do you think any of those things you suggested are more likely than the cause of death being the knee in his back?

Just because you are a character doesn't mean you have character.

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Several games I'd have recommended have already been said, so I'll chuck in a nod for Thomas Was Alone, incredibly moving despite the only 'characters' being a range of shapes.

Small orange mushroom, people are saying.

Leeds Leeds Leeds!

I saw an opportunity for a Pulp Fiction quote and I took it. It did require a slight misreading of your comment, granted.

I've seen it suggested that he might call an election sooner than later, to avoid the possibility of this failing (more so than it already has), but there have also been several other times when it's seemed like there might be an election and nothing happened. Seems like Sunak is just waiting/hoping for something he can tout as a win and try to go into an election on the back of it, presumably in an attempt to minimise the losses. The budget certainly didn't do it for them, and I can't see this broadly unpopular 'win' being it either, but really what else is there that he can point to at this stage?


Oh, I’m sorry. Oh, I could put the trash into a landfill where it’s going to stay for millions of years or I could burn it up and get a nice smokey smell in here and let that smoke go into the sky where it turns into stars.

I tend to watch everything I can with subtitles these days, watching old stuff again it's amazing just how much I was missing, either through sound design issues or just zoning out momentarily. The only issue is when the subtitles get ahead of the dialogue and you end up with a bit of a spoiler, albeit only by a few seconds.

I've also discovered some absolute gems of sounds/music being subtitled, one of my favourite ever being from the TV show Taskmaster, the sound effect of [he strums balalaika tunelessly], which added so much more than just hearing him strum tunelessly did.

Transgender->Transgunder->Transgundem->Trans gunned 'em

My god, it was the transes all along! And they hid it in plain sight!

But the country's disintegrating. What's happened to America? What's happened to the American dream?

It came true. You're looking at it. Now c'mon, let's really put these jokers through some changes.

I've got it downloading now.