alex [they, il]

@alex [they, il]
33 Post – 109 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I don't know about the author, but I'm on Linux and Android and the apps I see on Notion Calendar are for Windows and Mac for desktop and for iOS on phone.

I've tried the web client a bit when it came out but it just didn't really click for me (as in, I didn't see how it would be better than any email client that has an integrated calendar). Also, calendar web clients just don't answer the issue, in my opinion. And regular Notion is slow and clunky in my experience, so I haven't given them the benefit of the doubt on the Calendar part of their tooling. :)

It's not supposed to be. It doesn't jam endless recommendations in your feed once you've gotten at the end of the new, fresh content. I feel like it's a feature, not a bug, to have platforms that don't optimise for time spent on them, because they don't need our attention to show us ads.

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Being emotionally detached from really stupid leadership decisions is harder than it seems

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try to cure your burnout by waking up and starting work at 6am and passing out at 2am every single day for the rest of your life

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"cool"... let's not take it too far. let's keep it at "slightly less awful than musk"

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You can translate selected text!

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Oh, it's not video games and heavy metal anymore?

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"les mers" lol

people really hate when developers are paid for their work huh

Once again it's that "worst person you know just made a great point" headline

To be fair most Germans know where America is.

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Many people choose get baptized later in life, usually after conversion.

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Can make smart and educated jokes. Will laugh at fart jokes.

"Sarah - you probably knew her as Brett? - is doing well!"

That's the most colours of toilet paper we found, yes.

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Super excited to see it available on Fdroid!

EDIT: looking forward*, not excited. sorry

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It puts a target on our backs if there is an obligation or peer pressure to come out on that day, which I don't think is the case.

Ah yes, money laundering, I know that one

This rat is absolutely adorable. My condolences.

I really am terrified of this, and actually that's the main reason why I never had a pet.

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I love my Fairphone, but this is still a clickbait title.

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Thank you for this super sweet message. It makes my day better, and I hope many other people too!

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It's not controversial if everyone agrees that it's terrible!

We need media dedicated to positive trans news. Happiness! Uplifting each other! Allowing ourselves to forget for one minute that there is bad stuff out there!

This makes me think of last year's update by Matrix saying that they are used by multinational corporations all over the place, but they themselves aren't even sure they can afford to work on their own product anymore, financially, because these Megacorps don't give them a cent.

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I think this is fine - people I've seen who objected to this kind of project were more about their account being indexed. Projects like respective size of instances were always fine

Obsidian for my journaling and note-taking needs, The Storygraph for tracking my reading.

that's also what I like in beehaw and the thought I have about the last few weeks. I hope things settle down soon.

Yeah, almost mentioned them but they wouldn't be covered by the Pope's decisions, but you're right - and I assume in some catholic communities they might have similar practices even though that's a minority case.

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Given how much money Google Maps makes with its rate limitations, I can see why other companies want to launch their thing, unfortunately. OSM will remain the ethical option.

Mostly communities for French content, as well as !

I also try to get into the habit of sharing my reads on the more appropriate community, and by default !

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Fellow French - wait until you realize their unions only apply to one company and not a whole industry so they can't actually do anything on a large scale. This broke me.

Love this!!

re: the first one

Kind and nice are not the same thing. Kind means you're assuming good intent and you're trying to benefit the other person - maybe by educating them or changing their mind. You're not just yelling at them.

re: the third

I'd argue that shitposting is very much necessary because it makes me happy, but that's a stretch haha

aw yay I made this page!

Someone on posted this as a comment, for users of instances that block it:

wikipedia itself is more than fine, they just spend a ton of money on other projects thats what the donation drives are mostly funding (most of which suck tbh). Another org that does just fine funding itself through donation is the Organization for Transformative Works (i.e

(if someone could repost this that's not on an instance blocked by sopuli that would be much appreciated)


I have an account on because I like their vibe and moderation policy, an account on for the occasional community creation (! promo time) and my main account on which is in my country and language.

So my main choice is regional, and then it's based on moderation policies & community creation permissions, etc., while on generalist instances. I'm thinking of swapping for a smaller, better moderated generalist instance that still allows community creation.

Thanks for this really sweet post. Have a wonderful day!

The more people build instances and the more people create communities outside of, the more resilient all this will be. Lemmy is the kind of place where you can fix your issues by building alternatives.

Hosting an instance has some cost and technical difficulties, so I don't go around recommending that, but creating an account on a mid-sized instance and creating communities there for what you like to talk about is in everyone's power.

I've mostly left social media and replaced it with RSS feeds of a couple of news outlets that I trust for good AND non-depressing news coverage (can't really recommend them as they are in French; in English I just have a couple of "extra sources" for LGBT & sports topics).

It's been wonderful to finish the list and not have anything left to read. No more doomscrolling! It's great!

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