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Could be someone who's genuinely trying to understand someone's viewpoint, but it reveals inconsistencies in the other person's logic, so they get irritated.

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Credit scores are a scam to sell credit cards.

You take small loans each month via a credit card that you have to pay back. This increases an imaginary number that lets you take out bigger loans in the furure.

This is all tracked by private companies that you trust with your personal data. That, or you'll not be able to take out a loan if you want to buy a house or start a business.

If you have a good credit score it means that you don't overspend or forget to pay, which you can also achieve with a regular debit card by default. This doesn't serve people, only the banks who expect that a number of people will overspend or not be able to pay their loans back.

Credit cards alone aren't the problem. Forcing them on people with the credit score system is.

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It's also ok to support neither or to say it's too complicated to pick a side.

Before buying your fitst home:

  • bring someone with more experience than you to have a look at it, maybe even a professional
  • scout out the area (on foot) during the day, evening and night
  • visit local businesses like cafés, restaurants, bakeries etc.
  • look at statistics like crime and air quality
  • have a talk with the neighbors, get a sense of the community if you can, otherwise just observe while taking walks
  • if applicable, call the home owner's representative (or whatever the equivalent is where you live), ask them about the home, neighborhood, community, expenses, plans for the future etc.
  • have a set budget of how much you want to spend on it before you move in, don't overstep that amount
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The title makes it seem like it's a wide spread thing in the industry but according to the video it's 3 frameworks.

Yeah, it's additional work but I've found that really convoluted or complex type definitions usually mean you should consider refactoring. Of course this is a bit different when it comes to developing frameworks where you might want to support a bunch of different use cases.

Maybe I'm biased because I've been using TS ever since it first came out.

I drink carbonated water almost exclusively, it's the same water, just with some carbon dioxide to make it sparkle.

It has no downsides afaik, it's a bit more acidy but not as much as sodas, and it might make you burp, but that's it.

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Where's "here"?

In some countries they'll fail you if you don't bribe, even if your driving was perfect, in others they'll just overlook small errors that aren't too dangerous.

There are places where if you bribe they'll let you pass even if you can barely drive, in others they'll call the police on you if you bring it up.

Ask around locally, you should definitely not bribe if you'd be a danger to yourself and others.

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Depends on what you already know.

Functional languages like Haskell, Clojure or Erlang have a reputation of being hard to grasp.

Rust's borrow mechanics are hard for some people at first, especially because it's very unique to the language.

Javascript can be frustrating because it also has some rare features among popular languages, and uses the same keywords for different concepts. It's not bad at all once you let go of your assumptions and dedicate the time to understand how it works under the hood.

C++ is also notorious for being hard but I haven't used it for a very long time so I can't say anything about it.

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It's 231231 where I live

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We were staying at a small hotel, we just finished lunch when we saw a middle aged couple arguing with the young receptionist.

Their problem was that the all you can eat restaurant had self service and that they ran out of one of the meals. The receptionist tried to explain that this kind of thing happens sometimes but they try their best to refill the trays.

They then asked for the owner, but the receptionist informed them that he's out of town and not available, but if they want they could write a formal complaint. Hearing this the woman shouted: "then how will we get a refund???".

Not gay, but you literally want to be in the body of a woman. Can't tell me that's not LGBT.

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I like to "annoy" people whith small "things" that are insignificant "alone" but add up over "time". Kind of like "overusing" quotation marks in "posts" and comments.

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Not a classics, but:

  • American Gods: they made unnecessary changes and introduced unnecessary filler plotlines until it felt like a drag to watch. The book already explored social issues, but the showrunners decided to dial it up to 100 and spoonfeed it to the audience at the expense of the actual plot.
  • Ready Player One: they dumbed down the whole thing about hunting keys and portals, removed tons of important worldbuilding details, made pointless changes that ruined the spirit of the books. They should have made it into a series instead of a movie.
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It's worth noting that a huge part of their manufacturing takes place outside of Germany where salaries are way lower and regulations aren't as strict.

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Thanks for adding these UIs as an alternative. Especially, it feels like a native app.

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Ready Player One. It wasn't the best book I've ever read but I enjoyed it.

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I find it to be an interesting solution looking for a problem. There could be many applications but I've yet to see one that blockchain could solve better than anything else that we already have, outside of crypto currencies.

Web3 is an interesting thought experiment but I don't see how it would work in real life. It would be extremely slow, data loss would be a daily occurrence and it would be a privacy/security nightmare.

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I read through some of your comments with lots of downvotes, I have a theory why you were heavily downvoted.

First, people use the dowvote button as a way to express that they disagree, not that they think the content is low quality or unfitting. I don't see how we can change this other than not having a downvote button at all, this seems to be like an outcome of the up/downvote system.

Also, you seem to be a person of principles. I know the reactions too well because I also think similarly. For example, I think judging someone by the color of their skin or ethnicity is wrong, and it seems like you do so as well.

You have a heavily downvoted comment under a post where some Russians faced discrimination and it wasn't clear if it was happening because they were Russians or there were some other reasons as well. You noted this, and got downvoted because people think racism is ok now because Russia (as a country) is an aggressor in a war.

People are too quick to put you in a box if you don't 100% follow their narratives and say even one thing that remind them of others who genuinely belong in that box.

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I'm from a country with free university education and we also have student loans available.

Here's something that works for us: forget about private universities, invest in federal or state owned collages so that they can compete with the private ones.

Do a scholarship program where students can get free entry into these universities if their grades are high enough in high school, or make it dependent on an entry exam. Those that don't get in have a paid option that's still partially funded by the state or federal government.

Student loans will still be useful, not for tuition but for families who can't afford to send their kids to study in the cities where the universities are located.

