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Joined 13 months ago

It's me I'm the autistic girl

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me :(

"Don't talk to me or my son ever again" vibes

Why the fuck would there still be cops

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Not created by a guy tho x)

It's true, but also: her work is incredibly bad. Even without her real-life ideas, HP is full of shit, racism, colonialism, transphobia yes, serophobia… and it still shows in the game.

So is there really a good reason even to pirate this?

People with uterus ≠ girls

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so yeah, transphobic

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maybe, but you can’t feed a population on backyard farms. If everybody wants to eat eggs, there has to be a massive production, and it will be this kind of hell. The only logical way to prevent this is to stop treating animals as resources. We are perfectly able to feed with plants, we know how to get every necessary nutrient. Animal agriculture needs to stop, and if we’re truly leftists, we have to stand against any exploitation. How could we evolve as a society if we continue to use sentient beings as mere resources?

Are you implying that trans women aren't women?

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The simple fact that you don't know people's genetic material, maybe. Just use “cis women“ if you want to talk about cis women and avoid heavily transphobic wording. Gender isn't related to (assumed) chromosomes

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trans women are absolutely not cis men tho, and hormones develop breast, lactone levels, and make producing milk far more common, on par with cis women

Could you clarify for a sec what you actually mean by "biological women"?

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All liquids are drinkable at least once

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400? Lol. 40 years ago i still would have been bbqed

I fucking love the Autistic Doctor

Woods time

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on your way to war crimes i see

Also, which ones of these options are gender identities?

unbelievable. Are you actually saying that since trans people are a minority, they should simply be erased? On a community hosted by Blahaj?

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The first comment used "women" which is a gender identity

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The TT!

Congratulations on the gender

This is not okay. Regarding your first paragraph, this is nothing more than generalization, essentialism, and ultimately a form of thansphobia. You’re reducing people to their AGAB in order to paint a definitive behaviour to them, and it’s incredibly wrong to do. More than that, what you’re accusing a whole category of individuals of is exactly what you’re doing: essentialism, reducing actual people to characteristics supposed to be attached to the AGAB. Please don’t do this

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4th is certainly "change gender"

And I accidentally misread this as Sangria.

…what? I’m very tired.

Please NSFW this horror, it's seriously triggering

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No we do not. At all


But monster is owned by pepsico, the genocide-friendly mega Corp :( Steal monster or buy something else

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How dare you attack me like that

Ah nice, a good ol' story with a transphobie plot

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Classic Ziltoid, being omniscient and very bisexual

so, basically you have the right to tell what’s transphobic or not (you’re saying "innocent" here, that’s a judgement), but me, a trans person, have to lick any boots or be a nazi, just by asking for clarification about a wording? Yeah sure.

Woah I'd have bought it

Oh, you didn't mention you were straight. We'll, that's the heart of the problem then

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