3 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Google killing a product? No way

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I'll start by saying I haven't played this, I just watched reviews online. But I see everybody agreeing in that the exploration is not actual exploration but a lot of clicking menus. And when someone complains about it, there's always a bunch of people defending it because "it's a bethesda game" or "the game is what it is and not what you expected it to be". I don't get this.

The game was overhyped, and the specific part about space exploration is (so far) a lie. Period.

that's a great analogy

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That company is too damn big, it's been scary for some time now

The potential problem is not us making a dent on Threads, I couldn't care less if people want to use it. The potential problem is that they do the EEE (link1, link2) on the Fediverse. It's not us trying to steal users from them, or preventing people from joining them, it's about preventing them from becoming the standard way for people to access the Fediverse, thus giving them control over the protocol's direction and giving them the possibility to, once they are the de facto standard, defederate and kill the rest of small communities.

That, and personally, I wouldn't like Meta meddling with the protocol, simply because there is no beneficial outcome for them other than gaining control of it, which would be horrible.

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strangely wholesome, what's the catch?

loading-screen-lover gamer, this is definitely a first.

Give me RDR2 seamless experience every day of the week

All the time. I wouldn't want a phone without it

I wouldn't want to use an instance that shows me Meta content, even if that's where the majority of content is, and I don't think I'm alone in that.

I am here because I value quality over quantity.

honest question, what's this "two-spirit" term? I can't find a straight forward explanation on the web

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so if I don't like the game I should just avoid commenting because it isn't positive? I prefer to see everyone's take thanks

That was my first thought too, until I found this:

Embrace, Extend, Extinguish.

Blog post explainer

Wikipedia page

I really hope protesting social media/websites owner's BS becomes a regular practice

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Hey I found one in the wild, neat!

Religiously motivated people rising in the ranks of the world's most powerful country is scary af

two things:

have you considered that if this happens, once the fediverse's exposure grows it will be thanks to Meta's entrance, then the people that join the fediverse will do so by Meta's means (in this case, Threads. But they can make some more after)? Making them the standard way to access the protocol, gradually making other communities less and less relevant.

It makes the fediverse more interesting for people like me who can “live” here and access the content I want.

I'm not trying to be rude by any means, but honestly, if the content you enjoy is on their platforms, just go there and enjoy it. You can be both there and here.

Imma be honest here, I want exactly 0 celebrities. I mean, you could be LeBron James right now and I don't really care, but celebrities for the sake of celebrities I don't like, that's just Twitter, the same simping and controversy as always.

As for the normies, I get your point

You hadn't selected a reason, so they knew it was a mistake. They are looking out for you mate, you should thank them

I sadly don't share the opinion that there's room for both

Ah got ya, I imagined there was a joke I there but it flew over my head lol. Good one though

if I may ask, I see you say that the loading screens are fast for you so the way to travel is not bad in your opinion. Would you say you are OK with the exploration being menu based? (which seems to be the biggest complain so far)

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I totally get your point and agree that this is still the niche inside the niche, and growth would be good, I just don't joining Meta is a good growing strategy

I don't want Instagram content here! If I wanted Instagram-TikTok-type content I'd be there not here. I hope that crap stays away.

And yes, it's Meta lol

They don’t need to come here and try and take users

Exactly, they don't need to, yet they plan to. What do you think their goal is?

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Nothing is, other than the users themselves by not federating with them.

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that is totally understandable. But, my point here would be, how are you profitable to Meta if you are keeping your privacy? That makes no sense to them, for them you are only as valuable as the data they can extract from you and the ads they can show you. So I do believe their end goal is to take your privacy away

specifically to the loading screens point, I guess it's about expectations. Since this is such a huge game advertised as exploration-based people might find too many loading screens immersion-breaking.

I know I'm spoiled about this since Red Dead 2

good idea, now since you are gonna be an influencer, Im gonna need to ask for your bath water

So, at risk of being reductive: it’s like non-binary, but in the way some North American indigenous cultures see it

That's what a Nazi would say after 1945

you really a pro, I'm looking for other jobs precisely because of 1 and 2, even though the rest are all great at my current job

He's saving the internet, what a guy

Ok now I can really spend my fee time here

Thanks for the insight!

The pianos are right there my guy

A free, open-source, privacy-conscious, human-moderated platform with great usability and easily accessible sounds beautiful. Also, sounds decades away and probably utopic, given the amount of time and resources needed to make all that possible. And when you start focusing on just getting funding to keep growing, well, you end up being Meta.

I really really hope I'm proven wrong as soon as possible

Honest question: What makes you think Meta will be putting that content there for you if they can't profit from you?

It's a game. "Numbers go up yay!"

That's the word, thanks