1 Post – 80 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

As a silver lining maybe it's best people don't associate him with what the site has become. He was a piece of its history, but he wasn't trying to found what Reddit has become

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You could probably just skip the whole anxiety issue by buying a portable battery and using that whenever you're low. If your phone is fully charged at the start of the day and you burn through the whole battery and a mid range portable battery you're using your phone quite excessively and may need to figure something more reliable out.

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It's more of a "are good games with microtransactions good regardless of MTX or in spite of them?"

You can totally have a good game with MTX, but I think it always lowers the quality in some way, and they're only good in spite. I don't think OP is suggesting that no MTX guarantees a good game, but that a game should stand on its own merits and sell its whole experience instead of chopping itself up piecemeal

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It's more the tone, it's respectable to say "it's a bit outdated, but I'm not quite done using this phone yet, so I'm trying to explore other options for YouTube without a full upgrade", a little less to say "... For a fuckin app bro, christ".

The other person did have a pretty flat tone that you could interpret as blunt and uncaring, so as the internet tone police, I say everybody is going to jail here!

In my experience, I don't believe you'll be able to "train" the cats that way. They'll be more cautious to keep an eye out for your dog, but if your dog is not around they're not gonna want to miss a hunting opportunity. I could be wrong, but that's the way my cats behave at home. Being trained not to do something is really just a "be more careful of when I should do this" to them

Chrono Trigger, of course. Some legendary tracks in there that transcend their limitations. The Deadbolt OST, Katana ZERO's OST. Nier Automata, Street Fighter V.

Oblivion and Skyrim as well. Really there are too many excellent game soundtracks to possibly list in a comment

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Mocking someone because they don't understand a reference. Very Reddit of you

Same sort of idea if you went to a small culture in a third world country who isn't used to eating any fast food, and gave them McDonald's. They'd be diarrheaing all over the place because they're not used to it.

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You need to get the fuck out of there, there's more to life than being suffocated by your parents. Don't let them have the last laugh, the biggest fuck you you can give them is to escape their obvious need for control.

I can't pretend like that's easy or that I would know how, but you've got to explore everything you can possibly do to be removed from that situation. By your description it sounds like they're doing things that are likely legally abusive. If you can get out of there just imagine how much better your life can be out from under their thumb.

Nothing about Lemmy would suggest people would like Epic anymore than any other place on the internet. Their exclusivity deals have the potential to upset anybody regardless of what website they post on, so while there's absolutely a degree of hivemind hatred, it's rooted in understandable reasons.

That being said, it's disingenuous of that person to imply that Epic never gives any good reasons to use the platform, the biggest being the waves of free games they put on "sale" from time to time, though you could go down another rabbit hole of whether thats really something that would make gamers want to use the platform, or if it's just a nice bonus people pop in to claim while still spending their money on Steam when it comes to actual purchases.

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I don't think there are technically dupes. You could have multiple communities across different instances all called "gaming". But that wouldn't mean they all share the same rules and posting formats, etc.

They'd basically be like different subreddits. So you could potentially create a multireddit, but not truly merging "duplicate" communities.

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Without more context, it seems as if your actual management is decent and understanding. I'd try and have an earnest conversation with the one you trust the most, and speak frankly about appreciating her work ethic, but that she can come off controlling and too particular to enjoy working with.

At the end of the day, if she's the same rank as you her seniority does not magically make her a manager or make her advice solicited. It's not her job to set the standards of how anybody should do anything, so you are not obligated to obey or listen to her do it. As a manager I would agree with that justification and I'd try to get her to take it down a notch.

It could cause her to resent you, though, if you're the one she's chosen to let all that controlling energy out on, but it's just up to what you wanna do about it, in the end a pizza job is not an amazing, highly coveted and high paying position, if your management doesn't help you handle it, or if getting them involved makes her worse and they don't believe or help you, that's just a sign they're not that great themselves.

You the man now, dog

I always figured he would plant one in a real store, take a picture, and then the rest were for people to actually buy.

Complaining is pointless. Unless the mods make a new community about reddit discussion and a separate one for news, with both heavily moderated to focus the content, then you won't get only what you want to see.

Like everybody else said, it's a community about Reddit, not Reddit news, anything about Reddit goes, even if it's sentimental bitching

I'm probably an idiot for clicking a random tinyurl link someone posted, but it didn't work for me in either the image preview or opening the link (on an Android phone)

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Knee jerk reactions are easy, all you need is emotion and a single impetus. Nuance is more complicated and can be difficult to fully express. Most people don't try to make things more complicated than they need to be and don't put thought into everything they say or post.

