alcoholicorn [comrade/them, doe/deer]

@alcoholicorn [comrade/them, doe/deer]
0 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

The manager is an agent of the company, the default assumption is that they have the company's interests ahead of the workers.

Individually, your experience may vary.

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they only see the AIs as content thieves.

AI is a method of content theft, it takes other people's work and pieces it together in a way that resembles other works, without any actual coherency.

I don't like that it churns out slop that displaces actual content.

I also don't like the way it's sped up enshitification of google and news sites. I didn't think it could get worse than pages of listicles written by disinterested journalists paid fuckall to churn out 10 a day, but now you have chatGPT churning out 100 completely useless articles a day.

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Why are you trying to make them defend Khrushchev? It's hard to find someone who agrees with anything else the guy did, but sending in the tanks to put down an uprising co-opted by nazis is pretty unambiguously good, though history tells us he didn't do enough to purge the Hungarian right.

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It's not theft, because it doesn't deprive the original owner of anything.

But if it did, theft from billionaire hollywood studio owners is cool and good.

You're not paying the wages of the hollywood workers, you're just increasing the funds the studios have to break the worker's strikes and further depress their conditions.

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But you can watch those movies and shows for free. The only part you're paying for are the ads.

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It does have a utility though, buying drugs, moving money past capital controls, and creating fake revenue/losses for laundering money and tax evasion.

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You think people renting out their property is immoral?

Correct. All wealth is the product of labor, therefore rent and profit are theft, and workers taking back a bit of the wealth stolen from them is good.

The idea that something that affects society can be nonpolitical is just your bias towards the status quo.

Everything was always political, and the status quo has always depended on hordes of lumpen trained to identify with their own oppressors over their own interests.

Before there were networks of right-wing radio and websites distributing right-wing talking points, they just used TV, newspapers, mailing lists, posters, etc. The effect was still 100 million Americans cheering when the national guard shot students protesting against the state sending their friends to die while participating in atrocities in Vietnam.

Even gardening is political; the notion that you should only plant grass and ornamental plants, mow your lawn once a week, and any deviation was a flaw was popularized and enforced by William Levitt to keep people from having too much time to read and become communists.

Similar sentiments spring up after the civil war regarding edible gardening and use of fruiting trees in urban planning, for fear that black people will live off foraging instead of working.

I'm quite aware there's some silly laws written by those same billionaire's lobbies and passed by their politicians.

Copying something is quite obviously not stealing from someone.

But again, stealing back some of the wealth the billionaires have stolen from us is morally good. If you're not stealing from them, you're stealing from your family to support your family's further deprivation.

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OK, two things he did right.

The fallout from the sinosoviet split and destalinization can't be overstated though.

I think I see the confusion, you believe in private and intellectual property.

That's one of the wildest ones, like it just bypasses the critical thinking part of their brains. "Yes, there's a town in North Korea surrounded by fake fields, which are harvested by fake farmers. They all live in fake homes and go into a fake school that that has power but don't have any windows."

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I disagree about the coherency.

Coherency requires relating symbolic meanings. AI just uses statistical analysis.

Consider if you were locked in the national library of Thailand. You don't speak Siamese, and any pictures or bilingual dictionaries were removed.

Given a thousand years, you could look at the patterns and produce text similar to what someone who writes Siamese would write, but there's still no coherency because you cannot connect the meaning behind any of the words.

That doesn't necessarily mean your outputs are useless though, someone who does read Siamese can have you generate outputs until you print out something they can infer a coherent thought from, but you're fundamentally unable to be trained to do that yourself.

If a human being takes people's work and pieces it together in a way that resembles other works without using any LLM/AI or automation tool, is the final result content theft too?

We're getting into ethics territory. IP is a social construct and we live under capitalism, our model for determining what is and isn't theft should be selected by what supports artists and consumers against capitalists.

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Consciousness has nothing to do with it, observe in this case means "affected something we can measure".

Which is a shame, because if I could create tangible loss for Ubisoft by downloading their games, I would do nothing else until they went under.

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Meanwhile, Dev of company C driving off a bridge, getting laid off after modernizing the 90s era codebase.

lol I clicked your name to see if you were doing a bit, and apparently you don't tip servers.

People who deserve money, according to Huge Anus:

[❌]Food service workers

[❌]Hollywood workers

[❌]Tech workers

[✅]Landlords, Shareholders, copyright trolls, and IP rights giants

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Hexbear is one of the oldest lemmy instances, but only recently started federating.

Are you suggesting that for the last 3+ years, someone was running a troll farm where the trolls could only talk to each other?

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This is Dronerights alt trying to be a wrecker.

Why do you keep deleting and recreating the post?

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Pointing out that your on a sock puppet known for doing wrecker shit is not doxxing.

Proscribe and prescribe.

My walmart bike's downtube failed as I was riding it up a small incline. Not even at a weld, just right in the middle.

Didn't even know that was a part that could fail.

Had to replace the tires because the treads wore through once so it probably got more use than walmart bikes are built for.

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Oh, sorry then, I must have misunderstood.

Since federation, a lot of libs who've never encountered a leftist opinion have been calling us russian or chinese bots for not supporting the latest imperialist adventures.

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1923, virtually every capitalist country in the world had just invaded the USSR 5 years ago, Japan only pulled out in 1922.

The USSR being gone only becomes shocking post WWII when they went from an agrarian nation wracked by civil war and famine, with zero tractor factories to sending 100,000 tanks into Germany 20 years later to putting a man in space 20 years after that.

What game?

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The only time the chunkiness of grafting visual clutter and UI elements from a machine that was designed with mechanical constraints and older use cases/capabilities makes sense is if users will not have time to learn the UI and already learned another UI.

Using knobs you have to turn with the mouse with a wooden background instead of volume slider+number field because that's what was on some piece of audio equipment from the 1900s just makes the software awful to use. It has no place in specialist audio software the user is expected to spend hours using.

Liberalism is defined by support of capitalism, the two terms can often be used interchangeably.

You're looking at anarchism, communism, democratic socialism if you're opposed to capitalism.

Though experience tells me a lot of the people going "fuck capitalism" just want the capitalists and politicians to be a little less greedy and give some more crumbs to the working class within the imperial core.

They've got blast chillers, that are like air fryers/convection ovens, but cold.

I always liked the Nostromo's design.

clever newspeak

If that's what you want to call it. I was just using the old-timey term to contextualize US actions in Ukraine/China/Iran/DPRK/Niger among the hundred other wars waged for the same purpose over the last couple centuries.

OwO=Dangerous levels of furry

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How would our minds not being governed by this universe imply free will?

If anything, I'd assume the you don't have free will if your actions weren't chosen from experience, but were controlled by a supernatural ghost.

This is DroneRights alt btw.

It's fundamentally impossible for everyone to have a positive ratio.

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A company tried that in 1999/2000, just before the dot com bust.

You got a $500 PC for free, but were locked into a contract with an ISP and had to spend 10 hours a week on the PC, and 1/3 of the screen was ads at all times.

We're moving in that direction, but nothing is free.

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I know right? Of course it's sold at a loss, that's why NASA is paying Boeing to do the research.

Can't have Boeing waste money on R&D, that would hurt their shareholders.

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Both sides developed jet engines. The allies didn't get them into a fighter until after the war though.