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The UN passed the resolution calling it genocide so I agree with that, I trust a democratic vote of the UN despite their inability to actually do anything compared to South Africa. I'm still going to vote Biden though because I know about project 2025 and know that we will probably get genocided in our own country if he loses. It sucks but that's how I feel.

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There was transphobia in 196? HOW?

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People on /r/medicine were saying in any other situation this would count as unethical human experimentation. But since idiots are calling the shots, Florida will be a great model of a post-vaccination society.

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Don't worry. I'm sure they don't really mean to install Trump as the president for life, make LGBTQ+ illegal, instill Christianty as the state religion, deploy the military for law enforcement, etc, etc. Hitler didn't REALLY mean he was gonna kill millions of people!

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After the SORA AI reveal today I'm starting to see that luddites have a point. I don't think we'll ever have terminator-style scenarios but the amount of damage misinformation and disinformation is doing to our society and now WILL do to our society is proof enough we need to start stepping back. I've seen the amazing benefits of AI first hand - new drugs, new treatments, more medical knowledge than ever before, gene sequencing of never before seen organisms. I've seen AI help with all those amazing beneficial things.

But I feel like the bad actors are wining, and winning very hard. Basically everything is unregulated and corporations refuse to take even a modicum of responsibility for anything. The worst thing is knowing that our octogenerian overlords don't even know how to use a phone. I don't see why i should continue to be a tech optimist when we all know that things are only going to get worse from here on out. In a post-truth society all we can really do is regress.

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"Starship Troopers" the book is blatantly fascist, Heinlein became a fascist in his later years.
"Starship Troopers" the movie IS a parody of fascism, Verhoeven literally based the Starship Trooper's symbols on Nazi iconography.
"Although some contemporary critics and audiences considered Starship Troopers to be an endorsement of fascism, Verhoeven said, "whenever you see something that you think is fascist, you should know that the filmmakers agree with your opinion."

Also Sargon is just a fascist puppet.

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This is a super hot take but if someone wants to be medicated to deal with a dying world than I'm okay with that. I think it's better than hitting the bottle tbh. Obviously companies shouldn't force pills on people but we live in a fucked up capitalist hellscape, so yeah.

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I think he was probably lying about where he got all the data used to train the model from, I'm guessing training a model on tons of copyrighted material and stolen user data won't be legal in the near future.

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There's no way either outcome in the 2024 election will resolve without at least some sort of attacks from the far-right, and I can't imagine what would happen after a Trump victory. The fate of the nation hangs by a silver thread.

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I feel like it's probably an actual phrenologist because he implies dutch white people were created by Yakub which is really down the black supremacist rabbit hole.

Edit: youtube video on the subject\_6A7IT9E

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Let me guess- if you are American you stopped hanging out with your right-wing neighbors/family? Because for some insane reason, I didn't. This is 100% what they actually believe. They really think that anything left of Trump is part of the deep state conspiracy, homeschool their kids, think that bringing back "god" in school/state will fix everything, that Trump will save the country, etc, etc. Some of them already know about project 2025 and have greeted it with thunderous applause, the rest of the right will too.
If you are not American, fuck off. You have no idea how bad the right-wingers really have become

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I really hope the real anime_titties community comes here, some of the best non-eurocentric news without focusing overmuch on one country or region.

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I'm very concerned that it could be a new strain of avian flu which has already shown up in European fox farms as well as domestic cats.

Eisenhower was brilliant to document the holocaust so thoroughly.

Listen I don't like Biden's support of Isreal right now either but to not vote for him just because of that is lunacy- allowing Trump to win will result in a genocide within our own nation. Just look at project 2025, the Trump crowd is planning it.

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I'm sure Trump has some kind of solution to this "vermin problem"! /s

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Is this all just about him having a very public affair or is there more to it? This guy is getting the Trotsky treatment over just that?

I'll never forget the Tumblr titty ban and then the fact everyone's SFW art got marked as NSFW by their very strange bot.

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Free thinker alert! Arrest these shrooms immediately!

I signed up to it from instagram to track my favorite epidemiologists and h5n1 only to discover it has no hashtag system to look up trending topics and most of my favorite epidemiologists aren't even on it. So it's worthless for even following COVID, avian flu, and probably every other news topic.

