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Joined 10 months ago

Reasonable and sane behavior of cd. Just get into the habit of always using lower case names for files and directories, that's how our forefathers did it.

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Back in the day, before streaming was a thing, there were lots of people saying that they'd gladly pay for content if it was served to them in a convenient way. But why would you pay for a worse experience (at that time physical media, often at lower quality, and lower availability) when you can get a better one for free?

Along came streaming. Lo and behold, piracy decreased. Where the fuck do you even go to pirate music anymore? All the big sites have shut down. Video piracy is kinda still going strong, probably mostly due to bullshit concerning exclusives, but it's way less than it used to be.

Its their platform, they can do whatever they want with it I guess, but this trend is definitely gonna be a big boost to piracy.

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Anything happens anywhere in the world.

The US: "Oh, this is about me!"

This is what happens when you think you have a story, but it turns out you don't. Image editing apps exist and are getting easier to use, big whoop?

I for sure thought this was gonna be about "AI cameras". Seems all phones nowadays have some kind of software to make the camera seem less shitty, but nope, it's about people making a choice to edit their photos.

I thought France only allowed violent protests to begin with. :)

I generally don't understand why people go for the smaller ones at all. I guess it's good that someone does to prevent the whole scene being dominated by a single distro, but with some exceptions (e.g. you hate systemd for some reason and really want systemd-less arch, or you have a super niche preferences). For 99% of distros it makes very little difference which one you use, except that you'll have fewer resources at your disposal (fewer packages, fewer stack overflow threads, fewer everything).

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Doesn't Germany have the strongest anti-racism laws in the world since the end of Nazi Germany? And also the country accepting the most immigrants during the refugee crisis (and among the top counting per capita I think)?

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If a directory has multiple words in it I usually do kebab case: i-like-mine-in-a-way-i-can-read-them-properly. Both easier to read and type than pascal case.

For more complex filenames I use a combination of kebab-case and snake_case, where the underscore separates portions of the file name and kebab-case the parts of those portions. E.g. movie-title_release-date-or-year_technical-specifications.mp4

Gradle is fantastic, but there is this mantra you have to chant while tinkering with it:

I hate Gradle, I hate Gradle, I hate Gradle, I hate Gradle, I hate Gradle

But once you get it to do whatever you want it's way more powerful than Maven, since it's actual code. Also you will never get me to voluntarily define my project structure in XML.

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How is it a pain? You just change the origin on your existing project, and new projects you just use the new one to start with.

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Prompt better. I use it extensively and the code I get is usually a good start. But it can't do anything.

4 000 000 a missile, 100 000x times more expensive than a military drone? what military drone costs $40?

I don't know what models are in use today, but a Bayraktar TB2 costs 4 million.

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That's gonna work splendidly since underage people would never dare to smoke!

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This is probably the first time I've seen anyone argue that paying Google is the more ethical choice. Fuck that company with all of my heart, I literally pay for both email and search just to use their services as little as possible, and will be caught dead before I start paying for YouTube.

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I think Twitter is going down, may or may not go bankrupt but I think it will lose relevance. Wonder if it will be replaced. Lots of people (myself included) kinda assume that bluesky, mastodon or some other twitter-like service will take over. But Twitter is not really necessary, so I don't think it's a given that something will take its place.

As a time sink, more multimedia-oriented platforms like Reddit/Lemmy, Instagram, Tiktok or Youtube, seem more attractive.

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the biggest selling point for me is that I'll have a mounted folder or two, a shell script for creating the container, and then if I want to move the service to a new computer I just move these files/folders and run the script. it's awesome. the initial setup is also a lot easier because all dependencies and stuff are bundled with the app.

in short, it's basically the exe-file of the server world

runs everything as root (not many well built images with proper useranagement it seems)

that's true I guess, but for the most part shit's stuck inside the container anyway so how much does it really matter?

you cannot really know which stuff is in the images: you must trust who built it

you kinda can, reading a Dockerfile is pretty much like reading a very basic shell script for the most part. regardless, I do trust most creators of images I use. most of the images I have running are either created by the people who made the app, or official docker images. if I trust them enough to run their apps, why wouldn't I trust their images?

lots of mess in the system (mounts, fake networks, rules...)

that's sort of the point, isn't it? stuff is isolated

Given your background it should come to no surprise that it doesn't really matter much.

That said, I recommend Arch with some caveats, mainly with regards to the "very little effort to start using" requirement. If you know how to follow instructions, it should only be about 30-45 minutes to install it. It will on the other hand fit your other requirements of good defaults and not shipping with loads of applications. When you install an app you will get that app and nothing else, and the defaults will either be exactly what the upstream defaults would be if you built it yourself or something very close to that. You also have everything available through the AUR, and after using it for years I've yet to run into an update not going smoothly.

