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Joined 11 months ago

Skill issue

Yes they are.

Here's a TED talk on YouTube from "Hide the pain Herold" a guy who was in a stock photo that became a meme:

Looks to me like they're trying to build something like office 365, but open source. Mostly by wiring other open-source components together I think?

This is probably a better starting point, unfortunately the text is in German:

Here are some corrections:

  • Blockchain has nothing to do with P2P. Blockchains are federated ledgers that can't be changed later, unless the majority of federated servers decides to. P2P means that two devices communicate without a server in the middle. Maybe you meant federated?

  • Blockchains can absolutely be hacked. You can gain majority control over the servers, in which case you can rewrite the blockchain as you want. Alternatively you can gain access to accounts/wallets by hacking the software that users store them in or by social-engineering people to give you their keys.

  • If proper end-to-end encryption is used, there is little security difference between server-based and P2P communication, but it's much more inconvenient: You cannot save sent messages on the server for later retrieval, so if you're trying to reach someone who's currently offline, your device has to wait until they're back before sending the message. Also if you use multiple devices, keeping them in sync is very complicated, because they have to be online at the same time.

Edit: formatting

Considering MRTs use 1.5-7 Tesla, I can't imagine microtesla will be doing anything, unless you have a piece of metal in your head. Maybe it's an ear infection or a migraine or something like that gets worse from the cup pressure. If it's a problem, ask a doctor.

It better be Greenland or I'll be disappointed

That's Japanese not Chinese.

Rookie numbers, it takes me a solid 30mins

Can someone give some context why this is so heavily downvoted? Is the content misleading, or is it just that people misread the title as anti-vegan?

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I don't think money is the real issue here. It's already budgeted for the military anyways - if it's used to help other countries that's a good thing in my book. Well unless it's "helping" by funding the bombing of civilians, but what do I know.

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Also, Bild is not exactly known for quality journalism in Germany.

player_hand and dealer_hand are only [DECK_SIZE/2] in length, but in initialize_decks you write zeros into them unti [DECK_SIZE -1]. Since the arrays are located next to each other in memory you end up overwriting the deck array.

The probability of getting a finite number is pretty much zero.

For any range [0; n], where n is finite, there are always infinitely many numbers larger than n, so the probability of getting a number in said range is n/(n+infinity). I feel very confident in saying that something with that probability will never happen.

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They sell ad spots based on their data about you - IMHO that's very different from outright selling your data.

Yes, because infrastructure, subsidies, education and social spending still need to happen and not paying your taxes will erode those things long before they stop a genocide. If you don't care about getting in trouble with your government, there are more effective things that can be done.

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If it's a well-known artist, looking them up on Wikipedia is a good way to get an idea what genre they make. A website that does this for all songs individually would probably be AI-powered and wrong most of the time.

LLMs work by always predicting the next most likely token and LLM detection works by checking how often the next most likely token was chosen. You can tell the LLM to choose less likely tokens more often (turn up the heat parameter) but you will only get gibberish out if you do. So no, there is not.

Sounds like a CIA psyop

If you have vitamin deficiencies, fortified food can also cause you to run at 120%. In some countries (e.g. US) Noodles and flour are fortified with B-vitamins. Maybe that's what you're experiencing? It happened to me a few times.