I'd also recommend REAPER, a full DAW just like Ableton, but the full feature set is free instead of a lite version, but Ableton's a good one, too. I think OP would be harder pressed to find a program that specifically does that compared to just using a DAW that can easily do that and much more.

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It's a little sad that it's become the catchphrase of this whole situation. Of course Reddit wants you to just hate that one guy, he's the fall guy. I would hope people don't expect the company to do any different without him, they've proven time and time again that they've got one direction to go in regardless of who's running it.

It's just impossible to get people to say "fuck reddit" en masse because of the separation between Reddit the website we all upkept and created the content of, and Reddit the company making all of these decisions

This time we won't forget the blackjack, or the hookers.

For me, Fallout 3's setting and atmosphere is more interesting to me. Plus nostalgia plays a much heavier aspect since it was my first Bethesda Fallout and the premise and mechanics of the world were more novel.

Gameplay wise 4 blows both of the others out of the water for me due to the addicting loop of collecting salvage and modifying equipment, along with the shooting finally becoming enjoyable in its own right.

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Vanquish, best "cover" shooter that I've ever played, really wish it'd get a Switch port and that Platinum would revisit it.

Sliding around on jets, going into slo mo to hit weak points, vaulting cover and initiating slomo, it's all so fucking fun and visceral.

I think the apple looks so evenly lit it seems unreal, but a bird holding a piece of fruit is such an easy situation to create I feel like it'd be harder to Photoshop that than it would be to just give a bird a piece of fruit for real.

Traditional game ownership already ended once after the popularization of digital downloads, but you're right, it could end all over again in an even more dire way if cloud gaming gets popularized as well.

Playing Heroes of the Storm vs AI, the Hitman WoA trilogy, Left 4 Dead 2, and Diablo 3 Hardcore. I can always chill on this stuff and know it'll be a good time

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Was it like that when the game was fresh and you were getting into it in the beginning, or just after youd put the hours into it, and the novelty wore off?

It's hard to outrun that kind of human interaction anywhere that there are enough users and the anonymity of usernames, I do think it's not as bad on the Fediverse still, I hope it stays that way

What's the the unhelpful hostile attitude? Is it still 1996 where it's cool to shit on people for not knowing everything about what they're doing and call them "noobs"?

Third parties do it for me. Sadly, I wish Nintendo would release official ergonomic joy cons. Instead I must buy something Chinese with questionable QC, to get something fully featured compared to the feature-neutered but high-quality Hori licensed ones.

It's a necessary "evil", if you can even call it that. Sure, you could go make your own sub or whatever where people have free reign over the stuff they post in the comments. With proper size you would realize relatively quickly what a fun idea that would be if you were responsible for it.

Been playing Melvor Idle, really great one that replicates old school runescape's Skilling experience as an idle game. I also enjoy Impossible Dungeon quite a bit as well, top down auto dungeon crawler where you earn points to upgrade and customize a party for getting as far down a dungeon as you can and competing with other players in tournaments and dailies.

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Been playing through Borderlands 3. I always loved the pretense and style of the older ones, but the shooting just never felt good enough moment to moment to stick it out. This one's finally got it and I've been enjoying my time, even though the characters and dialogue are funny at rare times, and mostly pretty terrible.

Usually a rebrand signifies a change in the direction or focus of the brand. I don't keep up with it much, so on a surface level this rebrand seems like more of a "I like it better this way" on Elon's part than a true rebrand with a point and reason.

Such a shame, I would've been more interested in this game, but the similarities to both Breath of the Wild and AC Odyssey meant the itches it scratched were already taken care of for me, and partially by the same publisher, too.

Ooh, that'd have to be Monster Hunter for me. For a while it's fun, then it becomes pain

It'd be awesome to see a multireddit type feature, definitely. I think it has an even larger use case here than on reddit since here individuals could have a way to consolidate communities.

Well, something will change, which is that Meta will be strengthening their monopoly over most major social media sites

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Wow, people do that? I feel as if beans would either soften the shell to breaking point or otherwise just tumble everywhere with their roundish shape

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I think you should try piano in a way that works better for you. Piano is not too difficult, you press a key and a tone comes out. Keyboard will let you get so many different sounds, too, and keyboard is fun to play with other instruments or alone.

Ohhh, yeah, that is a sort of unique issue. Even then each one would have different vote and boost counts as well as unique comments sections. I think with a clever enough UI you could still work it out, though.