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Joined 12 months ago

Quality shitpost OP 🤌

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It’s Twitter. Just say no to X

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Good! I love it here and I think others will too :)

This vibes like a Bond villain

The offender for me is that they don’t commit to most show’s development.

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Absolutely this. Every election is becoming more of a zero sum game than the last. In the 24 election one of the candidates is very open about his fascist view and implementation if said views

This is incredibly nuanced topic with decades of history. Search for the Israel Palestine conflict and check out the YT videos from Vox they’re pretty comprehensive and mostly non partisan

*edited for dumb dumb auto correct

GOP: What?

Mostly… the advertising is disguised as top 10 articles with Amazon links. 50% journalism 40% articles 10% Reddit copied BuzzFeed “articles”

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Partially. This particular station is an O&O so they take marching orders from the Murdoch crew.

It really is fantastic here. Lot’s of cool people with interesting nuanced perspectives. What I miss are the niche subs with solid activity and conversation.

That’s the spirit :)

Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. The Overton window has most certainly shifted more to the right/conservative side no matter who is in office over the last 40 years. Not totally - but definitely noticeably.

Yes and tribalism in general too.

Hacked Vita with RetroArch is so so so much fun!!

Agreed 100%. OTOH - keeping people engaged and thinking about these gross ethics violations are good for our elections. Republicans are winning the hearts and minds of the electorate as they up the ante on terrible acts. This will hopefully not let these assholes get off the hook.

Also… I don’t know this publisher’s ethics standards or motives. Just wishful thinking

Indeed. Might not be the rhetoric from this go round, but it’s great that you’re shining a spotlight on it. One more word soup statement that was a projection imo.

For sure. The founders of Silicon Valley started the trend in the 60s. I didn’t see it cited in the article. Would have been a good addition. wiki

Wat. Though this was The Onion at first.

We share that reaction for sure.

Hellsing fan yo

Indeed. Netflix is the new FOX TV network. The shows that I loved the most on Netflix are gone and replaced with lower budget reality. Such a bummer.

They have always been packaged that way in the US. The peanut butter ones somewhat mitigate the crumb situation.

This would be the 3rd time I could buy it since it launched on PS2. Super weird feel old post of the day for me.

Very well said!

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I saw nones and thought that was a new religion I was OOTL on. It makes sense that agnostics would see a boost eventually. I wonder - why now?

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lol! Savage

Agreed :)

The article alludes to these chemicals being in fabrics. Does this include leather, not pleather, seats?

And shave your wrists!

The media is owned by billionaires and/or public traded companies. Reporting is skewed to keep the populace complacent.


That TWAB was unusually funny! Glad to hear it was a joke

This still does not preclude a republican FCC from repealing in another admin cycle.

That one time I agreed with policy in Utah. A broken clock is still right 2x a day

Smh. It was probably not smart to engage here. I really was trying to have a good faith conversation. I absolutely think that trans folks and LGBTQ+ and everyone else should absolutely be able to have every freedom and liberty to live their lives and pursue happiness without threats of any kind. Period.

True, but two ideas can be correct. As a species when we’re divided we are arguably at our worst.

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This fucking guy is going to work a bungie. I love destiny… a lot. While the game might not be everyone’s brand of tequila, I love it. Super scary times for the studio.

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