I think we'd all be quite shocked if Steve Jobs did that. But Apple might.

I think the DVD division finally shut down a few weeks ago. Read about it in the same breath that I learned it still existed.

Anyone know if I can get the highres image previews in foot? I think I saw something about foot supporting the kitty graphics protocol, but I can't get it to work. If I start it like normal I get low res previews, if I start it with TERM=kitty I get no previews.

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Right before the Mozilla buyout, Fakespot added a clause to their TOS giving them the right to give user data to Mozilla.

There's one possible interpretation of that, which would be my guess, that this was somehow necessary as part of the purchase. Before purchasing a company the company being purchased has to show the buyer what their assets are and give them a fair and accurate representation of what the company is. It's possible that this clause was necessary in order to enable this.

Or GDPR in the English speaking world.

I don't think most people use oh-my-zsh. It's very popular, and a lot of people use it, but I think most is a stretch.

Either way, it's just a set of plugins and configs so of course you can get it to work on any setup. Just saying that it's not inherent to zsh, and you can probably get similar behavior in most shells with a similar config.

I use SauceCode Pro (variant of SourceCode Pro with nerdfonts stuff). I've given up on changing it because everytime I do I find stuff that's "non-standard" in the fonts I test and it bugs the hell out of me. @ signs are the absolute worst offenders, which is weird because they have a very uniform look everywhere that's not a specialized "programming" monospace font.

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Not by a long shot [...]

Right, I concede. The neighboring countries did accept way more. Germany is still accepted significantly more than the vast majority of countries (though it bears mention that Germany is also quite a massive country, for example Sweden's number of refugees seem small in comparison but is fairly close in refugees per capita).

Yeah I guess you're right. Probably just seen the Source Code Pro one so many times that I stopped being annoyed with it.

Should try exposing myself to the Jetbrains Mono font until I get used to that instead, then I won't have to fiddle with that part of the IDE settings.

I'm well familiar with EEE, I've used Linux off and on for something like 20 years, back when Microsoft really was the boogeyman. I don't think VS code qualifies for this category since it was originally (ish, has roots in Atom I think) open source and Microsoft. It was never embraced/extended, and extinguishing their own product makes no sense. (btw I don't even use VS Code, shit vim plugins in my experience, jetbrains all the way)

WSL IMO is a concession on Microsoft's part, because most dev tools nowadays are being made primarily with Linux in mind. It's what makes Windows at all usable as a development platform in many situations. And pretty much nothing developed specifically for WSL. All WSL has on a normal Linux distro is integration with the host system AFAIK.

Yes, but at the end there should be a single all lowercase "i love gradle"

That's a promising idea, apparently my $TERM is not foot but xterm-256color by default. However starting with TERM=foot br or TERM=foot broot doesn't seem to enable high res previews. :(

I'm on arch, which I consider one of the larger distros, where most such configuration is very simple. Not sure what rolling mesa is. I probably wouldn't recommend Ubuntu to anyone who is against using Snap, but there are many distros to choose from if you want KDE as well? It's more a question of why people would go for Hannah Montana Linux (figuratively speaking, some very niche distro).

But to respond to your core point, sure. If you do have a lot of customization needs for whatever reason, then by all means. (I still don't get it)

I get the same all the time. OP reminded me to check today and Jetbrains toolbox had cached a lot of downloads that took up 42 GB in total. yarn folder with 2.3 GB. bazel folder with 15 GB (apparently used for building Anki),7 GB paru clones.

All in all it added up to 82 GB.

It's fairly new I think. I ran into it first time a week or two ago when going into a test account I haven't used for a while.

Shame really, having at least two users is very useful when building bots. Testing user-specific interactions and such.

News isn't that he died, it's that he did so 100 years ago.

I remember having that when I used OhMyZsh, but after going back to a more bespoke config it doesn't work anymore. Also tried using zsh as a different user to ignore my own configs, that doesn't work either.

tldr, it's not default zsh behavior.

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Why not?

I hate Windows and dislike a lot of Microsoft products, but I think we're way past Microsoft being the bad guy. They kinda like Linux now, and probably do more good than bad for it. There are much worse companies in tech, I think Microsoft's worst crimes as of late is creating Teams and being boring.

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IMO Discord is the best platform for this right now, which is unfortunate. The little I've tried Matrix has not been very impressive (single chatrooms, slow, bad self-hosting experience IMO), IRC is a bit better (though very dated in many regards, esp. user management) but still doesn't have the categories/channels that make discord nice. And most other chats are proprietary with discord just being the best one.

Which one would you like them to use?

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