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There are honestly a lot of parallels between the war in Ukraine and WWI, Putin's actions remind me a lot of the leaders of some countries in WWI who were super wrapped up in their egos to the point of wanting a "gentleman's war", only to end up killing and traumatizing millions. Putin assumed he could just swoop in and crush the Ukrainians, much like many leaders in WWI had such nationalistic fervor that crushing other nations would be easy, instead he is now bogged down in a horrible forever war.

Of course it's not all the same because the Ukrainians are clearly the victims here, but I feel like Putin is more comparable to a WWI style leader who just makes one suicidal push after the next than the Nazis who did in fact have some victories, not to mention that the Russian army does not do well against more modern military technologies.

I remember way back on reddit after hearing the neuralink buzz, I went to /r/neuralink and asked questions about how they would prevent infections with such procedures.
The answer?
"Well its just on the outer skin and doesn't really pass the blood brain barrier so its fine", I felt so validated and was blown away by how laissez-faire they were with infections, guess that little blurb was company policy!

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That's interesting I read that it was Mycoplasma pneumoniae, not a new pathogen but a report says it's resistant to a new antibiotic.

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Republicans are always gonna disrupt any real action anyway, they are full mask-off on the Christian nationalism thing and believe they must support Isreal 100% no matter what to make jesus come back.

For the AI heads here: is this another problem caused by the "black box" style of LLM creation where they don't really know how it actually works, so they don't really know how to take out the data?

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Yup its too bad the motherfucking bibi has the reigns of Isreal and Hamas has the reigns of Gaza, it's going to be a bloodbath (well it already is) and he's gonna use it to push through his judicial coup.
Some people are saying "this is Isreal's 9/11", we all know its curtains for people's rights.

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As long as he keeps his thumb up his ass about climate than I could care less. I will vote for him again because he's not Trump, but I'm really mostly a single-issue voter at this point. We should treat climate like a war at this point and shift our economy around it.

You're totally right, everyone knows that blue has been one of the best flavors for a long time, yet most companies are scared because blue "isn't real".


I feel like the real reason would be that Reddit suits know that Reddit is stereotyped as a gooner website and don't want people to think redditors are gooners, which is very wishful thinking as everyone already knows they are some of the biggest gooners out there online.

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Actually yes its 100% on the conservative side now too. I know this because I know an insane die-hard MAGA Christian nationalist who ONLY drinks raw milk, they see pasteurization as weakening their manhoods and virility and shit.

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Yup, way too much sway in the world in general.

Yup I like to hateread /r/conservative and one of their big posts was how Tucker was praising Putin's Moscow for having less crime and homelessness than the average American city. My dudes, the criminals and homeless are dying on the front. Not to mention if you called Putin "Sleepy" or some stupid shit you would end up falling through a window.

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Yup you just gotta block them, that's the animal control of Lemmy, lol. (No offense furries)

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I think it's that the richest (and thus arguably the most powerful) person in the world is a full-blown fascist is very hard to take.

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Yeah I was a big channer many years ago I still don't understand how the fuck fascism won there. The only reason I go there now is to snoop on fascists since I know how to click around there. The only thing I can say is that it must be that most channers really were idiot loser NEETs with nothing to live for, instead of people pretending to be idiot loser NEETs with nothing to live for.

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Plot twist: the canned beef is water.

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The post seems transphobic in a "chaser" sort of way to me, not trans though.

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You're right that such weapons could be made again but imho there is no reason to, conventional weapons are more precise, accurate, controllable, and deployable. Chemical and biological weapons are both at the mercy of mother nature and can easily turn on people, like how poison gas can literally just blow back on an army as it did many times in WWI. Nerve agents and things could get into the water supply of both armies, etc.
Don't even get me started on biological weapons which can literally evolve out of control in less than a blink of an eye. There is NO REASON to keep such things around or to make them. Politicians can talk about using WMDS as bargaining chips but it's not really worth it or indeed logical to bargain with billions of lives and possibly even your own.
It's honestly very funny to me that so many people are worried about a robot revolution or skynet when we have weapons that could basically do the same thing already. They aren't intelligent, but diseases are very quick to evolve and adapt to getting as many hosts as quickly as possible, yet we are still keeping such things around for some insane reason.

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My brother compared super pro-Zionism to mCarthyism and yup here it is. Don't even need proof, just fire away at random people you dislike.