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I had an art teacher when I was around 12 years old who hated my guts. I wasn't the most well behaved student but the things she did was sometimes petty other times aggressive.

She once threw a water bottle at me because I had a chat with the guy next to me. She missed but the bottle damaged the wall next to me.

She told my girlfriend to stay after class because she wants to talk to her. She spent 10 minutes trying to get her to break up with me.

She never failed to tell me that I'm a good for nothing and I'll probably end up as a homeless drunk and I'll live beside the road.

She always made fun of my drawings and paintings trying to humiliate me in front of the class.

I wasn't her only target, she had one in every class.

There are many articles and videos on the subject of bot accounts, it's incredibly easy to hire companies that specialize in organic looking posts and comments meant to sway public opinion.

In the case of Reddit they don't even need them for their own platform, they can just run a script to generate all the comments.

No, I hate that. Standup comedy is so overrated, what I want to hear is your phone call!

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Using engine brakes can cause your car to not use fuel in some cases.

I've read and heard this from different sources (even driving instructors) and I don't get how it's possible. Your engine is still running, doesn't it use at least as much as it does while it's idling?

Edit: thank you all for your answers. I knew how the engine brake effect worked, my confusion was about exactly why the engine didn't consume fuel in the process. I now understand so thanks all.

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Also, a man crossdressing as a woman is the manliest thing he can do because women can only regularlydress as a woman.

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The EU introduced a limitation to how much power electric devices can consume in off or standby mode.

0.5 watt normally, 1 watt if they have a status display and 2-8 watts if they're connected to a network.

On a yearly basis this saves as much electricity as one of the member states (Romania) used in a year.

My point is that small things add up to huge numbers.

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Countries that aren't federations will also take this seriously.

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Google is going to fuck it all up

What do you mean?

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Conservatives (with a lowercase 'c', I'm not talking about Republicans) prefer a series of small incremental changes over a longer period of time while progressives believe in big leaps. Both are valid viewpoints depending on the issue, sometimes we should take things slowly but other times we needed that change yesterday.

Asking titles has been around for a long time so conservatives are ok with it. It also conforms to their existing ideas about gender and roles in society.

Asking for pronouns is a relatively new thing and the whole debate around them is a big and sudden change (at least as far as they see), and it turns everything they believed in on its head.

Of course, there are people who are just plain hateful but I think there's more nuance to it than that most of the time.

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Identity theft. Not as serious as the real life version but imagine that I make an account with your username on another instance, maybe under a domain that's very similar to yours, and start stirring up trouble. If you're someone people recognize I could hurt your reputation or scam people.

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Notable Thief Rule could be Grand Theft Auto?

Notable - grand and thief - theft make sense, I don't know what to think about rule - auto, tho.

Edit: I think it's Notable Thief Auto, not Rule, so it all comes together now.

Also, Alloy Cog Stable is Metal Gear Solid

Typescript with all strict checks turned on. You get all the good parts of JS with types, and (almost) none of the bad ones.

It's quite an expressive language with tons of quality of life features that I constantly miss from other languages.

Basic builder units. You commit genocide against an entire civilization but leave one of these fuckers alive and 20 minutes later you're facing en entire army.

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The problem is not straws but the single use, non recyclable plastic ones. They're a convenience and not a necessity. Same goes for cutlery, plates, cups, bags, wrappings etc.

There are alternatives like durable plastic ones that you can reuse, metal or paper if you want single use straws.

I dislike Mastodon for the same reason I dislike Twitter. It seems to me like it's more centered around individual people and what they share rather than building multiple communities around multiple things that interests me.

Sure, I can craft my own community, but then I have a feed where I only encounter posts from the same people, and chances are, opinions that I already agree with. It's not as easy to switch from a tv show to programming, for example. Yes, hashtags exist but they don't even come close to communities on Lemmy.

The worst part are the types of posts that only reiterate how stupid "the other side" is without seriously trying to understand their arguments. This is not only true about politics but many other topics as well.

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Mixing metal with other genres or introducing instruments or elements that you otherwise wouldn't expect in metal.

By now most of these are considered to be subgenres of metal but for me it blew my mind when I first encountered them.

Bands like Ayreon, Avantasia, Subscribe, Therion, Haggard, Nightwish, Ostura, just to name a few.

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Same. My subscription feed is a curated list of creators whose videos I look forward to and probably watch on release. If I notice that I consistently don't watch the new videos anymore I unsub.

I thought everyone used YT like this.

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I was a huge fan of the Prince of Persia Sands of Time trilogy. Just before the third game came out I replayed the previous two games again. I managed to get the secret ending of the second game. It's un understatement that it blew my mind and that the third continued from there instead of the regular ending.

Depends on what you mean by decent.

For privacy it's shit, it collects a bunch of data that's sent to MS. It also serves text ads on the lock screen, which might annoy you.

They also push their own products too much, like Bing AI and Edge, and sometimes an update can mess with the default apps, wich is annoying.

If you don't care about those things it's fine, doesn't get too much in the way of you doing what you want to do most of the time. I use it mainly because of gaming, but I can't tell you much about its performance because I have a powerful PC so everything runs just fine.

The start menu was dumbed down recently to a poor KDE clone, but I personally don't mind since I wasn't using it anyway.

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It doesn't stop at the station at all?

In my country it's common that intercity buses start and finish at bus hubs but they commonly also stop at multiple points inside the city as well.

In many countries, mine included, there's no credit score system. We recently took out a bigger loan to buy a house and what we had to provide was:

  • proof of a steady income (in our case from our employer)
  • 3 months of bank account history (to prove that we don't overspend)
  • written permission that they can request our data from the central (government operated) loan database

That's it. From these they could tell that we are safe to loan money to because we'll most likely be able to pay it back.

I don't see how a credit score system is essential when you can provide them with the necessary data only when it's needed.