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Joined 9 months ago

Its wrong by about 0.1% tho

You mean Xcrement about it?

Cool! Now I just need a way to live 100 years per year and I'll be a billionaire in no time! And they say hard work doesn't pay off anymore...

Bet he won't respond after this lol.

I was like "GoW for only 10 bucks? What a deal!" but no lol that's awful

Get kagi. Easily 10x better than ddg or google.

I think that tells me enough to not ask you more details lol

19% recent and 52% all time. This is wild.

Genuine question. Why hasn't free market forced the prices to drop? If company X makes Y twice as cheaply, it could drop its prices like 20% and having way more customers and way higher profits. Why hasn't this ever happened?

9 more...

Oh then yes I agree lol


How often does that happen? That's kinda sad :/

But you are not their coworker. Man, this conspiracy is getting more complex by the minute!

Please do tell us more

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But then the plant would die :(

L-shaped* to jail

And the trade overview, which is a very good addition imos

A trade overview in the development screen will list all the previous transactions done by the region.

Oh frick I just lost. Thanks...

Ah yes, the pipi gambit

Wow I've been bamboozled real bad with this one...

What about online play?

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Not all of us. Source: am a 2yo infant browsing lemmy

Friendly remaining that absence of kids (if you don't want them of course) counts as breaking the cycle.

Kill them and eat them :)

This doesn't make sense. OP just provided an example of "infinite universes" that even tho they are infinite, they do not contain all possibilities. Because we can't see all universes at the same time, we cannot know if they have any constraints at all. For instance, all universes might only have me being born in some odd day for some weird reason for all we know.

Doesn't answer his question

It could, like we call the number two 10 in binary, or 1+1 or II or whatever. Numbers can have any symbol associated to it, but the abstract object they refer to is the same.

Mind elaborating?

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You might have a point with this one. In fact, there are a ton of private companies already successfully running public transport systems. I think most people (myself included) just wouldn't trust a company like Uber for this kind of job. I guess in the meantime we can be happy for (potentially) more bus routes but still weary.

Swimming does wonders for me. You can think about tons of stuff while swimming, it exercises many muscles at the same time, easy to get the hang of it and tiring if you do it enough!

Does it work?

Internationall, it's a known fact. Of course the current goverment will try to deny it but in some (many) years in a different political context they might acknowledge it... Guess we'll see.

You are looking at the wrong continent to disappear for the effect to be noticeable

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