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Joined 1 years ago

I blackholed and all sub domains in DNS since the protests started, not looked back.

Is the dumpster within line of sight? If so, zip line.

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Because you're confusing the difference between an OS, an application and a protocol.

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I'll make it spin my desktop cube, force every window to move slightly so they wobble and play Louis Theroux's lyric Jiggle Jiggle.

Why? Just because Windows uses can't.

creating an app that essentially copped their proprietary OS

The OS hasn't been 'copped'. They emulated the protocol, and your lack of understanding and confusing the two has led us to having this conversation.

It's fairly important to keep it private for US citizens, see here.

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You went with Excel files as your database??? Are you Satan?

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raises pendantic finger Ah-hem, sorry, but KDE Plasma isn't an OS. It's a desktop environment. For an OS bundled/built-around Plasma then Kubuntu or KDE Neon are both Linux distributions that would better fit that description.

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shakes head in Brexit

They're advertising alt-cigarette products, right? Probably from their parent companies alt subsidiary.

I vaguely remember in the '90s they used to have slips like that in the UK. Can't remember if it was advertising or things like "Collect 100 of these tokens, get a 20 pack for free!"

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with focus shifted towards completing the port to GTK3

Is that a typo? I would have thought most software was shifting to GTK4 now?

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This guy comes across as a bit of a nut. I don't doubt the situations he lists, but saying things like "the whole of Azure was hacked" when it specifically was that an engineer's auth cert was captured with malware to access M365 emails just screams panic merchant. Reading the posts they're all #Cloud #Armageddon #2023 #hashtag

The upside is you will age slower than the population.

Source: I watched Interstellar.

Because UNIX Epoch starts 1970, not 1975 is why I mentioned it.

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In the UK we tend not to tip if there's a service charge.

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I think people get worried about concepts like pre-crime with this.

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What's the advantage of this vs running it in a container?

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Chinese I think?

  • Left - Zuǒbiān
  • Right - zhèngquè de

Not sure if that counts, considering it's using the Latin alphabet and the language is tonal, etc.

EDIT: and Ilocano:

  • Left - kannigid

  • Right - kusto

EDIT2: and Indonesian:

  • Left - kiri
  • Right - Kanan

EDIT3: and Irish:

  • Left - chlé
  • Right - ceart

Going to stop now. I'm literally just choosing languages in google translate.

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Wait, there's a GNU Epoch as well?

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This is nothing to do with the OS.

He has a point though, you haven't refuted that.

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Very similar here. Smoking buddy at work was turning 40 and was like "If we don't quit now, we never will!" so headed to a random vape shop. Bought a vape for lke £50, was on 1.2mg nicotine strength. First day was fine. 2nd day was tough. 3rd was also tough. 4th day I realised "oh shit, never going back to smoking...I feel fine. I can work with this." So that caused me to panick but then thought ok, bought the same vape as a redundancy (so as to not have to fall back on ciagarettes).

Then, after 6 months switched to 0.6mg nicotine. 6 months after that, 0.3mg. 3 months after that 0.2mg (put my high school chemistry hat on, figured 10ml 0.3mg + 10ml 0.3mg + 10ml 0.0mg mixed up in a 30ml bottle = 0.2mg per 10ml). 1 month after that 0.1mg, 1 month after that 0.0mg - 1 month later, stopped entirely (you genuinely just start forgetting about it, it's weird).

Went from 30 cigarettes a day to no nicotine and no vape in 18 months.

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I just start every command with a space, don't see the issue.

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I've actually thought for a while now that a big software company should come out and say they support ReactOS for whatever their product is and advertise it like "Full, Oracle 23c DB support on ReactOS - but without the Microsoft tax."

Yes, that's not realistic between Oracle and MS, but it would be such a boon to ReactOS.

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What a terrible article. Just pumps Huawei without any stats.

This is kinda how I feel about Windows these days. It's interface, directory structure, shudder the registry, user specific apps (from MS Store or Winget), buttons being inserted into the menu bars on some apps, but not others, button sizes being different sizes, some parts still using the Metro interface. The whole thing either needs a re-write, or should be dropped and something new to replace it. Don't even get me started on things like the eventvwr hanging for 20 seconds after it opens, event tracer API, their in-house abandonment of powershell modules once powershell was open sourced, Windows containers being a disaster, etc.

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Think Android uses Bionic instead of glibc (where the vulnerability is being exploited).

There was a couple of books about it, it seems.

Code storage. They're keeping bugzilla.

Isn't the B-52 from the 1950s? They're still in-use too.

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Why? As the article states this actually lessens security for everyone (including iPhone users).

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I wonder, what characters are allowed? $0 would be interesting, or even the fork-bomb classic.

You dropped this '

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I mean, it is a bit close to Lemon Party :-/

When this goes ahead, and it probably will, I hope that every single app implements it in a totally different, unfriendly, unautomated, way, or even better, make it unique per person, per app. Or, even multiple methods that are only available at certain times of certain days. It'll be absolutely useless to the government if they have to wade through mud to get at the data.

Assuming you're talking about the firmware on the device and not the firmware distributed with the kernel/distro to interface with the hardware, I would identify a vendor that uploads to the Linux Vendor Firmware Service for their SSDs.

Do I just need to start cold calling companies that based on their name “might” have this software as well, and explain my case?

So, as someone who works for an MSP that specializes in a certain vendors products, it's maybe worth checking out the websites of who may be your competitors. They love to put their clients names on their websites. This should help you at least start building a list of companies to target (LinkedIn is heavily used by sales peoples these days).

I vageuly remember people kept on going on about planes falling out of the sky. "Welp, it's 1900 now, guess I need to ignore all input and nose dive."

I know a guy who just says he stacks shelves at Tesco as he cannot be bothred to explain 😂

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According to this PDF, there is a "SANETO Takanori" who works for Sony Japan it seems.

Also, "Playstation Cares" listed as a donor here.

I'm curious to see how Oracle tackles this, Rocky and Alma seem to be going after the CentOS Stream packages, Amazon has already invested in AL2022/2023 which is a Fedora clone (35, or 36 I can't remember) rather than RHEL. So it's Oracle and all their billions that I want to see which direction they go after.