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Joined 1 years ago

I personally feel like I have to fight Windows more and more to have it behave like I want it to. You still spend time to configure your Linux of choice, but it doesn't feel adversary.

Never preorder. Why would you pay for a product you haven't even seen yet? It doesn't matter what, it doesn't matter who.

Never preorder.

We do a lot of launches from the equator, but to reach some orbits it's cheaper to launch elsewhere. Geopolitics also plays a role.

I was using Atom, but that died. I work with both Python and Fortran, and VSCode works for my usecase, but I'm open to suggestions.

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Just don't go to a restaurant for the first date. Go for a walk first.

Religion isn't something intrinsic about a person. If you hate the fact that you're a Muslim, you can opt out.

You cannot opt out being queer.

25 more...

Rogue was barely advertised and the concurrent release with unity was doomed. Unity was so full of bugs (and there was the whole sexual assault scandal) that Ubisoft lost a ton of goodwill before syndicate.

They fired the lead designer in the middle of Brotherhood because he didn't want to push shit games and you feel it. The only good things in Revelation is nostalgia and the bombs. After that you lost the parkour in 3 (although Rogue has some).

I'm tentatively hopeful with Mirage but I don't expect the Japan one to be any good.

I know you're joking but it's extremely useful in medical imaging techniques and for earth observation.

Dark modes often messes with colors to make stuff more readable. It's nice for most cases but can mess up colormaps.

The correlation with frequency of sexual activity might be stronger.

Where can I book a train to Europe?

In my (admittedly limited) experience, mercurial is much more intuitive than git. I really dislike that git branches are only tags on the heads and completely ephemeral. It favours creating a single clean history instead of preserving what actually happened.

It can break if you disable telemetry.

I've been using Manjaro for about 7 years at this point. I've had issues maybe 5 times, and nothing I couldn't fix.

I can't think of a large open world game I liked. Skyrim, RDR2, the new Assassin's Creeds, Biomutant, Horizon Zero Dawn, GTA5. I feel like they sacrifice the story to fill a world with so many random side quests that it seems like I'll never be able to finish it. I miss games that I could complete in less than 25 hours of playtime.

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Yeah, but the cost of low latency is thousands of satellites that burn up in the atmosphere, need to be continuously launched, are a catastrophe for optical and radio astronomy and crowd LEO, reducing available space and increasing collision risk. All for a barely scalable system.

It's not worth it. If you want low latency get a cable run or talk to a ground based antenna.

A geosynchronous satellite makes much more sense for those use cases.

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If I want to look at the world through a screen I'd stay home and watch a documentary.

The camera they use will never have the acuity, color perception and dynamic range that your eyes have. It probably doesn't work super well in dark environment and it's definitely completely useless for stargazing.

WoW, WotLK.

The scope of the world as you leave the starter area, discovering the world through quest lines, meeting people organically and playing with them for a while. I still love it, but the discovery was great.

AC Valhalla.

I played though all the other ones but that one felt so soulless and bland. I expected it to not be great but nothing this bad.

Then again I finally realized recently that I don't actually enjoy open world games (with some exceptions).

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I hope he sees this and does a segment on the whole thing!

Changing settings, changing tools. Hell, they could have made a modern one playing as Lucy or Desmond and interwoven it with Watch Dogs.

But people liked the first 3/4 games for the story and the movement. The Ezio trilogy is pretty much the same game three times! Make good stories and keep/improve on the core mechanics and they would have been successful.

Move it to am external hard drive with anything else you want to keep, then you'll have access to it on any computer no matter the OS.

Sponsors pay much more than views. So does patrons.

The true issue is discoverability in my opinion.

Inkscape and LaTeX are what I used throughout my undergrad for all documents. The quality always impresses people.

Yes but our writing isn't. When you write right handed you pull the pen, whereas left handed you push it. It changes the angle at which the pen rests on the paper and makes it so the pen scrapes along the surface and digs into it.

Most of my cheap ballpoints have stopped writing with half the ink left because of that.

Yeah at this point I've aliased 'rm' to nothing and exclusively use 'trash'.

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Alias rm to echo and install trash. Saved me many times.

I so wish I could get my hands on an electric one to replace my 2006 TDI...

Just here to plug Captain of Industry if you like factory games.

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I've never finished Witcher 3, bit I did like it. Still waiting on a good discount to try cyberpunk.

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I liked the early game, but my interest fizzled out by the time I got to the large city out west.

I'll keep that in mind! Thanks!

I'm a scientist that has been coding almost exclusively in Python for the past decade and I strongly disagree.

Python is great at being the glue that holds everything together, and everything crunchy part of the program is being handled by a library anyways.

I code with two terminals, one for iPython and one for vim. And you don't need anything else. The beauty of Python is that it's not a language that is so full of boilerplate that you need an IDE to type it for you to be remotely productive.

Overall, Python is a language made to be used by people that need to make something that just works and don't need to spend years learning programming paradigms and industry practices. Fortran and C are so unwieldy in comparison and everything more modern lacks the expansive and diverse libraries of Python.

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How does it compare to LaTeX?

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I've been running it on my work laptop for 6 years at this point and I've had no major issues I couldn't solve.

Having said that, I recently switched my gaming rig over to endeavour and it's been great.

Unless you're left handed and the ballpoint gets gummed up in paper fiber.

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Win10 for gaming and Manjaro for working.

I want to stop usibg Windows but I haven't made the move yet. I probly will when Win10 gets EOL.

That sounds great but I don't want to keep the 'rm' muscle memory in case I'm on another computer and delete something important. Having to use 'trash' instead makes you more conscious when it errors out.

Mercurial is way better.

There, I said it.