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Joined 1 years ago

Coconut at least...

JellyFed(eration) would be awesome. It should use an anonymous overlay network so federation is not limited to people you trust in copyright-zealous jurisdictions.

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Decent writeup by Charles Stross:

The mode of operation of WorldCon/the Hugos seems interesting as in "May you live in interesting times"

Edit: fixed auto-co-wrecked spelling of Charles Stross

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Because collecting data that is not strictly necessary is almost always a bad move. IP addresses might be relatively harmless, but might link you to other activities.

You personally might be okay with reddit knowing your IP addresses, but some people might get into trouble.

Take the insane anti-abortion laws in some US states. If an IP address from those states accesses pro-choice subreddits, that might be enough for law enforcement to start harassing someone.

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Oh, they're putting a lot of thought into it I'm sure.

That thought being "Money, Money, Money, Profit, Profit" of course.

No actual technical solution here, but it smells slightly of XY-Problems.

From what you described it seems the main issues are

  • too many calls
  • not knowing who's calling
  • not wanting to answer the phone
  • not reaching the phone in time

Maybe you could look into solutions like setting a custom ringtone for important callers or having the phone announce caller names so your mother can decide if she wants to make the effort to get her phone.

I'm speculating a bit here but I can imagine that getting up and answering the phone is exhausting for your mother. Also if her mindset is " a ringing phone means it's important" that could make it even more stressful.

Maybe you could find a way to let her silence all calls except caregivers and ICE contacts. (On Android DND exceptions could work for that)

That way she doesn't feel pressured to answer the phone every time it rings and stays reachable.

If it's actually just the physical issue of reaching the phone in time, does she have a convenient way to carry the phone indoors like a lanyard?

Hope some of this helps you

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Depending on your level of caffeine tolerance/dependency actual coffee might be even better.

Alternatively: Decaf.


Append systemd.debug_shell to the boot command line.

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IF you already have an email domain you control.

Calling "acquiring and setting up an email domain and configuring the mail server for wildcards" "basically no extra effort" is a bit disingenuous compared to "solve a captcha for a Gmail account"

I run a 2 node k3s cluster. There are a few small advantages over docker swarm, built-in network policies to lock down my VPN/Torrent pod being the main one.

Other than that writing kubernetes yaml files is a lot more verbose than docker-compose. Helm does make it bearable, though.

Due to real-life my migration to the cluster is real slow, but the goal is to move all my services over.

It's not "better" than compose but I like it and it's nice to have worked with it.

Sounds quite similar to Markov chains which made me think of this story:

Still gets a snort out of me every time Markov chains are mentioned.

They should not be worried, they should be educated.

If you worry a new user enough they'll go back to Windows or Apple because there's less scary warnings there.

We need to make the transition as pain free as possible. Learning about the joys of kernel compilation and SELinux can come later.
The first step is "Hey, this is as usable as Windows, without stupid ads in the start menu.

That's the equivalent of leaving the door open and hanging a sign "Internet over there" pointing at a wall.

Programs don't need to respect those registry keys. If you're worried about internet access, set up a firewall.

Also, if you're worried about malware, the damage is probably done before anything connects to the internet.

The problem is that android auto is restricted to apps installed from the play store.

The F-Droid Version supports Android Auto, but it's blocked by Google.

I managed to enable it by spoofing the installer-package during installation.

For me, the navigation is near unusable. Location tends to lag behind by a few seconds when running on Android Auto. On my phone it's fine.

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Okay, you got me there. In all fairness, as instruction videos go, that one is on the tame side.

Thanks for posting the instructions here.

B stands for Billion (Parameters) IIRC

You dynamically request "a port" from the vpn gateway and it returns your port number.
As long as your nat-pmp-client keeps refreshing the port, it should stay the same. The timeout is rather low (60s afaik) so it probably wouldn't survive restarts.

There's a docker image that automates this for qbittorrent, but it shouldn't be overly complicated to adapt the script to other clients, if they can be configured via an API.

Ah, you "work" in "marketing"?

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Embedding ads into the stream would be hard to counter, but it's far away. That would invalidate caches along the way and need extra performance to reencode the stream with the ads inserted.

That's extra costs that are hopefully orders of magnitude above the lost ad revenue from ad blockers

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I'm hopeful that reencoding on the fly or even merging preencoded files into a single stream is too expensive because it needs a lot of compute power and invalidates caches .

There should be an external hard drive full of portable game installs in some drawer that fits the time period.

Should easily kill a week.

Funnily enough, wikipedia has the answer

Wow, that sounds like a decent start for an architecture.

I'm tempted to spin up a few Jellyfin instances to see how it might work...

IT changes usually affect management as well, while "cost saving" in production doesn't.

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Teenagers and a dog sound like Scooby Doo. No idea how specific the rest is.

I built a custom app to do it since I couldn't manage to fire the relevant intents from an adb shell without root.

I lifted the code from AAAD

Specifically the InstallAPK method in

Intent intent;

            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
                intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE);
                intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
            } else {
                intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
                intent.setDataAndTypeAndNormalize(Uri.fromFile(file), "application/");

            intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_NOT_UNKNOWN_SOURCE, true);
            intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_INSTALLER_PACKAGE_NAME, "");

Basically you construct an Intent ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE with data pointing to the APK file and the extras EXTRA_NOT_UNKNOWN_SOURCE=true and EXTRA_INSTALLER_PACKAGE_NAME="" which tells the installer that this APK is not sideloaded and it's the play store asking to install it.

You might still need to enable unknown sources in Android Auto developer settings (separate from phone developer settings).

If I remember, I'll try to pull the code for my app from my PC and post it.

To a certain degree, yes. If someone at Google decides to wage all-out war against ad blockers they have a good chance. But if that costs more money than it generates, odds are that someone will stop it. Google / Alphabet is publicly traded after all and that means profit above all else.

Aside from budget and time overruns it looks like they overshot the target of "futuristic" and landed in the middle of dystopian...

Is that a reference to Angleton?

Stopping AWS instances would be handy, but your idea to slag the drives is unnecessary.

Just set up full disk encryption for everything.

You die -> no key -> no data

Mullvad stopped providing port forwards, so they're not ideal for torrenting anymore. They were great before.

Yeah, inductive charging is basically a must.

Especially because it eliminates the guesswork if the watch is correctly seated to charge

You're asolutely right, IP addresses are kind of a grey area since the are needed for lot of troubleshooting and debugging.
Nevertheless, you can always strive to reduce the stored data.
For your application, you wouldn't even need to store the historic IP adresses, just a rough geo-location and maybe a mobile/landline/whatever-flag and comparing the current login attempt to that. Even saves you some performance by not repeating the geo-lookups everytime.
Implement your failed-login counter separately by account and source IP and you've got decent security without linking an account to an IP.